The campaign has been ticking over and it's been the hard knocks school of Battle Brothers mercenary life for the Quarantine Brothers
121 Campaign days in and the motley band is reasonably well equipped with the gleam of chain mail and proper helmets now predominating.
Alas, it's been brutal and tough going... 22 brothers have paid the ultimate price so far.
"Split in two by The Scourge of Reusdorf" is one of my favourite lines to come out of this game so far. (he was a mean SOB bandit leader we had to take down)
Only FIVE of the original band of 12 peasants are still standing...
Alwin the Ox ... our stalwart standard bearer.
Eberold the Eager... our veteran pikeman and main war dog handler
Adelmar the Angry ... the only survivor of the original front row battle line
Roberto The Red ... our main archer (saving up to get him a proper war bow as soon as we can)
Mattis the Militiaman ... who started out as a front row "arrow catcher", but now is #2 archer.
Next, we are journeying back down south to trade in those furs for some coinage to add to the "war bow fund" ... the Undead Scourge is upon the land and the place is swarming with ancient legionaries and wiedergangers... dangerous times indeed! We should've stayed home!