CM:Battle for Normandy General Discussion

Well, it's a long way from the US over here - and it is entiely possible the German customs look very closely at what is inside that package - a freind of mine who recently ordered some wargaming terrain had his package sit there for four weeks because they thought there were grenades(!) in said package...
The download version is 55 USD, and the boxed version is also 55 USD.
But you can buy both the d/load AND the boxed together for only 10 USD more.

10 dollars is peanuts so I bought both for 65 USD and was playing the download version within an hour of taking my cart thru checkout.
Meanwhile the boxed is on its way to me..
As one of the new members, my opinion isn't scheduled to matter until the 3 month mark. I read about the ebb and flow of members and hope to be a quality member instead of a curious guy who goes away after a while.

I've never been a member of a "club" before.

Regarding this new CM:Norm, it's fun to play but a bit frustrating when I was so used to three games that told me who commanded whom and where the hell I was shooting. There is no sneak or Advance. Crawl sucks and Hunt never moves them forward.
Regarding this new CM:Norm, it's fun to play but a bit frustrating when I was so used to three games that told me who commanded whom and where the hell I was shooting. There is no sneak or Advance. Crawl sucks and Hunt never moves them forward.

It would be pretty irritating having multiple red lines originating from one unit... the reason those aren't there anymore is that a squad can engage multiple targest now, depending on how the TacAi of each individual soldier works out the threat level during a given turn.

The command issue... Yeah, I know what you mean. Already am thinking about a little UI mod that might at least help distiguish a bit better between the different C2 levels. Maybe I can work something out. Although doubleklicking an HQ at least highlights all subordinated units (including vehicles).

So, what's left? Right, "Crawl" and "Hunt"... hm. Why does "Crawl" suck? And the thing with "Hunt" is the following: It's a substitute for "Move to Contact", not the "Hunt" you're used to. The original "Hunt" command isn't there anymore.
...and Hunt never moves them forward.

It does if there's no enemy or shooting around, but the instant they experience anything suspicious they all jam on their brakes. Once my whole tank force stopped dead because a burning enemy tank exploded, so I think they're oversensitive.
Also, when they stop, they cancel their Hunt order and you have to issue it again, and the whole battle becomes a stop-go-stop-go affair if you use Hunt too much.
So although I use it a lot in CMx1, I hardly use it at all in CMBN and use 'Move' instead because they'll fire on the move with good accuracy at short/medium ranges, especially if they've got gyrostabilised guns.
At 'Fast' speed their spotting and accuracy abilities will be poorer, but they can't fail to see an enemy at close range and will almost certainly hit him when they fire on the move, so 'Fast' is a great tactic for running round the side and rear of enemy Tigers, Panthers and Stugs firing as you go, to hit them in their weakest armour.
It would be pretty irritating having multiple red lines originating from one unit... the reason those aren't there anymore is that a squad can engage multiple targest now, depending on how the TacAi of each individual soldier works out the threat level during a given turn.

I think it would be useful if armoured gun vehicles had a target line that indicated which target the main gun/armament is engaging in the replay, especially if you select it... I agree that having a gazillion red lines all over the place would not be very helpful.
I'm not sure if the same rule applies for AFVs as well, but I think that, if a vehicle has multiple weapons, those can engage multiple targets, too.
It would be nice to have, yes, but as log as you assign a "Priority target", the target lines actually are there. :thumb:
You have a target line if you assign a target to a unit and selct it during a replay -- but if a unit picks its own target, you have to guess and look around for what it's shooting at.

exactly. I appreciate their tenacity when they are firing at and killing the enemy but I would like to be clued in to what is going on.

For instance: I played a Tiger scenario with one Tiger vs a batillion Shermans. I was guessing that my Tiger commander was tired after destroying 3 tanks because he stopped firing for 4 minutes. I saw no firing lines and he wasn't suppressed. He was Crack and not scared, panicked, chicken etc. I lost that tank, of course because Shermans are gamey cheaters in CM:Norm.
You have a target line if you assign a target to a unit and selct it during a replay -- but if a unit picks its own target, you have to guess and look around for what it's shooting at.

True - but if you select said unit, the number of available targets is limited to those it can actually see. And if they're shooting at everything they can definitely see, let them! :biggrin1:

It's not a perfect system, but who thought that 1:1 wouldn't have its drawbacks? I can think of a system that would help identifying actual targets, but I'm neither sure waht amount of coding was needed nor do I know if they haven't already planned something like it for the next base game.
True - but if you select said unit, the number of available targets is limited to those it can actually see. And if they're shooting at everything they can definitely see, let them! :biggrin1:

It's not a perfect system, but who thought that 1:1 wouldn't have its drawbacks? I can think of a system that would help identifying cactual targets, but I'm neither sure waht amount of coding was needed nor do I know if they haven't already planned something like it for the next base game.
however, the night fighting becomes disconcerting when they are shooting whatever they see. I have to really do some tight cover arcs on my troops.

The campaign "Panzer Marsch" was a lesson in humility and patience for me.
I haven't really tried the demo yet. Only half 'n hour or so. But it is quite different form CMx1 ! Almost everything is different!

After I finally understood how to order my units I drove one of the Shermans up to a nice position -or so I thought- it was KO-ed by an still unseen gun which hit it twice.

I have to (re)learn a lot....
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