CM:BN Vehicile pack out... lobster of doom

And probably spot on mate. Ad hoc seems to be BF company policy. And this also isn't a rant just an observation :)
Problems I had, Chrome treated the download as follows:

CMBN Vehicile is malicious, and Chrome has blocked it.

Had to change my settings... lost the first download!

Downloaded now... but will leave set-up, until I have another version running on the PC. From the bit I read it may not be compatible with other versions.
Nelson 1812:

How did you change the security settings for google chrome. I am running into the same issues.
Nelson 1812:

How did you change the security settings for google chrome. I am running into the same issues.

Button top right corner... three lines, Go to settings, then onto Advanced settings, remove tick on "Enable phishings and Malware protection".

Check your download folder, you can just immeddiately rescue old download... where as I went and downloaded again! Its a pain to download.

Once I had the file I unzipped it, and the reversed everything back.

You will loose all your saved passwords.

That's what I finally did... alot of button pressing before that!

Still not got round to loading file though... after reading other comments I wanted to start a second game file CM:BN 2 to ensure I can play against people who have not up-graded.

This up load takes the game to 3.10 and a free patch will follow, I hope, for those who do not want the vehicile pack.
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The game almost wanted to install everything to my documents folder. Lucky I saw it copying files to the wrong place and was able to cancel it. Other than that, no other real troubles. The 'Activate Modules' app was a bit hard to find though.'

BFC really needs an 'all in one' installer which the die hards / long time fans can use if they need to do fresh reinstall.
Installed OK.

Read the instructions:

The Vehicle Pack includes important updates to our anti-piracy protection and activation system. As such it comes with new instructions for how to install and activate it:

Most importantly, the Vehicle Pack will require you to activate your base game v3.0 as well as any modules you may have in addition to the Pack itself. You will need the v3.0 Upgrade license key for the base game that you received when you purchased the 3.0 Upgrade, and keys from the purchase of each of the modules (for example: the CMBN + Commonwealth Forces Bundle, or the Big Bundle, or any module alone). Re-licensing these after installing the Vehicle Pack is NOT going to use any of your remaining activations.

The way you activate changed, as well. When launching the pack for the first time, you will be prompted to activate the base game. Use the 3.0 Upgrade license key for that. On subsequent launches, the activation screen will NOT appear automatically. To force it to show up and allow you to activate additional components, please use the "Activate" shortcut instead of launching the game. The shortcut will allow you to enter any valid key to unlock additional content, such as modules, packs or upgrades. You will have to do this for each module, upgrade or pack you own. The shortcut can be found on your desktop after installation, or inside the Start>All Programs>Battlefront group on the PC, or inside the Documents folder on the Mac

Detailed activation instructions are available in the ReadMe file available during installation, as well as in the game manual, and in our Knowledgebase at
This activation process is truly awful. I don't mind the idea of activating each module (or having to reactivate each module as is the case). My problem is that the information being presented on screen during the process was horribly confusing for the end user. The Activate Module -- at least in my case -- kept prompting me to activate CMBN even though it really wanted the modules' keys. Even after entering a modules' key, the Activate Module utility never said "successfully activated Market Garden", it just says "successfully activated CMBN". Not user friendly at all.

With that said, I love BFC is continuing to add content to this game and I look forward to using the new units.
does this affect any pbem battles being played at the moment
I have downloaded but will wait and see, fare to many of my pbem games mucked up over the years
We can try...

Where is the download? on desktop?

Have you unzipped it?

If yes... what happens when you press CM:BN set-up star?

Does it start to set-up, faulters then back tracks?

If so what has happened to your CM:BN game... does it start still ... what version is it.
Has it asked for activation... if so remember to use V3 licence code.

If you get this far I think I can help you,... if not perhaps one of the others members will help.
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