This is a campaign idea I've had and after watching a review of 'Crossing the Line: Aachen' a few things clicked into place.
Here is the campaign map, I'm using maps from Flashpoint Campaigns: Red Strom.
In the Flashpoint game each hex is 500 meters, however I attempted to draw this map as a CM battle map:
and it looked like this after several days (around six days) working on it on and off.
Then I decided to half the value making each hex 250 meters, which made the map making process quicker and here is the result which I did in an evening.
You may notice in the top image that each formation has it's own colour, each formation HQ has 4 Command Points (this number is not final) where at a cost of CP's you move a unit at a cost of 1 CP and/or request artillery/air support at 2 CP's.
How each campaign turn works is that Player A moves a formation, then Player B moves a formation and so on.
I plan to put this on a Vassal engine, I'm hoping to create some fog of war in this campaign using the Vasal engine, maybe I'll need two modules (one for each side) so ambushes or sneaky flanking attacks can be a thing.
This might not be ready for a month or so.
Here is the campaign map, I'm using maps from Flashpoint Campaigns: Red Strom.

In the Flashpoint game each hex is 500 meters, however I attempted to draw this map as a CM battle map:

and it looked like this after several days (around six days) working on it on and off.

Then I decided to half the value making each hex 250 meters, which made the map making process quicker and here is the result which I did in an evening.

You may notice in the top image that each formation has it's own colour, each formation HQ has 4 Command Points (this number is not final) where at a cost of CP's you move a unit at a cost of 1 CP and/or request artillery/air support at 2 CP's.
How each campaign turn works is that Player A moves a formation, then Player B moves a formation and so on.
I plan to put this on a Vassal engine, I'm hoping to create some fog of war in this campaign using the Vasal engine, maybe I'll need two modules (one for each side) so ambushes or sneaky flanking attacks can be a thing.
This might not be ready for a month or so.
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