CMRT - first impresions

Lol, actually, they did open it up to more testers this time. That's how I got tagged. But all I can tell you is that I played more scenarios in 6 weeks...some over and over as a new version was put up...than I usually play in 6 months. I even finished a campaign, which I have never actually done in CM before. There were hundreds of big and little things reported, even things that worked fine in CMBN and CMFI that were "broke" in RT development, so many that I simply did not realize how much friggin' grief there is in making one of these games. Us 3rd string (literally) testers don't get any info on how all the stuff works or is put together under the hood. We just played scenarios and reported on them, and anything that seemed like a bug. Something like replacing the crew with tank riders...because BFC has since the beginning not let us swap out tank crews, I wouldn't have thought of trying a non-tank crew type. (Actually, I did try putting a different tank crew that bailed intact from a burning PzIV into a functioning tank whose craven crew bailed and got shot up...on the off chance BFC might have changed that, because I was desperate to get that tank back in order to stop about a zillion T34-85's coming in on my flank. Too bad I didn't try throwing in my extraneous 4th Company HQ!)

As for tank riders, when I used them I'd just load 'em on, and watch them get shot off or dismount, screwed around with various move orders for the tank and the riders, and tried them on all kinds of vehicles to see which ones would take them. Working as intended? Yup, as far as I could tell (although there was much discussion about how easily/when they should jump off when shot at). I think I need a more devious mind!:D
I will say the only thing I am considering a bit off, some of the Armor damage...Some of the actions I've had with my opponent in our battle I can definitely say seems a bit off.

A stugIII (Late) should be able to pop a t34-85 with a 75mm (KwK) round...damn thing is powerful...but didn't realize the stopping power to be so detrimental to frontal armor.

This guy's article is really really good...and somewhat makes me think maybe...just maybe the game is pretty darn good in terms of their calculations.
I've been a tester with them since CMBN, I was a lucky 3rd waver then. We will always miss things, plain and simple, it's mathematics really. I'd guess we got around 30 eyes-on total, thats including testers and devs. Thats pre-3rd wave, but when 3rd wave comes in its bumped to around 40 or maybe 50 total. (I'm sorta rounding up, it's probably less) Now when they go live with the game, there's literally 1000s of new testers practically overnight. So as you can imagine new things are found almost immediately. There's been jokes behind the scenes at how fast sometimes you guys find something we missed.

As for getting on board, constructive criticism of the games I guess. Trust me, there's plenty of healthy criticism behind the scenes. Also I imagine showing some passion and interest in the games also helps. The boards are watched and sometimes we're asked for viable testers. But doing what you did @eniced73 by starting a thread (MikeyDs Winner odd name though) about the crew bug is a good start. As a matter of fact I'm gonna create a thread in the tester forum about the bug right now, we always link back to the OP threads. ;)

Edit: Actually there's already a bug report about it.
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encid, no offense was taken at all. I think the list in the credits at the back of the manual has all the testers.
My two cents.

The newness has worn off and to be honest all I have completed is the training campaign and the first scenario. Tried to give the two other campaigns a run, the German campaign was to large and the thought of all that hellish micromanaging turned me off. Gave the Russians a go but couldn't get into the "Push, push, push" mind set that was suggested. To be fair I will give the Russians another go but command them as I would any other army this time. As for the scenarios, the few that are there, I tried "Angriff" but didn't finish it, got bored while my panzers rolled around the battlefield killing everything in sight.
There are some improvements that made me happy. Lets start with FOs only being able to call one asset at a time, good fix. Hit decals, its eye candy but still cool. The ability to ride on tanks, way over due. Motherf**kin flame throwers, nuff said.
Please take my thoughts with a grain of salt. I was looking forwards to the Eastern Front very much but at this point in time I am also very tired of WW2 in general. We have been through CMBN, BNCW, FI, FIGL, BNMG, and now CMRT, for crying out loud!

No disrespect intended to you scenario designers. Without you guys and the modding community these games would not last.
Gotta say -- can't wait for the mods for RT to become available -- graphics of some of the Russian kit is far below CMx2 standards & some of the German uniforms look rather shoddy -- might be a bit of a rush job in that department?
Always that little bit hard going back to an unmodded game with a new release. At least a number of CMBN mods carry over well.

As for the modern era, yeah be good for a change but I tire of the this time period faster than WW2. The laser guided bombs and high tech equipment takes something out of it for me. I do hope they merge all their modern theater plans into one game (inc the talked about CMSF upgrade) with lots of modules so there's lots of variety for engagements and mix/match of forces. And more than one terrain set per game! With any type of fictional premise, having variety is the key - part of the prob with CMSF and only having limited Red Force options and terrain.
Gotta say -- can't wait for the mods for RT to become available -- graphics of some of the Russian kit is far below CMx2 standards & some of the German uniforms look rather shoddy -- might be a bit of a rush job in that department?

I thought the RT graphics generally looked "less detailed" (??) than previous titles; and saw this message from Phil Culliton at BF over on the BF forums (RT Tech Support):

Guys, it looks like some bad shaders were included with CMRT. We have very nice, tweaked, pretty ones that are just waiting to be used.
So I'm seeing now about the most efficient way to get those out to everyone. Hopefully that should happen soon.

I may be barking up the wrong (technological) tree altogether, but wondered if this is part of the issue, and the proposed hot fix will improve? Though clearly will not add actual uniform and equipment "content".
I thought the RT graphics generally looked "less detailed" (??) than previous titles; and saw this message from Phil Culliton at BF over on the BF forums (RT Tech Support):

I agree -- nothing to do with shaders ... details on vehicles and guns and uniforms not as good as earlier CMx2 releases -- which is a bit of a step backwards for me ... going close-up on some of the Russian SU SP guns reminds of CMBB quality, frankly. :(
So I guess I am not the only one that wasn't really wowed by this title.
Nope, you are definitely not the only one.

I have to echo what others have posted here, the details on some of the Soviet equipment is quite poor.

I started the Sov campaign and my poor Ivans were shot up quite badly. Their morale seems very brittle.

But this might be historically correct I suppose. And I suck at the game.
Discount this as much as you like, as I am a total and complete newbie. I am quite impressed with RT, particularly with map detail and scenario design I've seen so far. Although I have only played a half dozen or so scenarios each in CMBN and CMFI, the benefit of triggers to the AI is quite noticeable to me. And the change in tactics suggested by Soviet "TO&E" is great (but I'm big fan of playing the Italians, too). Very excited to see what the community does with scenario design for this module.

As to the skins, sounds, shaders, and other game accoutrements... not surprisingly, I'm still pretty much enchanted with the spectacle of the baseline game. I'm starting to look into specific mods. The suggestions made by community members have been a great help... but really, I'm as happy as a pig in mud. :)


I was just testing the tutorial campaign and watched the replay of my troops on the "shooting range" when my attention was caught by a wonderful firework. I recognized the canister-shot of a T-34 which I had loved with the good old CMBB. In this moment I had a strong nostalgic emotion: Back At Home!!! (I guess this is pretty sick, isn't is?)

Btw: The ammunition layout of the Red Infantry is noticeable low. In the infantry group the light MG has just around 450 rounds while the riflemen have just 55 rounds. A HMG comes with around 1000 rounds, an 4-men-light MG-group has around 700 bullets for the MG.

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I was just testing the tutorial campaign and watched the replay of my troops on the "shooting range" when my attention was caught by a wonderful firework. I recognized the canister-shot of a T-34 which I had loved with the good old CMBB. In this moment I had a strong nostalgic emotion: Back At Home!!! (I guess this is pretty sick, isn't is?)

Btw: The ammunition layout of the Red Infantry is noticeable low. In the infantry group the light MG has just around 450 rounds while the riflemen have just 55 rounds. A HMG comes with around 1000 rounds, an 4-men-light MG-group has around 700 bullets for the MG.

When someone yells "DOWN!!", don't look to see why.
My first impressions with RT are very positive. I am a CMx2 fan and was not expecting to dislike it but I could easily have been disappointed, as I was with CMFI (which I later learned to really enjoy).

As I always do when "opening up a new Combat Mission, I start with the smallest scenario. The only downside to this approach with RT is that it is typically an infantry only affair and I missed out on the Russian tanks, which, let's face it, is what we are all excited about with RT. With RT, this meant I started with the Dead of Night, a platoon-sized battle which is recommended to be played as the Germans. Too bad as I was hoping to give the Russians a go.

Next, I opened the Tutorial Campaign and played through the first two scenarios. The first scenario is quite simple, but for a true newbie, it is a good intro to game mechanics. The best part of his scenario is the firing range. If you approach the range with a squad or team, you can get a good sense for what the individual weapons are capable of. And, it is awfully fun when the T-34s show up as reinforcements.

I played CMBB but did not play it (or any of the CMx1 games) as much as I have the CMx2 games. So, I look forward to getting to know the nuances of the Russian army. I am quite intrigued by the Russian infantry platoon, with the size/function of the HQ squad.

As far as game play goes, I like the reintroduction of the command lines. I think this makes managing command so much easier. I am already challenged by the new limits to artillery spotting rules. Too often, I relied on having one well-placed spotter call in multiple fire missions.

I was not expecting a new graphics engine with RT. So, I was not disappointed by "more of the same." In fact, I rather like the overall color palette used in RT. It is more muted than Normandy.

Along those lines, I like the terrain included in RT. The wooded areas are quite dense and can create some interesting close quarter fighting. I noticed that Battlefront included both "Russian" and "Eastern European" terrain but have not yet become familiar enough with the differences.

Do I think that the tanks and equipment are less detailed in RT than previous games? No, it is just what these games look like unmodded. The Russian vehicles look a little flat, lacking deep shading or wear/tear/dirt. On the other hand, I actually think they did a nice job with the weapons and accessories and the variety of German uniforms.

I was somewhat disappointed by the number of scenarios in RT but I also expect the community to flood the internet with all sorts of scenarios and campaigns. The inclusion of "master maps" like in MG will hopefully kick start the creative process. As for me, I look forward to trying out the triggers. I think this is a great addition to the scenario editor but I think it will be an art to use them effectively.
Right at this time I am enjoying Red Thunder. My iMac cannot run RT at full graphic settings so the eye candy details are secondary. That being said, I also look forward to the mods for uniforms and equipment . Fighting with the Russians has been a pleasant challenge. I hope for more community scenarios and a strong forum that keeps up interest and groggy debate.
I feel I have gotten my moneys worth.
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