Combat Mission Career Record System

Attached is a screen shot of my cursor in a cell with no drop down menu to right the side. Also, I couldn't capture it, but the drop downs on the top portion of the columns don't have any of the data listed from the "don not touch" tab, unless I manually type something in the cell then that shows up in the drop down menu.


  • ScreenHunter_22 Feb. 17 23.55.jpg
    ScreenHunter_22 Feb. 17 23.55.jpg
    214.7 KB · Views: 12
Good news I think I've found the problem, there's a glitch with data validation between the two versions MS has never fixed. Bad news, going to take me time to fix and then not 100% if it's sure. Will work on it over the coming days and release as part of the updated version soon after CMRT is released.

Edit: Check you email and let us know if the file works on your end.
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I will check that file as soon as I get home later tonight. Thanks for checking that out so quick!
I think something ate the file you emailed. I tried to get Outlook running last night, and it looks like it screwed up my gmail inbox. Sorry about this, but can you please resend the file?
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I opened the file you sent, and the drop down menus all seem to be working correctly. Thanks a bunch for fixing it so I could get it working!
Good to hear! I'll keep that in for the next release post CMRT coming out. Just delete my result I've entered and start inputting your own results into that file in the meantime.
Just wanted you to know Ithikial that I have watched almost all your AAR's on you tube, some great stuff there and you make tactics look so easy:) which I am sure they are not judging from my poor efforts. I hope you post more of tat 11000 point battle, that was fun to watch. Also will you have to update your database program when Red Thunder comes out. Thanks for you great work
Thanks Miller. More soon, already have 2 parts sitting here ready for upload but need to wait for the players to progress a bit further. As for the excel workbook, already started work on getting it ready for CMRT. ;)
I have been using this recording system since @Ithikial brought it into this world. I have 48 battles recorded in the WW2 sheet and 12 in the Modern one. Are others fatefully recording their results?

Yep, 338 battles in the WW2 one and still going. Goes all the way back May 2011 when CMBN v1.0 was released.

I've been testing the latest version from @Ithikial recently, there are some nice improvements in it. :)
I'm sure it will be released very soon after CMFB has been released.
@Ithikial I really like the spreadsheet and appreciate all the work that has gone into it and for you to share it with the CM community. I just wish I started to use it last year! Oh well better late than never.

One thing though, my 2016 battles do not flow to the "Combat Mission Career" sheet. I put dummy data in and recorded fake matches in previous years and that flows. Is that a glitch with the file I downloaded or is that something that needs adjustment?

I'd fix it myself but don't know enough about pivot tables.

Oh wow 338 battles. Amazing. I always meant to go back and log some of my older games but never have (I have some of the end screen screen shots but not all).
The good news is with this system you don't have to list your results in real date order. The other worksheets will do the work sorting them out for you. So when you get around to it. :) Just hope you've got some record of weather conditions etc to get the most out of it.

@IthikialOne thing though, my 2016 battles do not flow to the "Combat Mission Career" sheet. I put dummy data in and recorded fake matches in previous years and that flows. Is that a glitch with the file I downloaded or is that something that needs adjustment?

I'd fix it myself but don't know enough about pivot tables.


Yep that's fine. You can still enter 2016 results right now, but they won't show up on on the graphs because I've artificially limited them to stop displaying results at the end of 2015. Most people using this workbook aren't Excel wizards so I pre-formatted the graphs for them. The updated version that will come out post CMFB will extend all the charts out to 2017.

In the meantime if you know anything about excel you can edit the formatting of the chart yourself, none of the spreadsheet is locked. the meantime I'll play around with the pivot charts on a copy the file.
Just uploaded to the BF Repository - awaiting approval. Bootie will also upload a copy here a bit later.

This tool is designed as a tracker of all CMx2 World War 2 game results an individual player completes. Record your results into an easily sortable system to allow for analysis of your Combat Mission career. Check which opponents you fair well against, which forces you command better or just find out how many pixeltruppen you've led to their untimely deaths.

An automated MS Excel workbook designed to be easy to use with minimal input from the end user. Currently supports CMBN, CMFI and all modules. Can be updated easily when future CM titles are released. Read Me included with the download.

Some key features
- CMBN and CMFI support (inc all modules)
- Easy updating (by the author) to incorporate future Battlefront releases CMx2 WW2 era releases. All the end user (You!) have to do is cut and paste between documents.
- Supports both single player and multiplayer games and results in an all in one package – compare how you fair against the AI vs real life opponents.
- ‘The Calendar of Carnage’ – Track pixeltruppen casualties (both caused and suffered) on a timeline of World War 2.
- Will be able to display data going all the way back to 1939 if Battlefront ever goes that far back with their releases.
- Automated pretty graphs.
- Improve your game. Compare results and spot areas you need to improve in.
- Can be easily adapted for some operational level CM campaigns to track battle results.

Finally big thanks to @Mad Mike for testing and spotting a couple of bugs. If anyone else finds any let me know.

Hope you enjoy. Any queries let us know below.
(Economists are a little weird).

How to use it?
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