Commander - The Great War

HOOOOHHOO NOOO @Rico, just hit Surrender button!!!. Can we revert this, get some old game??? it´s all my fault and that damned surrender button just is over finish turn button!!!!
HOOOOHHOO NOOO @Rico, just hit Surrender button!!!. Can we revert this, get some old game??? it´s all my fault and that damned surrender button just is over finish turn button!!!!

Oh no -- I don't think you can retrieve this as the games are saved on the Slitherine server.

I didn't save any of the turns as we went along -- do you have one saved? -- we can restart from there?
Oh no -- I don't think you can retrieve this as the games are saved on the Slitherine server.

I didn't save any of the turns as we went along -- do you have one saved? -- we can restart from there?

No any save :(, man, we can play any other campaings with it, but really was enjoying begin it in 1914. it´s a shame, and was all my fault. And I understand any lack of will to restart same campaing another time :(
No any save :(, man, we can play any other campaings with it, but really was enjoying begin it in 1914. it´s a shame, and was all my fault. And I understand any lack of will to restart same campaing another time :(

Pity -- is was a fun campaign.

No problem ... let's start again ... set it up if you want same sides ... or change around ... I am ok with either Entente or Central Powers
Pity -- is was a fun campaign.

No problem ... let's start again ... set it up if you want same sides ... or change around ... I am ok with either Entente or Central Powers

Really Rico? You are the guy! Will let you get b Paris again and will do basically same strategy. It was working fine this time. Left Paris and 3 battleships squadrons from royal navy!
What turn where you guys on ?

We were in summer 1915.

Paris had changed hands twice ... the RN battle fleet suffered catastrophic losses near Copenhagen ... the Brits were about to kick the Turks out of the Sinai ... and the French Mediterranean battle fleet just got a bloody nose by a combined Austrian and Turkish naval attack... oh, and the Russians had been pushed out of East Prussia and Poland :)
This game has a serious PBEM problem, at least for some players. I am one of these, was not able to finish a single MP game because of several crashes during replay or after finishing my turns. I tried to continue our game several times over 2-3 days after it first crashed without success. Just tried again and - it works. Turn ready for you. Let's see how long we will be able to continue. Desperately waiting for the promised patch of all patches that will solve the PBEM problems.
This game has a serious PBEM problem, at least for some players. I am one of these, was not able to finish a single MP game because of several crashes during replay or after finishing my turns. I tried to continue our game several times over 2-3 days after it first crashed without success. Just tried again and - it works. Turn ready for you. Let's see how long we will be able to continue. Desperately waiting for the promised patch of all patches that will solve the PBEM problems.

The turn replay worked ... maybe this one can continue again :)
Wow, impressive stuff. Hope I have just as much luck playing as the CP.
Looks like my opponents for this have all evaporated.... (sigh) ... I think I'll go back to playing the AI

No rico forget ai, just a lot of things to sort here after my idiotc surrender button hit. Just take a breath, was frustrating ti do this, I was really enjoying that game. And was worse, it was in turn that a I've ambushed that sneakers Austrian fleet.
Im fixing and update my old cm games, around 10 games. A lot of work. After that Will be back
Three Great War games going ...

As Allies my game vs @Alpha Zwo is heading for a messy end in late 1916 as Russian armies have eviscerated the Austro-Hungarians, capturing Budapest and together with Italian and British armies are on the outskirts of Vienna :)
Germans have been pushed out of Belgium and the Ruhr may be next ... Turkey is also in trouble as the British Mid-East army has fought its way all the way through Palestine/Syria and now Anatolia towards Ankara and then perhaps Istanbul.
Russian Caucasus army is pushing south along the Euprates & Tigris towards Basra and the Persian Gulf...

Vs @nathangun - late 1914 my Allies have managed to stop the Schlieffen in its tracks and still cling on to Calais and Antwerp.... but the Russians are mauling the Austrians and have destroyed the German East Prussian armies, besieging Koenigsberg and capturing Danzig and pushing hard for Berlin ... so far so good :)

VS @Aulette as Central Powers -- just started, still August 1914 -- Schlieffen plan on track so far -- Brussels and Antwerp captured and we're awaiting arrival of BEF --- Austrians still sparring with the plucky Serbians ans we're all bracing ourselves for the arrival of the Russians.
The Kaiser hoping it'll be a short war. :)
Vs @nathangun My schilieffen Plan works like a clock against Nathangun, as worked twice with Rico doing same over me last games, all west Army swiped and crushed all opesitions through weak Belgic Army and reached Paris before French have a chance to stabilize Flank over Paris. at North Sea Nathangun done a good blow over my national moral and resouces ambushing a whole Kaiser´s Fleet, 1battleship and another Cruiser squadrons totally below sea lavel having a good conversation with Davi Jonnes. Servians are splited and almost destroyed!!! Austrians did some thing right that time. Let´s see what I can do against Nathan´s Russian steamroler now!

Vs @Rico Im playing as entente, servians are holding their pants and can do some limited atack operation before 1914 winter to crip Austrians moral and resources. Rico´s Schlieffen plan was stoped this time and Kaiser´s forces daesn´t marched over Paris this time, BEF arrived and front is stabilized! seems that Rico this time paid special attention to the russian front, sending 2 of their army generals to that front and considarable forces around Danzing Koenisberg and Krakow operational areas. And protected better Austrian borders this time!!!!
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