FGM Banner and Logo Discussion

Nice banner idea from Von Reich-


I bloody love it.
I like the adverts for various things that pop up on the top of the forums pages by the way.
Can do. Although I think if we put more on it it gets cluttered again... It'll be difficult, but possible. So, Reich, any good ideas what we could use instead of tanks? Or leave the tanks and replace the background with CM scenes (not my favorite)? Maybe take some heads and make them black with outline?
Hm... interesting proposal. Give me the picture and I'll see how it turns out if I use that for a background.
I don't know... at that size, the banner will get cluttered. Let's keep it simple. Who's interested won't judge the club from the looks of the banner anyway - if that was the case, nobody would take a second look at the BoB website either. :)
Yah, otherwise surfers will surf in and wonder if we're a gay club or a faction of the Ku Klux Klan or a mafia family or whatever..
Ok some guidelines I thought up whilst sleeping. :)

1 - The title must say The Few Good Men
2 - The subhead must be Wargaming & Military Discussion Club
3 - The universal sign for wargaming is a hex... include a hex in your design.... it may be a hex overlay background or such like.
4 - It must be vibrant.
5 - It should not be cluttered.
6 - It does not have to be centred on WW2 but armed conflict in general.

I dont have photoshop knowledge and it appears to be the best thing we have with EoG and VR using that. Can you guys work together using the above specifications.

It doesnt have to be centred on Combat Mission... IMO the FGM SHOULD be catering for different styles of wargames but as of yet we dont have enough members who play the likes of HPS, Campaign Series type games to validate their own section but this is just a matter of time.
Well... if I take my proposal as base, exchanging the background for some hex-based wargame map is easy - difficult part is that 'armed conflict in general' thing. How do we make that one clear? i tried to get around that with including two of the most iconic WW2 tanks and the footnote about CM which is the reason most guys are here for anyway. Vibrancy... I can do different colors with ease. Suggestions?
Just something shiny that doesnt meld into the background. Armed conflict in general is to open your horizon a bit to the fact that we dfont just need ot have WW2 imagery. It is possible for me to set it up so each time you load the site a different banner is displayed so if we get the main part down we can easily change the imagery and have a selection of titles bar that will change randomly.
Yeah... background's the first thing we need to change given the above restrictions (although that will be quite easy). Some guys running into battle accompanied by a tank - sounds like a good idea, but getting such a scene done will be the hard part. And since Bootie wants 'armed conflcit in general', I guess we need a plane - and maybe a change in colors, although I'm not sure what would be more applicable.
Yeah... background's the first thing we need to change given the above restrictions (although that will be quite easy). Some guys running into battle accompanied by a tank - sounds like a good idea, but getting such a scene done will be the hard part. And since Bootie wants 'armed conflcit in general', I guess we need a plane - and maybe a change in colors, although I'm not sure what would be more applicable.

Ive already said armed conflict in general to give you a bit more leeway in what you design... the important thing is the logo and background... the imagery can be changed as mentioned previously.
I guess we have to make a couple of different proposals then. Any other colors besides olive you might want and deem more appropriate?
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