FGM House Rules Thread.

Do you feel that FGM would benefit from a set of 'House Rules'?

  • 1. Yes

    Votes: 17 85.0%
  • 2. No

    Votes: 3 15.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
You have the unenviable task of putting together House Rules

Not any longer, Bootie pulled the plug yesterday. There will be no ' House Rules', we shall continue to do it the old way, the players must negotiate the rules they wish to play by.
Oh well, at least that is one thing off your plate. :joyous:
It's good we discussed it and have found out we more or less all agree on prep arty into setup zones being a total gamebreaker.

Oh, and it DID work in CMx1 as well, had it happen to me more than once, one time even in a game in which my opnnent amanged to hack my file and look at my setup - managed to wip out half my force during the first couple turns with his bombardment...
This is one of my favorites. It actually serves a dual purpose, in that it forces one to play in the Organic OOB, and 'defusing' the chance that arty will dominate the QB environment. I don't know about you guys, but I'm not here to 'Nuke' you guys. I'd much rather you enjoyed the play enough, to want the opportunity to play with me again.

You are Spot on mate.....We do seem to for-get that these Games are for entertainment and some would say for fun, and it's no fun if you get vast infantry loss's early on in the game, in fact any time during the game, which to my mind you lose interest in the game
As this is going round in circles should we ditch the house rules and leave it up to the 2 players to arrange their own parameters pre-game?

Well when it comes from the guy who runs the show, it pretty much takes the air out of my sails...Personally, with a 17/3 ratio, I didn't think it was going around in circles, but was in fact pointing out a concern for the community, but Im just a guest here, you tell me to back off and Im gonna do just that.
Im of a mind that we are a rather unique group of individuals here at FGM. I therefore chose to come along slowly so that we could get maximum participation, in the hopes that by doing so, all would feel they had a square chance to voice their opinion. A consensus that is derived from a larger cross section, will be much stronger and less susceptible to heartburn.

So here's my synopsis of where we are...a majority have expressed the desire to have a set of HRs. In light of the feedback, this particular discussion has concluded that there is only one rule that need be considered at the moment, and that would be the 'First Turn Arty Rule' (FTAR) for CMBN. Since that is the predominant platform in use here at FGM, it is safe to assume we can make a rule for that game at least. We can deal with other platforms should the community decide to venture into that realm.

Now I want us all to remember, the HRs are not cast in stone, and all can be negotiated to suit the temperaments of the players prior to any match. The reason for having the rule in the first place, is so that barring any discussions regarding FTAR's, the FGM HRs will prevail. Now in the discussion it was brought up that the sanctions would be difficult to enforce, and while I believe the possibility for difficulty could occur, I don't see it as a problem for most of the members of this Fraternity. For the occasional newbie who may have difficulty adhering to the HRs, the choice will be simple, it's the house rules, don't like them, then perhaps you should find a club more in line with your temperament. On top of that, the sanction in this case would be simple...restart the game without the offending Arty use.

With that in mind, I propose we accept Johnsy's CMBN Arty Rules as the basis for CMBN House Rule #1.
I will start a poll thread to get a vote on it.

CMBN Arty Guidelines used by FGM Members
(subject to good faith negotiation by both parties)

If defending you can't use any preplanned arty in the first turn.
If attacking you can use preplanned arty in the first turn.
In meeting engagements you can't use preplanned arty on setup zones or routes out of setup zones, but you can use preplanned arty elsewhere.
You can't buy any extra arty, except that which is organic to the main force purchased.

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