Seems we've skipped an update -- with battles 13 and 14 completed and @chiquichops hanging on to his two victory lead.
BATTLE 13 in GRANADA ended in a +35% Victory for @Rico
BATTLE 14 in BURGUNDY of Burgundians (1465-1479) vs Genoese (1450-1475) ended in a close fought +12% @chiquichops victory -- Burgundians scraping home victories in both battles.
BATTLE 15 stays in FRANCE with French (1320-1349) vs Austrian (1320-1374) ... on a very tricky, hilly map.
Battle 15: FRANCE: French (1320-1349) vs Austrian (1320-1374) -- ongoing
Battle 14: BURGUNDY: Burgundians (1465-1479) vs Genoese (1450-1475) -- @chiquichops wins by +12%
Battle 13: GRANADA: Andalusian (1050-1154) vs Arab (North Africa) ((1038-1160) -- @Rico wins by +35%
Battle 12: SE GERMANY: German (City) SE (1425-1449) vs Milanese (1440-1500) -- @chiquichops wins by +19%
Battle 11: GREECE: Latin Greece (1320-1432) vs Neapolitan (1400-1442) - @chiquichops wins by +5%
Battle 10: SCOTLAND & IRELAND: Irish (1320-1500) vs Scots (1320-1338) - @Rico wins by +31%
Battle 9: HUNGARY & SERBIA: German (Imperial) (1450-1487) vs Ottoman Turkish (1430-1500) - @Rico wins by +38%
Battle 8: BRITANNY & GASCONY: Breton (1155-1319) vs Irish (1260-1319) -- @chiquichops wins by +10%
Battle 7: THE LEVANT: Fatamid Egyptians (1074-1171) vs Crusader (1096-1099) - @chiquichops wins by +21%
Battle 6: CASTILLE & ARAGON: Portuguese (1450-1500) vs Castillian (1450-1475) - @Rico wins by +15%
Battle 5: NW GERMANY: German (City) (NW) (1488-1500) vs Swiss (1478-1490) - @chiquichops wins by +20%
Battle 4: WALLACHIA & BULGARIA: Wallachian (1450-1500) vs German (Feudal) (1450-1489) - @Rico wins by +34%
Battle 3: NAPLES & SICILY: Lombards (1083 - 1049) vs Tuareg (950 - 1500) - @Rico wins by +9%
Battle 2: SCANDINAVIA: Swedish (1050 - 1154) vs Norwegian (1050 - 1154) - @chiquichops wins by +51%
Battle 1: NORTH AFRICA: Tuareg (950 - 1500) vs Portuguese (1155 - 1199) - @chiquichops wins by +1%
BATTLE 13 in GRANADA ended in a +35% Victory for @Rico
BATTLE 14 in BURGUNDY of Burgundians (1465-1479) vs Genoese (1450-1475) ended in a close fought +12% @chiquichops victory -- Burgundians scraping home victories in both battles.
BATTLE 15 stays in FRANCE with French (1320-1349) vs Austrian (1320-1374) ... on a very tricky, hilly map.
Battle 15: FRANCE: French (1320-1349) vs Austrian (1320-1374) -- ongoing
Battle 14: BURGUNDY: Burgundians (1465-1479) vs Genoese (1450-1475) -- @chiquichops wins by +12%
Battle 13: GRANADA: Andalusian (1050-1154) vs Arab (North Africa) ((1038-1160) -- @Rico wins by +35%
Battle 12: SE GERMANY: German (City) SE (1425-1449) vs Milanese (1440-1500) -- @chiquichops wins by +19%
Battle 11: GREECE: Latin Greece (1320-1432) vs Neapolitan (1400-1442) - @chiquichops wins by +5%
Battle 10: SCOTLAND & IRELAND: Irish (1320-1500) vs Scots (1320-1338) - @Rico wins by +31%
Battle 9: HUNGARY & SERBIA: German (Imperial) (1450-1487) vs Ottoman Turkish (1430-1500) - @Rico wins by +38%
Battle 8: BRITANNY & GASCONY: Breton (1155-1319) vs Irish (1260-1319) -- @chiquichops wins by +10%
Battle 7: THE LEVANT: Fatamid Egyptians (1074-1171) vs Crusader (1096-1099) - @chiquichops wins by +21%
Battle 6: CASTILLE & ARAGON: Portuguese (1450-1500) vs Castillian (1450-1475) - @Rico wins by +15%
Battle 5: NW GERMANY: German (City) (NW) (1488-1500) vs Swiss (1478-1490) - @chiquichops wins by +20%
Battle 4: WALLACHIA & BULGARIA: Wallachian (1450-1500) vs German (Feudal) (1450-1489) - @Rico wins by +34%
Battle 3: NAPLES & SICILY: Lombards (1083 - 1049) vs Tuareg (950 - 1500) - @Rico wins by +9%
Battle 2: SCANDINAVIA: Swedish (1050 - 1154) vs Norwegian (1050 - 1154) - @chiquichops wins by +51%
Battle 1: NORTH AFRICA: Tuareg (950 - 1500) vs Portuguese (1155 - 1199) - @chiquichops wins by +1%