Fun Fictional Campaign System - needs playtesting

I've developed this quite simple fun campaign system for a fictional campaign similar to the Rico-Shorker Island War from last year that I played vs @Shorker and using the map design I developed for the fictional Borscht Island campaign for CMBS a few months back.

This one is returning to CM world war 2 ... either be played in BN, FI/GL or RT.

Looking for someone to playtest this with me.


Principle is following. All battles are played as QB's using a random map draw system.

Units are built by players using a production points system using strength points of three types:
Armour, Mech Infantry and Infantry

Artillery and Air support units are built separately.

Each side starts with 5000 points to build its army.
Each division can contain a maximum of 6 strength points of any combination (although it will move at the speed of its slowest component - ie: leg infantry)

each strength point costs the following:
Armour: 250 points
Mech Inf: 100
Infantry: 50
Artillery: 200
Air Support: 150

Each sides' cities & towns generate a total of 1000 points per turn to build new armies and pay for supply to maintain existing armies.

Each strength point represents points the player can spend in setting up the QB:

Armour: 750 QB points
Mech Inf: 750
Infantry: 500
Artillery: 500
Air Support: 500

So in example below... the Green 2. Tank Div is attacking the 5th Pz Division with support from the 1. Arty Regt
5th Panzer gets support from 2. Artillerie Abteilung and 2 points of Air Support.


So the QB would work out like this:

Allies - 3 Armour Points, 3 Mech Inf and 2 Artillery
This means they will be able to use for their OOB:
3x 750= 2250 points from the Armour Only
3x 750= 2250 points from Mech Infantry Only
2x 500= 1000 points from Artillery Only

Axis - 2 armour Points, 3 Mech Inf, 2 Artillery and 2 Air Support
This means they will be able to use for their OOB:
2x 750= 1500 points from the Armour Only
3x 750= 2250 points from Mech Infantry Only
2x 500= 1000 points from Artillery Only
2x 500= 1000 points from the Air Support section

A QB would be set up large enough to support all these points - but probably played out on medium to large maps with 30 to 40 minute battles maximum.
It would depend on players not cheating and being able to work out their OOB's well enough.

(the above looks like a LOT of points, but it doesn't actually buy that much kit)

Casualties on the CM battlefield would be transferred to the counters proportionally.
If you have 2 armour strength points, buy 6 tanks and lose 3, you will lose a strength point... same for infantry.

You would know what your opponent's theoretical strength would be, but FOW would be in that you have no idea your opponent will buy for a specific battle within parameters of the battle.

Advantage of this, there are no unit OOB's to keep track of.

There's quite a few details still to iron out ...

Like I said, it can be played in any of the WW2 CM formats ... RT is a little limiting due to limited number of QB maps ... with CMBN you'd like to avoid all the bocage maps ... I liked the feel and choice of maps in CMFI/GL...

Maybe @Shorker would be interested in having another go at something like this ... we can also play with a few players ... should be kept fun and light-hearted.
I'm interested in playing - especially as part of a team game? I'm happy to be one of @Shorker 's footsoldiers ... :) Well, provided that I don't actually have to walk everywhere!!

(And I like CMFI units and maps ...)
@Rico @PhilM @DasTiger @jackal263

Thank you very much for your invite! :) Cool! :cool: That is very kind of you! I'm honoured! :worship:

One thing I say beforehand: Fort Fritzen must be held at all cost! :D LOL!

I would like to play in this campaign together with you all allthough I do not yet completely understand the points system,
I must admit. In the example above: Why does the 5th PzDivision have a strength of "6" but has only 2 tank points and
3 mech infantry points? Does this automatically mean there is one point spent for leg/foot infantry?

But what about the artillery - they are marked "strength 4" but only have a "2" beside the arty symbol. I'm not sure if I am reading this all correctly. So here I need a little re-education, training.

Apart from that I would prefer playing in CMFI only instead of a wild CM titles and time mix (only my suggestion) - and - what about big tanks? (Tigers etc.) are they banned?
@Rico @PhilM @DasTiger @jackal263

Thank you very much for your invite! :) Cool! :cool: That is very kind of you! I'm honoured! :worship:

One thing I say beforehand: Fort Fritzen must be held at all cost! :D LOL!

I would like to play in this campaign together with you all allthough I do not yet completely understand the points system,
I must admit. In the example above: Why does the 5th PzDivision have a strength of "6" but has only 2 tank points and
3 mech infantry points? Does this automatically mean there is one point spent for leg/foot infantry?

But what about the artillery - they are marked "strength 4" but only have a "2" beside the arty symbol. I'm not sure if I am reading this all correctly. So here I need a little re-education, training.

Apart from that I would prefer playing in CMFI only instead of a wild CM titles and time mix (only my suggestion) - and - what about big tanks? (Tigers etc.) are they banned?

Those 6, 4, 2 numbers are the MOVEMENT POINTS ... I should've posted an explanation of what's on the counters :)

Yes, I want to play this in CMFI .

If we play in the September/October 1943 timephase of CMFI, I don't think Big Cats are available for the Axis.
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Here some more clarification, I hope:

Unit counters illustration:


Quick battle points that each strength point on the unit counter represents:


Purchase costs of STRENGTH POINTS per type to build new units or replenish damaged units:


Fortifications means that if a unit is DUG IN, it will get assigned a ceratin number of QB points to be used on foxholes, trenches, bunkers, mines etc.
Points represent engineering assets assigned to bolster defences.

There probably will be THREE levels of being dug in:
1. any unit defending can buy foxholes 20 per Inf or Mech Inf strength Point
2. unit gets 500 points to spend on fortifications - trenches and mines allowed
3. unit gets 1000 points to spend - trenches, mines and wooden bunkers are allowed
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I'd love to take part. I'm sure you remember my "Campaigns? MEMEMEMEMEME" post from before :)

I only own CMBN and CMSF though
I'd love to play in this if there is room for one more, especially on the German side.
Ok, proceeding with more behind the scenes work on this to get it ready for play-testing...

@PhilM @DasTiger @jackal263 @mjkerner

-- please indicate side preference if you have one.

You can either fight for the evil Shorker Reich commanded by the Oberreichsfeldmarshal @Shorker

... which will have German forces (Army & Luftwaffe)

... or fight for the heroic People's Republic of Rico Armed Forces (PRRAF) ... commanded by yours truly... Supreme Generalissimo & President for Life Rico.

... which will Commonwealth & US Army Forces.

All played in CMFI set in the Salerno Invasion period OOB's -- September 1943.
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I prefer German side, as always in my Combat Mission battles.
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