Fun Fictional Campaign System - needs playtesting

A bit more work has been done ... below the movement points chart relating to the strategic map.

Chart for working out how CM battlefield casualties will be reflected and transferred to the counters.

After a battle we compare OOB to fighting vehicle losses (in case of armoured SP's) and personnel losses (in case of Mech Inf and Inf SP's).
We'll need to run some tests of how best to do this in practice -- but basically, if more than the equivalent of 50% casualties are suffered, than a strength point is lost.
I want just inform my HQ that I will be out next 15 days so i will be in command again no earlier than 15/20 September.
@Rico and @Nathangun

Hey mates, just asking by occasion: How is the playtesting going? I also have time to playtest now, if there is need. :)
(Would be also a good training for me to learn the rules). ;)
Ok, I've worked out the casualties and here's how this played out in our test battle:

I attacked with:
1500 points armour (2 SP's)
750 points mech Inf (1 SP)
500 points artillery

Nathangun defended with:
750 points armour (1 SP) - purchased from ARMOUR section
500 points Infantry (1 SP)
500 points Air Support (1 SP)

2x Armour Strength Points
I only list 1x Armoured Car from the Armoured force, so that unit was not affected.

1x Mech Infantry Strength Points
My Mech Infantry force had no vehicles and 128 Men in a Lorried Infantry Company plus FO team and a Vickers HvyMG (which was one of the early air attack casualties)

I suffered 32 infantry casualties (KIA & WIA)

That makes 25% casualty rate for the battle -- the SP stays intact.
(If I had lost 65 or more men, my SP would have been removed from the order of battle)

Artillery - not affected by the battle result


Here is what Nathangun's OOB looked like:


1x Armour Strength Point
Nathangun lost all 3 panzer IV's, so the SP is eliminated.
(if he had lost only 1 panzer, the SP would have survived the battle -- 2 panzers lost would have meant over 50% casualties, so the SP would also have been eliminated)

1x Inf Strength Point
Your Grenadier unit had no vehicles and 87 men.

You suffered 49 casualties, which is a 56% casualty rate

Axis air support is not affected by the battle result.

End result is that the defending Axis unit is eliminated.

Hope that all makes sense.
I'm late reading this thread, but the word that comes to mind is AMAZING!

Rico, I don't know what you are using as your op level platform but whatever it is it looks the real deal, as in kinda professional. If those counter designs and maps are your own (designing and creating them yourself and possibly importing them to a VASSAL mod), then you definitely have skills and tastes better than some people who consider themselves professional game designers.

I have yet to read and understand how it all works but based on what I have seen and read so far, it looks like you have a good balance between complexity, practicality and fun.

Is it just me but what has been presented in this thread alone looks like it is miles ahead as far as development and vision than anything that ever came from the ill-fated CO KS adventure.

Well done mate, I will keep an eye on this.
I'm late reading this thread, but the word that comes to mind is AMAZING!

Rico, I don't know what you are using as your op level platform but whatever it is it looks the real deal, as in kinda professional. If those counter designs and maps are your own (designing and creating them yourself and possibly importing them to a VASSAL mod), then you definitely have skills and tastes better than some people who consider themselves professional game designers.

I have yet to read and understand how it all works but based on what I have seen and read so far, it looks like you have a good balance between complexity, practicality and fun.

Is it just me but what has been presented in this thread alone looks like it is miles ahead as far as development and vision than anything that ever came from the ill-fated CO KS adventure.

Well done mate, I will keep an eye on this.

Thanks for the kind comments @Bullman -- the map is cobbled together from various graphical elements in Photoshop using Hexdraw elements and "borrowing" visual elements from the graphics folders of various games like Unity of Command and Panzer Corps (which I all own). The counters I make myself -- the vehicle and soldier silhouettes are freely available fonts.

The whole Ops Level map as you call it, is a big, multilayered Photoshop image file on which you can move counters around like in a Vassal Module (with added advantage that all the counters can be at any time changed or added to)

This is for purely for use within the FGM -- if something like this ever got legs beyond, the graphics would need to remade from scartch to avoid copyright infringements.
Rico, I really like this gaming concept. Pity it's too late to participate in your current campaign.

When it's finished playtesting, I hope you'll be keen to extend it. You've probably heard of an Avalon Hill board game called "Blitzkrieg", which was first published in the mid 1960s. There are several Vassal modules for this game and its variants.

I've built a couple of Vassal modules so I could adapt the Blitkrieg Vassal module so that we could use it with your rules and counters for another campaign.

Here's a link to a Board Game Geek webpage on the game:
Well, I just took a close up look at your map of the island (the view on my Smart Phone was pretty limited), and it looks both attractive and ideal for gaming. Nice work. Scratch my suggestion above. Probably better to build a whole new Vassal module based on your map and counters at some point, if you want to take it to that level. Depending on how your play-testing goes and where you want to go with this, a fertile and overlooked field for fictional conflict could be based loosely on the wars fought between some of the countries of South America in the 20th Century.
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