General Academy discussions etc



If your new to CM or been at it awhile and would like to know a little more without getting whipped to death a hundred times.:whip:

I would gladly help anyone, as would i am sure many others here at FGM. I would be willing to play a game share passwords and discuss the whats and why fores of moves etc. I know there are better players out there and I am still waiting to be taught by them. :twitch:
I am no swami of infinit knowledge:nono: but I have been around the block a few times:plane:. I just would not want anyone to quit playing because you have a hard time getting a handle on some of the finer points.:smash:

So there you have it gents, the scripture is quite clear." You have not because you ask not."
I would be willing to play a game with what little tactics I use open for all to see. Maybe make a DAR that though the 2 players would be playing each other blind, they would go through turn by turn, explaining the whats and whys of the moves. This would be all open for discussion by all.
I would be willing to play a game with what little tactics I use open for all to see. Maybe make a DAR that though the 2 players would be playing each other blind, they would go through turn by turn, explaining the whats and whys of the moves. This would be all open for discussion by all.

That is a great idea Ratzki.
For instance there's a discussion going on right now in the Val v PzIII tourney thread because some people can't understand why I always seem to get my infantry to the flag before most other people.
My answer is to ask them if they've got an 'F' key on their computer? Or perhaps their 'F' key is bust?
I mean, why the hell wouldn't anybody want to hit 'F' to make their men run fast to the flags like i always do?
Yah but POS there is a lot more to the Val v PzIII tourney that I could say but don't want to get into an arguement about your style of play. You play one style of play all the time, which has it's beneifits but lacks any surprise.
Yah but POS there is a lot more to the Val v PzIII tourney that I could say but don't want to get into an arguement about your style of play. You play one style of play all the time, which has it's beneifits but lacks any surprise.

I call my style of play the WINNING style mate, but if you know a better one let us know..:)
For instance there's a discussion going on right now in the Val v PzIII tourney thread because some people can't understand why I always seem to get my infantry to the flag before most other people.
My answer is to ask them if they've got an 'F' key on their computer? Or perhaps their 'F' key is bust?
I mean, why the hell wouldn't anybody want to hit 'F' to make their men run fast to the flags like i always do?

I like that "F" key in an ME.
Yes, when i stop using the 'F' key you can measure me up for a straitjacket..:)
Incidentally I had a bit of a layoff from CM in 2009 and only played 2 games in the 5 months from July to mid-December, now suddenly i'm up to my neck with 46 games in the Val v PzIII tourney and am delighted to see I haven't gone rusty.
That's because I simply play with all my old tried and tested winning drills that have become second nature to me throughout 8 years of playing CM.
As regards M.E's, Drill 1 is always:- Seize the vital ground (flags) before the enemy..;)

WIKI- "Napoleon used the combination of cavalry movement and fast infantry movement to bring about the defeat of superior forces whilst they were still moving to their intended place of battle.

He trained a normal, if rather undisciplined, French Army of Italy to be able to move faster than most thought possible.

Napoleon's principal strategy was to move fast so as to engage before the enemy had time to organize..

All of these activities imply faster movement than the enemy as well as faster reaction times to enemy activities.

His use of fast mass marches to gain strategic advantage, cavalry probes and screens to hide his movements, and deliberate movement to gain psychological advantage by isolating forces from each other and HQ are all hallmarks of maneuver warfare."

US Army "Four Fs" are as follows-

Find - Locate the enemy
Fix - Pin them down with suppressing fire
Flank - Send soldiers to the enemy's sides or rear
Finish - Eliminate all enemy combatants


The British Army uses the mnemonic "Perry Rat Likes Shooting Arseholes Regularly" as a way of remembering its Six Section Battle Drills (Squad Tactics)-

P - Prepare for battle
R - Reaction to effective enemy fire (RTR:-Return fire, Take cover, Return appropriate fire)
L - Locate the enemy
S - Suppress the enemy
A - Assault the enemy position
R - Reorganise


The Seven P's-

Prior Planning and Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance


Each battle or situation should not be too big, so that things do not get too confusing for both readers and the players
As someone who has only been playing CM for just over a year, I would love to see and participate in something like this. I very much enjoyed playing in POS' Vals-v-PzIII tourney with the screenshots and analysis he provided. I have also read through all the posts in the CM tactics section here and found a ton of great information. I think the idea of playing an open battle and watching others play them would be an excellent way to improve my CM skils.
Another few things-

1- Fight with your brain first and your weapons second
2- Never worry about what the enemy might do to you, just concentrate on what you're going to do to him
3- Be the hunter not the hunted
4- Never say to your opponent stuff like- "I'll probably lose, I always have bad luck", because with that kind of loser talk you're half beat already
5- Drills and tactics are all very well but don't be a slave to them, play by gut instinct rather than slide rule
6- If you're new to CM don't be timid, just remember you'll have some very powerful weapons in your hands that make you very, very dangerous, noob or not
If you wish to do this sort of thing, may i suggest an independant person (i would volounteer) collate the (preferably illustrated) commanders intentions into a single thread so that FOW is maintained, that way each players tactics will be more authentic.
If you wish to do this sort of thing, may i suggest an independant person (i would volounteer) collate the (preferably illustrated) commanders intentions into a single thread so that FOW is maintained, that way each players tactics will be more authentic.

You would take all info from both sides and help make it into a good story/ lesson.

Would you then need PWs from both players to do the pics as needed. This wy both players would not read or look at the thread and keep things as real a game as possible.

If this was the case...I would step up to be one side...I need another person to step into the fraye and reveal their skills for all to beneifit.
You would take all info from both sides and help make it into a good story/ lesson.

Would you then need PWs from both players to do the pics as needed. This wy both players would not read or look at the thread and keep things as real a game as possible.

If this was the case...I would step up to be one side...I need another person to step into the fraye and reveal their skills for all to beneifit.

Not sure my skills would be much more than an example of what not to do, but I would volunteer to do this. I think it would be a learning experience to participate as well as watch the game go on.
Well guys let me see here, we have Ratzki and ACSpecter.
Ratzki is an old war horse I take it and AcSpector is a newbie.
If you both played against me in a mirrored battle say you both as allies ...the guys could discuss the difference a newbie to an Old warhorse does things. Maybe have you both use the same troop picks etc.
Now if this is not to hard to accomplish for Jonny to track and so forth. It could be a go. AC and I are engaged right now in battle when that is over we could start.

There is still time in inject Ideas guys of how we could run this learning factory.
I like that scenario, I think it would be good for people to see some of the things inexperienced players do that hurt their game play. Especially in contrast to the tactics a more experienced player uses. I am up for this idea if we can pull it off.
I like that scenario, I think it would be good for people to see some of the things inexperienced players do that hurt their game play. Especially in contrast to the tactics a more experienced player uses. I am up for this idea if we can pull it off.

Good then let us finish our battles and get this thing on the road.Spanky
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