General Academy discussions etc

It was sent there spanky...and we are looking for extra body bags to clean up your dead after we whip you around.
A few 'survival' rules-

1- If you get challenged to a QB game, carefully study the parameters first, and if you don't like them, tell him. If he won't change them, tell him sorry, but you won't play.
If the params seem balanced in his favour, tell him you'll only play if it's a mirror so you both get to play both sides.

2- If it's a scenario, always tell him you want to open it in the editor first to have a good look at the map, units and reinforcement schedules, and tell him he can do the same.
You could of course both agree to play it 'blind' without examining it beforehand, but it's a risky business because you have to trust each other not to open it up. And if the other guy has played it before in the past, that'll give him a big advantage.

3- Learn valuable lessons from your losses and don't let them demoralise you. I've lost 16 times since mid-December, that's a loss rate of two defeats per week but it doesn't bother me, i just get back on the horse and manage to win more than I lose, so i'm happy with that.
2- If it's a scenario, always tell him you want to open it in the editor first to have a good look at the map, units and reinforcement schedules, and tell him he can do the same.
You could of course both agree to play it 'blind' without examining it beforehand, but it's a risky business because you have to trust each other not to open it up. And if the other guy has played it before in the past, that'll give him a big advantage.

I prefer people to play my scenarios blind, i think it makes it a lot more fun, after all QBs are just for pure gameyness, scenario's are supposed to depict an actual (if even fictional) event and no commander had all of that info available. A good scenario designer will include most of that information in the briefing and you can review the game by starting it with the side you wish to play.
I simply mean its a format so you can set up a game quickly, its just that, a facility to allow you to play a quick game, whereas (good) scenarios have thought, time and effort put into them.
Alright then, how about:

500-800pts which ever is your preference (lets keep it small)
May 42
North Africa
purchase - allow human
everything else random.

I must head off to work, if you want to start off and set it up and send it over to nathangun @ gamil dot com.


Anyone want to be the middle man ?
I say we go for 1000pts, still nice and small but allows us to buy enough toys to show off our tactics properly

Oh and i suggest we go for heavy trees, in the desert this should still give a very light tree coverage but will afford the infantry some form of cover and concealment.

I'll set it up as soon as we have a 3rd person
Ok I will try and do the both have my email address.
Ah excellent :D

I will set this up just as soon as i have finished off your and AC's DAR.
Ive sent screenshots of the battle parameters and my purchases, not too much point in you having the file just yet lol
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