General Academy discussions etc

Jonny are you able to do the compiling and posting of things relevant?
I am available to do that. If its going to be 2 mirrors it's going to be a challenge to keep everything clear to the reader, may have to do 4 seperate threads.
Incidentally, ACSpectre has played quite a few games in a short time, so I told him to be careful not to burn himself out or go stale.
He replied saying he's in 2 other clubs that have a 'minimum games requirement'.
So I put his mind at rest by saying we have no such requirement at FGM, members can play as few or as many games as they like because we're a Wargaming AND Discussion club, people can do both or just one..:)
(In fact I only played about 1 game between July and mid-December because I was having a layoff, and was just posting the odd photo and Reading Room stuff etc in all that time..:)
OK Jonny I will have a map off to you soon and you can touch it up if you feel the need. Then we will go from there.
I sent you a map that I had here. I have not played on it yet. If you do not want to use it, you can place it in the MAPS section here for anyone else to use.
Both Numbrz and Jonny have been sent my 1st turn, so we are off to the races.
I have ratzki and Spectres files, did you guys or Numbers set up this game? If it was numberz i need your files too.
Incidentally, ACSpectre has played quite a few games in a short time, so I told him to be careful not to burn himself out or go stale.
He replied saying he's in 2 other clubs that have a 'minimum games requirement'.
So I put his mind at rest by saying we have no such requirement at FGM, members can play as few or as many games as they like because we're a Wargaming AND Discussion club, people can do both or just one..:)
(In fact I only played about 1 game between July and mid-December because I was having a layoff, and was just posting the odd photo and Reading Room stuff etc in all that time..:)

Just touching on this subject and reiterating what POS says this is also a military discussion club... something I would like to see more of if I am truthful. We should get some non-CM history buffs aboard.. LOL
Maybe what is needed are some projects that are non game related. Like researching an OOB for some more obscure wars/battles. Just a thought.
I just said this to an opponent and might as well throw it in here..:)-

You strike me as a 'fun' player mate, by which I mean somebody who plays CM just for fun without bothering too much with tactics.
That's fine, but remember the more thought you put into your moves, the better your chance of winning.
In fact a saying of mine is "fight with your brain first and your weapons second".
For thousands of years the deadliest weapon on the planet has been the human brain, there's not an animal can survive against us and our weapons, we rule the Earth.
Bear that in mind when playing against a human opponent, regard it as a test of survival, your killer brain against his killer brain, so regard it as fun to carefully plan your setup and moves, your ambushes and traps, take your time with it and don't think of it as a chore..:)

"There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter"
- Ernest Hemingway
Does anyone want to give me a lesson and a third person to post screenies of our turns
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