Has anyone played a campaign using noob's 'Panzer Campaign' combo?

Yeah sure, but I changed the Market Garden OOB so it might screw things up. :confused: lol.
Could you please put your copy into the dropbox please ?

I've finished the Axis OOB (well nearly) here what it looks like regarding troop numbers al-la CM numbers.
A lot of the armored units had 10-15 tanks in them, I trimmed them down to Plt size for more less one sided CM battles. A 11 Panthers advancing on a para coy would be way to lob-sided.
The '98/156 men' are 'current/full' strength of units, sure you might have guessed that.

EDIT: Allied CAS support had 24 Typhoons in each in squadron, I trimmed them down to 12 each.
I have put CM values (Experience/Fitness/Motivation/Leadership/Ammo) in each unit.


Veghel, along Hells Highway, Sept 22nd, 1944: At dawn (06:00) of the 22nd, the Germans made yet another strong effort to cut the road north to XXX Corps. Kampfgruppe Walther, supported by the powerful Panzer Bridge 107 formed up east of the highway in the vicinity of Erp. They then drove, with some SS Troops, down the Gemert-Veghel road, while the Panzers moved off through the higher ground to the north. Their plan was to intercept the main road and drive on Veghel from the NE. This time the Germans were determined to cut Hell's Highway once and for all. At this same time, elements of the "Band of Brothers", 130 men from Easy Company, 506th PIR, had moved forward with 4 tanks of the 44th Royal Tank Regiment and were occupying Uden. These were the most northerly troops of the 101st, as most of the Division were involved with the containment of Germans troops in the Schjindel Sector, and with garrison duties along the "Hells Highway" in the Son sector to the south.
Cutting the road would be like severing an artery for the men at Nijmegen and Arnhmen.
Although the stratgic objective of MARKET-GARDEN had been lost by now (on September 20 the Germans had retaken the bridge at Arnhem from Col. John Forst's battlion of the British 1st Airborne Division) it is still critical to keep the road open.
The units north of Veghel where the 82nd at Nijmegen, the British 1st Airborne north of the lower Rhine, outside Arnhem, the Guards Armored and the 43rd Wessex Divisions, the Polish parachute regiment and the British 4th Dorset and 2nd Household Cavarly regiment.


Cutting Hells Highway 2, B

Axis OOB

Army Group B



90 men 100% (Reg/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

Pz Bde. 107

Pz Bde. 107 HQ
90 men 100% (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

1/Pz.Abt.2107 (3x PzKw Vg Panther Armor) (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

2/Pz.Abt.2107 (3x PzKw Vg Panther Armor) (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

3/Pz.Abt.2107 (3x PzKw Vg Panther Armor) (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

PzGR.Bn Mot 2107

1./PzGR Koy 2107
6 x SPW 251/1 Auf D 1
1 xSPW 251/3
2 x SPW 251/17.
1 x SPW 251/10.
1 x Spw 251/9
(156/156 men) 100% (Vet/ Fit /High/Typical/Full)

2./PzGR Koy 2107
6 x SPW 251/1 Auf D,
1 x SPW 251/3
2 x SPW 251/17
1 x SPW 251/10
1 x SPW 251/9
(156/156 men) 100% (Vet/ Fit /High/Typical/Full)

3./PzGR Koy 2107
6 x SPW 251/1 Auf D,
1 x SPW 251/3,
2 x SPW 251/17.
1 x SPW 251/10.
1 x Spw 251/9 )
(156/156 men) 100% (Vet/ Fit /High/Typical/Full)

4./PzGR Koy 2107
6 x SPW 251/1 Auf D,
1 x SPW 251/3,
2 x SPW 251/17.
1 x SPW 251/10.
1 x Spw 251/9
(156/156 men) 100% (Vet/ Fit /High/Typical/Full)

5./PzGR Koy 2107
6 x SPW 251/1 Auf D,
1 x SPW 251/3,
2 x SPW 251/17.
1 x SPW 251/10.
1 x Spw 251/9
(156/156 men) 100% (Vet/ Fit /High/Typical/Full)

[4x Wirbewind] (Vet/fit/High/Typical/Full)

[4 x Jagpanther IV, Anti-Tank Vehicles] (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

Pz.Pio.Blt.2107 (Mot)
(In Pz Campaigns the following Bn is armored but Pioneer Bn in CM aren't so I've subistuited the
companies for 'Regimental Pioneer Companies which has one armored platoon in each company.
The SPW 251/7 isn't available as a single vehicle.)

14 x trucks
3 x Kublewagons
13 x SPW 251/7 Auf D
(290/519 men [29/57 drivers]) 56% (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

59th Div

59th Div HQ
80 men 100% (Con/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

I/AR 159
Howitzer Battery-
4 x [105L28 leFH 18] Guns (Horse) 100% (Con/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

II/AR 159
Howitzer Battery-
4 x [105L28 leFH 18] Guns (Horse) 100% (Con/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

The following GR units are garrison Bn's. Not sure which type of CM unit they are, but my best guess would be a Sicherungs Bn- minus a Inf Company.

I/GR 1036
Inf Bn (201/276 men) 73% (Green/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

II/GR 1036
Inf Bn (229/276 men) 83% (Green/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

I/GR 1034
Inf Bn (237/276 men 86% (Green/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

II/GR 1034
Inf Bn (229/276 men) 83% (Green/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

II/GR 1035
Inf Bn (209/276 men) 76% (Green/Fit)/High/Typical/Full)

Pio Blt 59
Pioneer Bn (248 /407 men) 61% (Green/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

Pz.Jag.Blt 59
4 x 75L40 Pak 40 AT (Green/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

KG Ewald
Like the GR Bn above, I'm not to sure what CM unit these are, my I guess been
Luftwaffe unit they are 'Filegerhorst Bn'.

1/KG Ewald
[Fallschirmjager Inf Bn] 204/372 men 55% (Reg/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

2/KG Ewald
[Fallschirmjager Inf Bn] 204/372 men 55% (Reg/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

3/KG Ewald
[Fallschirmjager Inf Bn] 204/372 men 55% (Reg/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

Crops Troops

1/s Pz.Jag.Blt.559
(3x PzKw Vg Panther Armor) (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)



90 men 100% (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

KG Walther HQ
90 men 100% (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

KG Heinke HQ
80 MEN 100% (Vet/Fit/Fanatic/Typical/Full)

1/SS ARF 10
Howitzer Battery- 4 x [105L28 leFH 18] Guns (Mot) (Vet/Fit/Fanatic/Typical/Full)

SS Pz.Jag. Blt.10
4 x JagPanther IV (Vet/Fit/Fanatic/Typical/Full)

(PzGr Bnt of one Coy)
9 x Kublewagons
13 x trucks
(181/181 men) 100% (Vet/Fit/Fanatic/Typical/Full)

(PzGr Bnt of one Coy)
9 x Kublewagons
13 x trucks
(181/181 men) 100% (Vet/Fit/Fanatic/Typical/Full)

(I might have to reevaluate the numbers for SS PzGR 19 & 20)

Allied OOB

21st Army

1st Allied Airborne Army

101st Airborne Div
101st Airborne HQ
90/90 men 100% (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

501 Para Reg

501 Para Reg HQ
80 men 88% (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

1/501 Para Bn
A/1/501 ( 147/157 men ) 94% (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

B/1/501 (147 /157 men ) 94% (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

C/1/501 (147 /157 men ) 94% (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

2/501 Para Bn
D/2/501 ( 138 /157 men ) 88% (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

E/2/501 ( 144 /157 men ) 92% (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

F/2/501 ( 138 /157 men ) 88% (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

3/501 Para Bn
G/3/501 (144/157 men ) 92% (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

H/3/501 (144/157 men ) 92% (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

I/3/501 (144/157 men ) 92% (Vet/fit/High/Typical/Full)

502 Para Reg

502 Para Reg HQ
80 men 88% (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

A/1/502 (138 /157 men ) 88% (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

B/1/502 (138 /157 men ) 88% (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

C/1/502 (138 /157 men ) 88% (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

D/2/502 (130 /157 men ) 83% (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

E/2/502 ( 130/157 men ) 83% (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

F/2/502 ( 130/157 men ) 83% (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

506 Par Reg

506 Para Reg HQ
80 men 88% (Vet/fit/High/Typical/Full)

A/1/506 ( 146/157 men ) 93% (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

B/1/506 ( 146/157 men ) 93% (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

C/1/506 (146 /157 men ) 93% (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

D/2/506 (138/157 men ) 88% (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

E/2/506 (138 /157 men ) 88% (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

F/2/506 (138 /157 men ) 88% (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

(Using a Inf formation)
Engineer company (on foot)
(116/116) 100% (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

B/81 AB AT
4 x 57mm AT [Packed Howitzers] (Mot) (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

A/81 AB AT
4 x 57mm AT [Packed Howitzers] (Mot) (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

321 AB Art
4 x 75L16 PH M1A1 Gldr (75mm) (Mot) (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

907 AB Art
(scheduled at 06:00 23 September grid [13.20]
4 x 75L16 PH M1A1 Gldr (75mm) (Mot) (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

2nd Army

30th Corps
30th Corps HQ
50 men (55%) (Reg/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

44th Royal Tank Regiment

A/44 RTR
(scheduled at 04:00 23 September grid [9.21]
1 x Sherman III (Reg/Fit/High/Typical/Full)
3 x Sherman V (Reg/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

1 x Sherman IC Firefly (Reg/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

B/44 RTR
1 x Sherman III (Reg/Fit/High/Typical/Full)
3 x Sherman V (Reg/Fit/High/Typical/Full)
1 x Sherman IC Firefly (Reg/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

C/44 RTR
1 x Sherman III (Reg/Fit/High/Typical/Full)
3 x Sherman V (Reg/Fit/High/Typical/Full)
1 x Sherman IC Firefly (Reg/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

Recce/44 RTR
(scheduled to arrive at 00:00 23 September grid 21.1]

1 x Jeep
5 x Stuart III
3 x Stuart V
3 Stuart VI

32nd Guards Inf Bde

32nd Guards Ind Bde HQ
(scheduled to arrive at 06:00 23 September grid 22.0]
(67/90 men ) 75% (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

1st Ind MG NF [UK 44 MG, mot]
(scheduled to arrive at 04:00 23 September grid 21.1]
Machine-gun Company [independent]

11 x Universal carriers

8 x MG carriers

1 x Bedfored Truck

( 61/82 men) 75% (Vet/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

2nd Household Cav Regiment

A Sqdn 2nd HCR
(scheduled to arrive at 00:00 23 September grid 21.1]
Armored Reccon [4 Troop]

1 x Jeep
3 x Stuart III
5 x Stuart V
3 Stuart VI

Headcount (37/50) 75% (Reg/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

8th Arm. Bde.

13/18 Hussars

A tropp - 13/18 H
4 x Sherman V (M4A4/FF) (Reg/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

B tropp - 13/18 H
3 x Sherman V (M4A4/FF) (Reg/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

C tropp - 13/18 H
4 x Sherman IC Firefly (Reg/Fit/High/Typical/Full)

Air Support

2nd Tactical Air Force

No. 83rd Fighter Group
129th Flight Wing [Canadian]
12 x Typhoons (Reg/Full)

143rd Flight Wing [Canadian]
12 x Typhoons (Reg/Full)

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I edited the OOB post above and included the Allied OOB and the scenario briefing.
Oh, and CM values to each unit (Experience/Fitness/Motivation/Leadership/Supply).

I'd be willing to GM this, if I had two peeps to test it with :)
I could play test it if you want.
Cool, do you want to share that Dropbox folder Cargol? ;)
Of course just send me an invitation.
One question,as i dont own Pzer Campaign Market Garden(i only have the Salerno title) my contribution is going to be on the CM field right?
I don't want to play any battles but if you guys would like a hand managing the campaign I'd be willing to help.
I can take part in this as I have MG 44.
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@nathangun one question, in the PzC game the PzGR.Bn Mot 2107 is of Btl size while in the OOB that you posted the Btl is broken into Coys.
Is this possible in PzC or you ve split them just to portray their manpower?
Also in CM editor you cant have a unit lower than 50% of its original strength so starting with lower numbers might cause problems later on in the campaign(meaning that after a turn you ll have to amalgamate Coys or Btls.
You can combine/breakdown units in PzC. Plus I made the tank/panzer companies into platoon size.
Regarding CM units below 50%, I will deploy a full platoon + HQ unit at 40%, and so on. Once the company strength drops below 30% the company must disband or two companies can combine.

I've been reading and rereading the rules (God bless smart phones) and will do a FGM official rules in due course.
My next day off won't be till Tuesday so I won't be able to do anything till then.
Just to give you an update on this. I've done the Allied OOB in CM and made a start on the Axis OOB (screenies to come later).
I attempted doing a CM map of Eerde using goggle earth which I found time consuming. So I think it might be wiser using altered stock maps in CM.
Also, I posted a map of the PzC scenario for anyone interested, see above post with the OOB's.
@Bootie & @Cargol. I'm thinking of taking part in this rather than just doing the GM side of things. I propose playing the scenario without any FOW so to keep things on a even level.
I've edited the PzC Hells Highway scenario and added some extra armor for the Allies and AA for the Axis and a few extra VP's as well.
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