Dutch Grenadier
You should get an email with the dload link as per usual.
Already deleted my post. Got the link
You should get an email with the dload link as per usual.
Since I've got a few PBEM's happening, I decided to re-install into a new directory and activate the new ones. Worked like a charm.Everyone, please note that you can have two versions of the game installed on your computer. For example if you have CMBN 3.12 you can make a copy of the directory and rename the copy something like CMBN400. Then install the patch on that copy. TADA! Now you can play either version and can finish your current PBEM games with the old one and start new ones with the new version.
Same for all the other games. The only difference being that the other games share a saved game directory so you have to play attention to what game you open with which version. And also the hotkeys file will be updated and some hotkeys will not be mapped right in the older game. Still very workable. I have been playing like that for years now.
Yes, good point that also works well too.Since I've got a few PBEM's happening, I decided to re-install into a new directory and activate the new ones. Worked like a charm.
LOL yeah I just did that this morning. Wow I had a lot of files hanging around - every little install, patch and hot fix. It feels strange not needing them any more.It's now time to delete a whole bunch of Battlefront downloads, starting with CMBN 1.0.
If you installed using the full installer then the modules will be there but perhaps they are not activated. Use the activate short cut to enter your module keys to turn them on for the V4 install - just make sure you are running the activate command for the V4 install.So I've installed V4.0 for CMBN but it doesn't show the CW and MG module?
The latest CMFB is version 2.0 and it includes the v4 engine. The only game that has a version 4 install for the v4 engine is CMBN since it was the one that was upgraded separately from the v1 engine.And for CMFB do I need to instaal the V2.0 first and then V4.0?
@Dutch Grenadier I believe I remember reading that, if this happens, you may have to register those modules again. Anyone confirm?
The latest CMFB is version 2.0 and it includes the v4 engine. The only game that has a version 4 install for the v4 engine is CMBN since it was the one that was upgraded separately from the v1 engine.
After this latest round is done (CMFI is still pending) the latest game version and engine version will move from:
CMBN 3.12 v3 engine -> 4.00 v4 engine
CMRT 1.0? v3 engine -> 2.00 v4 engine
CMFB 1.03 v3 engine -> 2.00 v4 engine
CMBS 1.04 v3 engine -> 2.00 v4 engine
CMFI 1.2? v3 engine -> 2.00 v4 engine
(sorry I cannot remember the latest patch number for CMRT and I am not sure if CMFI has had a patch since the module or not.
There's probably some perfectly sound IT reason why this numbering system makes sense, but for us Luddites it would have been easier to sync up up the engine version number between the titles. ie. version 4.02 would be the second patch for the 4th version of the game engine.
Hi Cat. Do you want to continue our Highway game in 3.12? Or 4.0?If you installed using the full installer then the modules will be there but perhaps they are not activated. Use the activate short cut to enter your module keys to turn them on for the V4 install - just make sure you are running the activate command for the V4 install.
The latest CMFB is version 2.0 and it includes the v4 engine. The only game that has a version 4 install for the v4 engine is CMBN since it was the one that was upgraded separately from the v1 engine.
After this latest round is done (CMFI is still pending) the latest game version and engine version will move from:
CMBN 3.12 v3 engine -> 4.00 v4 engine
CMRT 1.0? v3 engine -> 2.00 v4 engine
CMFB 1.03 v3 engine -> 2.00 v4 engine
CMBS 1.04 v3 engine -> 2.00 v4 engine
CMFI 1.2? v3 engine -> 2.00 v4 engine
(sorry I cannot remember the latest patch number for CMRT and I am not sure if CMFI has had a patch since the module or not.
There's probably some perfectly sound IT reason why this numbering system makes sense, but for us Luddites it would have been easier to sync up up the engine version number between the titles. ie. version 4.02 would be the second patch for the 4th version of the game engine.
If you installed using the full installer then the modules will be there but perhaps they are not activated. Use the activate short cut to enter your module keys to turn them on for the V4 install - just make sure you are running the activate command for the V4 install.
The latest CMFB is version 2.0 and it includes the v4 engine. The only game that has a version 4 install for the v4 engine is CMBN since it was the one that was upgraded separately from the v1 engine.
After this latest round is done (CMFI is still pending) the latest game version and engine version will move from:
CMBN 3.12 v3 engine -> 4.00 v4 engine
CMRT 1.0? v3 engine -> 2.00 v4 engine
CMFB 1.03 v3 engine -> 2.00 v4 engine
CMBS 1.04 v3 engine -> 2.00 v4 engine
CMFI 1.2? v3 engine -> 2.00 v4 engine
(sorry I cannot remember the latest patch number for CMRT and I am not sure if CMFI has had a patch since the module or not.
Just for confirmation on the previous v numbers ...
- CMRT was at v1.03
- CMFI was indeed at v 1.2
Hi Cat. Do you want to continue our Highway game in 3.12? Or 4.0?
There's probably some perfectly sound IT reason why this numbering system makes sense,
ie. version 4.02 would be the second patch for the 4th version of the game engine.
Well, my activation key doesn't work so give me a few days. I am YET to have a BF upgrade work as it is supposed to. I absolutely love their products but have no confidence in their upgrades...I can do either. I have both versions up and running. So I vote update to 4. I am not in front of my gaming computer so I don't remember who's turn it is. If it is yours upgrade away otherwise I will.
Well, my activation key doesn't work so give me a few days. I am YET to have a BF upgrade work as it is supposed to. I absolutely love their products but have no confidence in their upgrades...
Thank you Phil. Thy responded to my ticket and told me the same thing and it work! Thanks for the info here. It's good to have a fellow Mac user to lean on.I had issues (on a Mac) with my v4 Big Bundle key, with CMBN and CMRT ...
The key worked fine with CMBS and CMFB (newer titles, I guess), but for RT and BN you have to go back and use the earlier engine 3 keys you already have, and for BN then also reactivate the modules using their keys ...
This thread at BF details it, if this helps ...