HO HO HO from Battlefront! The 4.0 Upgrade is out!

I can do either. I have both versions up and running. So I vote update to 4. I am not in front of my gaming computer so I don't remember who's turn it is. If it is yours upgrade away otherwise I will.

Well. I have upgraded to 4.0 and have kept a 3.12 version as well. When I launch 4.0 I see the file we are playing but it is blacked out and I have a statement that says.. Aww never mind I'll do a screenshot. A picture is worth...

Anyone got ideas or should I open another ticket.
Yes, use the short cut to activate modules and enter your key for the modules and packs you own - one at as time. They have to be activated again for the 4.00 upgraded game.
See point #3
I did number 3 and no luck. I guess I need to sort back through the 17 different files of games I have bought from them and figure out which ones are MG and CW, download them again and reactivate them? I'm going to send another ticket request. There's got to be an easier way they could do this.
I did number 3 and no luck. I guess I need to sort back through the 17 different files of games I have bought from them and figure out which ones are MG and CW, download them again and reactivate them? I'm going to send another ticket request. There's got to be an easier way they could do this.

Just in case you don't have it sorted yet ... as @A Canadian Cat says, you don't need to re-download nor re-install the modules themselves, "just" re-activate them (re-licence them?) within the CMBN activation process.

Within the top-level CM Battle for Normandy folder in Applications (if you have a default install location ...) there is a file called Activate New Products - CMBN.sh .... click on / run that. After it has opened up the activation window, input the module keys you got at the time of buying the modules (available from your account in the BF store, with the purchase info, if you don't have a separate note of the keys; they also come by email at the point of purchase, too) ... do that for any modules you have but which are not showing up again after patching to v4.0 ... it's a pain to have to do again, but it does work and make them available again.
can any body tell me......I have started the Download for CMFB....You have the 4 windows open which says for Mac and Windows.....Do i have to tick the boxs 2-0 and the 4-0 to start my download for Windows or just the 4-0

I'm on a Mac, but I'm pretty sure that the answer is the same for Windows ...

The full 2.0 gets you the master installer of all content up to and including engine 4 ... for CMFB that is v2.0 (don't ask me why ...!!): bigger (much) file.

If you have the previous content and a working copy up to v1.02 and want only the new stuff to patch to engine 4 / v2.0, then just take the 4.0 upgrade: smaller file.
I wonder if any one can suggest the next move for me, I think a ticket to BF might be the right road to go...This is what i have got at the moment....Please note the numbers on the right hand corner which say V2-00 game engine 4, looks OK but I can't get past the Red Window

ON BF's site, it says this about the problem it looks like you have ... (link: http://community.battlefront.com/announcement/27-special-upgrade-4-tech-tips/ )

4. For CMBS and CMFB customers, you need to use the Activate New Products shortcut and enter your Upgrade 4 key. If you launch the game and see a screen that says "LICENSE FAILURE: Base Game 4.0 is required." that is an indication you haven't yet gone through that procedure. Provided you had a properly functioning copy before installing the Upgrade, that should be all you need to do. If in the future you have to install from scratch on a new system you'll need to do the same procedure for both your original license key and your Upgrade 4.0 key.
That what you've got? Have you input the new engine 4 key yet?

The BF help / explanation goes on to say (if this applies to you - ie you don't have the shortcut to re-run the activation process - then to fix things you may need to do this as well ...)

5. There's always a weird one and here it is. A few Windows users are not getting "Activate New Products" shortcuts created during installation. Apparently anti-virus software is preventing the installer from doing its job. This might not be a problem right now, but it will prove to be an issue at some point in the future. The solution is to create your own shortcut using the following steps:

Disable your anti-virus software before you do anything. Go to your Desktop, right click on the Desktop itself, select NEW->SHORTCUT, use BROWSE to locate the CM EXE that you are trying to fix. The location is then written out. After it type in a single space and then paste this:


Click NEXT and give your new Shortcut a name (doesn't matter what). Confirm that and you're done. Double click on the new Shortcut and you should be prompted to license whatever it is you need to license.

At this time we have not identified any issues that have not been worked around. Let's hope it stays that way

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I'm having the same issue, anybody out there with a layman explanation as what to do?
And for now, the game is unplayable
Where the hell is the CMexe?
Got it sorted....what a pain..
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I have no problems so far with the update except I have no idea how Hull Down command works. I know perfectly well what hull down means but all my tanks behave just as I would give them MOVE command.
Glad to hear people have their games up and running again.

I have no problems so far with the update except I have no idea how Hull Down command works. I know perfectly well what hull down means but all my tanks behave just as I would give them MOVE command.

There are two ways to make the hull down command work. One that sucks IMHO and one that makes sense. First the sucky way: you issue the hull down move order for a tank and place the way point on the far side of the hill where you want the tank to get to hull down to. The tank should move until it has a hull down position to the final way point. Do not do this! The reason I say that is if your tank does not find a hull down position then it will keep driving to that final way point - which is likely where the enemy is = bad.

Here is what you should do: plot the hull down command to the crest of the obstruction and at that way point create a target to the location you want your tank to be hull down to. Now if you tank does not find a hull down location the worst thing that will happen is they are sitting on the top of the hill.

The trick is there has to be a terrain obstruction between the tank's current position and the location where you want to be hull down to. If there is not then the tank will drive to the end of the way point and stop. Also note that the tank is looking for a hull down position relative to a tank sized target being at the target location. Infantry can possibly slip by unnoticed (depending on what your tank commander's disposition is.

The best time to use the command is before the enemy arrive while your tanks are taking up defensive positions.
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