ITALIAN WARS - FOG Medieval Mini Campaign - TURN 5 - LAST TURN

Still waiting on a challenge from Bootie and waiting on him to accept my challenge. Myself and mTK have just started. I guess all the snow in Europe means people are getting home from work a little later than usual and that it Christmas season.
I guess so - - turns are drying up, game play slowing down -- maybe start looking for some solo or vs the AI battles/games to tide one over until the new year.
Any updates here?

Myself and @chiquichops are into the head-bashing melee phase ... my fancy wheeling maneuver didn't quite work out as envisaged, but the Papal armies my still prevail.

@Nelson1812 has been plagued with computer problems, so we're still just at set up phase.
It's turned into a bloody grind bit I think I've clawed back a slight hope. Whatever the result, there won't be many left standing.
There is joyful celebration in Naples today. The church bells ring out and the populace give thanks for a glorious victory over the Papal States. It was a close run thing, many fell but the day was saved!
Had to big up my victory @Rico , don't get many chances like that
47 -60 victory to Naples
The PAPAL army's attack into TERAMO was repulsed by the Neapolitan Condottiere @chiquichops inflicting a 47 - 60% defeat.

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GENOA -- @Nathangun vs @Bootie

VENICE: BRESCIA -- @HOA_KSOP or @mTk vs @Nathangun

PAPAL STATES: TERAMO -- @Rico vs @chiquichops -- Papal States DEFEAT (-13%)

NAPLES: MANTUA -- @chiquichops vs @HOA_KSOP or @mTk

FLORENCE: SIENA -- @Nelson1812 vs @Rico

FRANCE: TURIN -- @Bootie vs @Nathangun


ARMIES to be used:

FRANCE: French (1484 - 1500 AD)

MILAN: Milanese (1440 - 1500 AD)

VENICE: Venetian (1440 -1500 AD)

FLORENCE: Florentine (1440 -1500 AD)

PAPAL STATES: Papal (1440 -1500 AD)

NAPLES: Neapolitan (1443 -1500 AD)
Battle for SIENA ends with a FLORENCE 57 - 29 = +28% victory.

What a bizarre and frustrating battle -- started badly for my Papal forces, found myself 20 points behind quite soon -- clawed back into a 10% lead and then suddenly FIVE of @Nelson1812 's routed units rallied in ONE turn... I couldn't reach any of them to attack them... and one turn later that was game over for me. :eek::(

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GENOA -- @Nathangun vs @Bootie

VENICE: BRESCIA -- @HOA_KSOP or @mTk vs @Nathangun

PAPAL STATES: TERAMO -- @Rico vs @chiquichops -- Papal States DEFEAT (-13%)

NAPLES: MANTUA -- @chiquichops vs @HOA_KSOP or @mTk

FLORENCE: SIENA -- @Nelson1812 vs @Rico -- Florence VICTORY (+28%)

FRANCE: TURIN -- @Bootie vs @Nathangun


ARMIES to be used:

FRANCE: French (1484 - 1500 AD)

MILAN: Milanese (1440 - 1500 AD)

VENICE: Venetian (1440 -1500 AD)

FLORENCE: Florentine (1440 -1500 AD)

PAPAL STATES: Papal (1440 -1500 AD)

NAPLES: Neapolitan (1443 -1500 AD)

A Naples victory over Venice
40 -67%
It was one hell of a tough fight. Thanks @HOA_KSOP for the challenge.
Things are looking up for Naples after two very close calls!
NAPLES captures MANTUA from VENICE with a +27% victory.

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GENOA -- @Nathangun vs @Bootie

VENICE: BRESCIA -- @HOA_KSOP or @mTk vs @Nathangun

PAPAL STATES: TERAMO -- @Rico vs @chiquichops -- Papal States DEFEAT (-13%)

NAPLES: MANTUA -- @chiquichops vs @HOA_KSOP or @mTk -- Naples VICTORY (+27%)

FLORENCE: SIENA -- @Nelson1812 vs @Rico -- Florence VICTORY (+28%)

FRANCE: TURIN -- @Bootie vs @Nathangun


ARMIES to be used:

FRANCE: French (1484 - 1500 AD)

MILAN: Milanese (1440 - 1500 AD)

VENICE: Venetian (1440 -1500 AD)

FLORENCE: Florentine (1440 -1500 AD)

PAPAL STATES: Papal (1440 -1500 AD)

NAPLES: Neapolitan (1443 -1500 AD)
Two more battle results in:

FRANCE attack into TURIN is repulsed inflicting a -39% Defeat.

MILAN captures GENOA from FRANCE with a +37% Victory.

That leaves only one battle to be completed: BRESCIA attack by VENICE -- @HOA_KSOP @Nathangun -- how is that one going?

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GENOA -- @Nathangun vs @Bootie -- Milan VICTORY (+37%)

VENICE: BRESCIA -- @mTk vs @Nathangun

PAPAL STATES: TERAMO -- @Rico vs @chiquichops -- Papal States DEFEAT (-13%)

NAPLES: MANTUA -- @chiquichops vs @HOA_KSOP or @mTk -- Naples VICTORY (+27%)

FLORENCE: SIENA -- @Nelson1812 vs @Rico -- Florence VICTORY (+28%)

FRANCE: TURIN -- @Bootie vs @Nathangun -- French DEFEAT (-39%)


ARMIES to be used:

FRANCE: French (1484 - 1500 AD)

MILAN: Milanese (1440 - 1500 AD)

VENICE: Venetian (1440 -1500 AD)

FLORENCE: Florentine (1440 -1500 AD)

PAPAL STATES: Papal (1440 -1500 AD)

NAPLES: Neapolitan (1443 -1500 AD)
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