I can't disagree. I quit trying some time ago. The problem is that there is usually a lot of bad
guys around and it is very difficult to pick off just one w/o being spotted or discovered.
What I do is upgrade a silencer on most of my #1 weapons. Because even the Legion will be
alerted when they see a bunch of dead bodies lying around there is still a good chance they
will remain confused while my shooters remain in stealth, unable to be certain where the shot
came from. In the short run anyway.
While I have a lot of cash it would disappear quickly if I purchased the contracts of two new mercs
w/o another reliable source for a steady income. By accident I discovered that if I place my under
strength Echo team on that island fortification in the river it greatly reduces the Legion's enthusiasm
to send down stream river raids as everybody (theirs) dies if they try it.
In the interim my mercs in Charlie squad took some hits (again) and I decided it would be a good
idea if I could capture a sector with a hospital complex on it. Not sure, but I think that would allow for
free healthcare. "Save the Leaves"! So I thought "sure, why not? What could go wrong?" As I entered
the sector this is what I found. The hospital fills the entire sector. So far it seems lightly defended. Now
I have to deal with door-to-door combat and there are a lot of doors!