Jagged Alliance 3

Good news. Took control of the mine. While inside I found new veins of gold and silver. This increased the $
production from $7000 to $9000 a WEEK! This allowed me to get two more mercs to easily fill out the roster
slots for Team Echo with some left over. But wait! There's more. Snake decided to rejoin the teams (he was one
of my mercs that bailed after THE PATCH came down). He immediately was made Echo Team leader. His skills in
multiple categories solved a lot of organizational problems. No sign of John Wick yet.
After that I spent a lot of time doing paperwork and rekitting the new mercs. During that time I also had to put
out a lot of fires as the Legion apparently did not like losing that mine and launched numerous counter attacks
across a wide front. The Legion seems to have acquired new weapons and gear. They also appear to have gained
some more training as they usually now search for cover rather than just ending up in the open for my target
practice. And I'm seeing them set up a bit more op fire as well as using stealth more effectively. Hmm.
While Team Echo will continue to rebuff the Legion's attacks in the East they will also plan on some limited offensives
of their own. Team Charlie will continue to sweep along C-Line sectors and work towards C-5 in particular.
Meds for Team Charlie are all but empty. Good news though. There is med treatment available at an accessible hospital.
Takes $, but I have a lot of that.
"Tighten up people. We're going to go look for trouble".
Perseverance pays off.
With Team Echo easily controlling the east, at least defensively, Team Charlie was ordered to advance westward along the C-row
and wipe out all resistance it encountered. Turns out the Legion was a bit of a paper tiger as it looks as if the constant raiding
wore down their forces to the point Charlie has little trouble completing its task. In fact, after taking out C row they moved north
to A-2 and captured another (small) mine! That really upset the Legion, but Charlie was too much for their modest counter attacks
as well. So, what now? Since Charlie is on a roll they have now been ordered to clean up the rest of the west. If/when that is done
they will be able to travel east, join up with Echo and perhaps start the beginning of the end. Along the way they will need to start
cleaning up a lot of minor quests that keep clogging things up.
Bun's upgraded shotgun. Awesome.

Current Situation.

My explosives guy, Wolf, armed to the teeth. He also carries 1/2 light MG's and the RPG, but It's o/o ammo atm..
Hmm. Problem. Maybe.
In the vanilla game the diamond mines lose production as time passes. Now, I understand why. The Devs
didn't want players just sitting around earning money and then having more than they ever intended them
to have. I get it. Really. And I hate it!
My biggest game playing gripe is when the Devs tell me how I ma supposed to play the game. "Stop doing
that and play faster". I usually avoid playing "Beat the Clock" games whenever possible. So, when I found a
mod that keeps the mines from being depleted over time I was an happy camper...until the mod quit working.
At least I think that is what happened. I just got a txt warning that one of the mines was losing %50 production
shortly. Now it's possible that is just a standard game alert and doesn't take into account my mod. I checked and
the mod should to be working as designed. If this ends up being a serious problem there are other, bright, shiny
games on the horizon.
Now, I did order Charlie to pick up the pace and do a complete search in all the western sectors and kill any Legion
forces they run into. So far, not much. However, I am expanding and securing territory so with a little luck they
may be able to join Echo soon and then the fun begins. Still minor quests to be resolved before I can do that.
Of note is this: Yep, a gold plated sniper rifle! Found it on the body of a Legion sniper. Now it just isn't as good as
an upgraded Dragunov, but it's close.
Oh, my.
I learned from an Ofc in the Gran Cien Army (country I am in) that apparently there was a coup in progress
of which I was unaware. Emma, the President's daughter hired me an mine to rescue her father, the President,
who had been kidnapped. It looks like Corazon, her right hand woman, may have originally been involved in
the kidnapping and was actually the one who financed the Major and his Legion to do the dirty work. The officer
said me and my mercs would be killed, blamed for attacking innocent civilians with mustard gas, and accused of
actually supporting the coup. Then I found out that the mining company that was paying me to retake their mines
from the Legion reneged and were out to eliminate me as well. Damn, I must have really pissed some people off!
Well, that didn't quite go as he planned, but after I mopped up his forces the strangest thing happened. A huge
force of soldiers attacked me from the west and retook about %70 of the sectors I'd captured!! They would have
probably wiped me out if I hadn't taken the time to fully garrison every sector where it was allowed. I don't know
for sure who they were, but they were well equipped and in uniform so not the Legion bandits. Possibly troops
supported by the mining company? The Gran Cien Army? Dunno.
However, I have mostly recovered lost territory and am getting ready to go ask some questions. As soon as I
retake Ernie Island. Yep. They even overran that area too. (sigh)
I'd forgotten that Corazon was a high ranking employee of Adonis Mining Corp (AMC). And while she agreed
to pay me a % income for every mine I recovered from Legion control that partnership likely is done as she has
decided my teams are too much of a threat and must be eliminated. Thus, I'm pretty sure that massive attack
that I barely repelled was all her doing. Those troops likely paid by AMC. However, since that did not work she
has established a base of operations on Ernie Island at H4.
That sector includes the old fort L'Eau Bleu as well as a large underground complex. She also has an estimated
guard force of 16 soldiers! Oh, my.
I can't let them stay there and Corazon must be dealt with sooner than later. Being badly outnumbered I intend
to fully dive into our 40mm grenade launcher inventory.
Bring it bad guys!
The attack on the fort went pretty much as one would expect when outnumbered 16-6. When all opposition
was finally eliminated all my mercs had been wounded, some several times. One took SIX hits! When I stopped
the bleeding and attempted to enter the underground bunker the game told me my team was too injured and
exhausted to proceed further. I'd never rec'd that message before.
So, backed out, treated all the wounds and rested a couple of days. Then, back to the bunker. Yes, the resistance
consisted of 16 enemy soldiers...but there were EIGHT more underground w/Ms Corazon Santiago. One had an
MG covering the main corridor and the others spread around the rooms on both sides. It being dark also made
the enemy hard to find and reduced enemy injuries in the process. Before that fight started I rec'd another game
message that warned there were a LOT of enemy soldiers and there was no shame if we wanted to retreat. Never
seen that message in the game before either! Uh, turns out there were a LOT more defenders than the 8 I'd just
fought with.
I finally reached the last room where Ms Santiago was located. She agreed to stop fighting and surrender. I set up
5 of my mercs w/op fire on the door and prepared to move one forward to the room entrance to have a chat with
Corazon . The first photo shows the start of that encounter. The 2nd photo shows what I encountered when entering
the room. The warning message was right.

To be continued...

Turns out there were an additional 7 more soldiers ready to fight to the death! However, the communication skill of "Buns" was good enough
to allow for a conversation before Corazon's guards opened up (I used someone else the first time and everyone started shooting everyone).
This was a much better outcome. Turns out Corazon was not involved with the coup, it was all Col. Faucheux plan. Neither did she have anything
to do with "The Major" other than to fend off his efforts to extract funding from her for his own goals. . Corazon agreed to give us all the additional
intel she had and would leave the country asap. Happily so as it turned out.
So, after gathering up all the dropped loot its time to do a little inventory control and then coordinate with Team Echo for cleaning up the rest of the
western sectors. There are still some things to be done in the west as sectors along the A-B rows need attention.
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