Ladder Game with Top Dozen Wanted - Meeting engagement Large +

Yes, this is my force selection file.
Will wait your setup. As always deploying and buying troops is one of the most time consuming steps in each battle.
Really curious to see GL in action with snow time!
Short update: I will definitely send you the next file tomorrow. It takes me a bit of time as I am a bit busy these days and the setup is difficult. The map is very challenging and I don`t want to mess up right from the beginning. After that my turn rate goes up significant. Promised.
Don't worry, take your time.. I know that the setup phase is critical, even more for the defender.. (me in this case).. The first GL battle deserve our best effort!
So we are ready to Rock `n`Roll finally :). Have we agreed on making this a ladder game? If so, as your are the defender and draws don`t count in the Ladder I would say, in the case of a draw the winner would be the defender, you. In my opinion a draw is a victory for the defender as he managed what he is supposed to do: not allowing the attacker to reach his objectives.
Yes, Ladder Game...
We can make that a draw is a win for the defender, i agree with you that a draw is a succesful mission for the defending side.
Obviously we must use this rule always, even in other battles where eventually you will be on the defensive side.
Have a great battle!
So we got our personal agreement on Draw is a Win for the Defender. I find that very reaosnable.
I also wish you a great battle! It`s my first one in snow. Looks good and feels different!
My first battle with GL module.. in the future i would also like to try pre-made scenarios against human players.. Even if sometimes they can be not perfectly balanced, they could be really fun if completely new for both players.. Had a great battle against MGMG with Retaking Vierville scenario (P.S. : thanks Nelson1812 for the great scenario you created)...
It seems that (with GL) the spotting system has changed a lot (now it seems much better.. an efficient FOW system, not revealing everything of the spotted units)..
See you on the battlefield!
My current opponents.

Turns will grind to a halt for me until I get some sunshine.
I run my home 100% on SolarPower and I'm not attached to the mains power supply.

Ten days of overcast and rainy weather means I now have to start being more careful with my electricity use.
Which means not using my gaming PC until the weather breaks.

I'll get back to you when Sol gets back to me.

jackal263 : yes the new FOW system is so much more fun and definitely more challenging. Great change of gameplay. BTW I also enjoy scenarios. I don't mind unbalanced scenarios. They are often very special. So if you have one in mind (maybe this one I play Axis) we can give it a try.

WynnterGreen : roger that! Sun will come back. Hopefully. We are also hit with super heavy rainfall and now in an emergency state over here. Severe flooding all over...
Strachwitz : for me they are pratically all new.. (even in CMBN base game , CMFI base game and CW module).. So we have a lot of possibilities... Probably it's better to go a bit more deep in the actual battle, then we could also start another one while playing this one..
That sounds like a good plan. Evolve the actual battle to a more active state and then we will see if we sart another scenario. CMBN I am fairly done with, maye some stuff from CW or of course CMFU/GL. There we have the most choices as I haven`t played CMFI that much.
You can suggest any interesting scenario (maybe we could avoid tiny or huge (at lest at beginning)... i will play it .. CMFI and GL are completely new for me (only played 5/6 QB with CMFI) .. So whatever you pick, it's ok...
Just let's go to a critical point in our current battle before starting a new one.
I know you're attacking, so your task (in terms of time spent to give orders) is much harder, at least in the initial phases of the battle!
Roger that. Let`s get this into a more active stage and the we will look for something else. It will then pick a CMFI/GL scenario as I also haven`t played scenarios there and really like the idea of playing double blind. That`s the way they are meant to be played.

Thanks for the great battle, and congrats for your victory.. My position collapsed at the very last minutes.. Anyway i'm satisfied with my defense, even if i choosed a too risky tactic.. i had to take at least one/two tanks .. Anyway German paratroopers revealed all their strenght in this static defense.. you was probably very cautious with tank support because you couldn't detect my tanks.. that was my plan to avoid a massive close tank support for your infantry.. but the final move of the Stuart on my flank was decisive for your success, completely opening my position.
Remember to register your victory on the ladder.. i would really like to begin a new QB or Scenario (GL preferred) (even not perfectly balanced is ok anyway),,, but we should wait until September because in the next two months i will only have at my disposal a laptop (not the ideal platform for this amazing game)!

Also a big thank you to you jackal263. It really was a very close battle and tactically interesting until the last minute. During no time I was convienced I could win this. You can really be proud on your defense as these stubborn Fallschirmjäger caused me trouble after trouble after trouble. Sometimes it felt as a nightmare :). First my smokescreen from the 81mm Mortars was blown away by the wind in about 2 minutes which lead to the destruction by PaK of a complete platoon which I really missed althrough the battle. And yes after I dicovered some of your PaK-positions and disabling the most of them by heavy morar fire I was always on the lookout for german panzers and panzerjägers. I suspected them always in the lower grounds and in the woody hill on your right flank I couldn`t see into it. So your plan worked perfectly as planned. This and this stubborn mean PaK 76mm on your highgrounds on the right flank in reverse slope position overwatching great and vital parts on the battlefield. Perfectly choosen position. I couldn`t get rid of it until my move at the very end with the brave and later immobilzed Stuart. I hated this PaK. Truely! But in a entertaining way if you know what I mean :).
Also this game proved the dominance of MG42 on the battleground at long and medium ranges if used the way you did. The fire from these constantly harrased, demoralised and slowly decimated my ranks.

I would be glad to meet again on the battlefield. I already have a medium sized infantry/light armoured vehicle GL-secnario in mind. It is a meeting engagement with, as the briefing suggests, roughly equal forces. I think this will suit us well. So I keep that unplayed by me to start doubleblind later when you got something more suitable for CM. I understand that. Couldn`t go back to my laptop since I got my good PC back into action a few month ago. What a diffence that made....
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