Did you save the e-mail with the e-license on it? The e-license is all you need to start DL'g.
If you didn't save it, you can go to BF site, go to your account and the e-license will be there as well.
After several tries I can't get MG to work properly with a second 2.01 install. Until this is fixed (a big or a mistake by me) I can live with reentering the license over and over again. Does anyone know if activation restriction is not limited as it was in past versions? I remember BF said something like that but can't find the link at their forums...
I encountered the some problem with parallel versions on the some Pc (the new MG upgraded CMBN + the old backup of the original CMBN)..
It seemed all ok, i could run MG after activation, then i launched old CMBN (from backup directory).. all worked .. except that when i launched again MG it was unlicensed !!
Are you sure that licensing again and again doesn't consumes our license counter ?
I seriously doubt that after 2 or 3 attempts we couldn't activate anymore the new module.