Mech Warrior Online (MWO) is a 'Free to Play' (F2P) game requiring no subscription or initial outlay to buy the game. The Trial Mechs are free to use, but have their limitations. They generate no piloting skill experience and one cannot customize their weapon/equipment loadout. While piloting them, you do earn C-Bills (which are In Game Cash) with which you can purchase a regular mech and equipment, once you have saved up enough. With C-Bills you can buy all the available equipment, and all but the most exclusive mechs (currently there is only one exclusive mech). The MC-Bills are generated from real money and allow for purchase of anything available in the MWO Store. This includes their first Hero's Mech the 'Yen-Lo-Wang' which has a lifetime 30% bonus to your C-Bills earned while piloting it. Now one must realize, that the company that produces MWO needs to be profitable to be successful, hence the distinction and differences between the Trial Mechs and the regular mechs.
As for starting an FGM group, I don't know if there is enough interest within FGM to do this, as to be efficient and able to field a team requires upwards of 30 plus members. I am already a member of 'The Blazing Aces' (which is a very good Merc Company, with a dedicated Euro branch) and would be willing to sponsor any FGM members who would like to join, however you must still pass their application process, even with my sponsorship. I might add, that to be successful in this game requires teamwork, and to that end, some form of commo (the Aces use Teamspeak (TS3)) is a vital component for success and I highly recommend you all get some form of commo set up. Now thats not to say that we can't gather and drop into battles together, as I look forward to it.
I will add you to my 'Friends' list Mad Mike, so when you see someone named Coyotebrother wanting to friend you, it's me.
I'll be looking for you WP, just remember to check your social screens frequently.
Hope to see you guys IG soon!