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Nice Car @Louis is it brand New.....Very nice condition mate, Wife looks Nice as well :D.....Stay Bright mate

There was a car in the photo? (Hell Zinzan's feeling suicidal today :oops:)

(Just to make this clear that comment was made by ZINZAN, NOT ME)
Hell @Louis, that is a lot better advertising than Volkswagen can do... you should submit them that pic... maybe they will pay off the car for you... :)
I like to keep a low profile.......
Interpol have all the photos of me......:D:D:D:D

Actually, for the first time ever, I got stopped at the airport in Tenerife on the way in when we were on hols a couple of weeks back - they frisked me and did a drugs wife laughed.....usual level of support there then...

Church = Wedding? Most churches have to do with cemetries? ;) But in another sense: Wedding = Cemetry? Something one could think about.

Testing didn't go as I thought it might

Errrmmm if this is in relation to your Missus and/or cemetary's I'd suggest you remove this before Police/Wife see's it :) (OTOH a certain Mrs HedgePig would be freed from a fate worse than etc ....... decisions, decisions.....)
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