Members Past & Present

Why not. From a a couple of years ago. The car currently needs a wash and the beer gut has increased a little. :D

Hi guys, Im really sorry, I think I never did a right introduction of myself from the bootcamp here, and just now saw this, allways just fighting, game, battles, campaigns. But I will put my face to.

some guys here that have touch with me from other places like WAW, facebook, Gmail etc... know my actual ugly face, as some many have some kind of military experience will begin posting some from my military time.

this is my Picasa album with a few shoots from my time in 4 Battalion of Military Policy from 7ª motorized Army Division, Northeast Brazilian HQ, Olinda beach Brazil, in portuguese we call Military Policy as Policia do Exercito PE

It´s basically organized like a Military policy infantry battalion in US Army, it´s a infantry unit with specific policy missions


I´s me with 19 our 20 year old with Brazilian banner

will scan more shoots from this military time and eastern Timor mission
Hiking near Coniston Old Man (peak in the background), Lakes District National Park, England. Just retired and moved to North Carolina after living in England for work for 3 years. Loved it. Best experience of my life.

Here are my boys in front of my patrol car

And this is the group of young veterans from my old regiment. The pic was taken last Saturday during the Dutch Veterans day. I'm the second guy from the right (hands in his pocket)

Very cool photo, jby! :) And WELCOME to the FEW GOOD MEN! :)

What does "jby" stand for?

....and @Rico is from Austria and speaks fluently German and I break myself one up in English... LOL!!! :D
jby is sort of an acronym of my real name that I thought up when I realized that my usual BFC Forum name (Yossarian0815) was totally unsuited to being pronounced or understood over the microphone when playing frantic dropteam games.
@Rico: LOL!!! Great! Fully understood! ;) :D :p

@jby: "0815! is a German film/movie series of three films (each 90 minutes) with Joachim Fuchsberger and Yossarian is the protagonist of "Catch 22" as far as I remember it,
is that correct? Both anti war films. Was that your original idea of your nickname?

And "jby" is pronounced "jibby" - right?

But I still have no conclusion of how "jby" represents "Yossarian0815"... ?
It´s not that deep :O)
I started out with Yossarian, only to notice that there are a million other people using that name as a nick. Then I added 0815, which in german denotes "the usual" like John Doe in english. At the time I was only vaguely aware of the 80/15 Machine Gun story.
I then stuck with that because both parts of the nick have a WWII connotation, which I like being a WWII buff and having soldiers on both sides of the conflict in my family.

Everybody called me jaybeewhy online :O)

And the Y is also in Yossarian and there are two Ys in my surname. So maybe it is deep and full of meaning :O)
It was end of August - fast trip to visit my family in Berlin - I really like this city - but last time I lost my wallet it was pickpocket done by old German thief form Moabit - so Bootie be careful it is dangerous city.... with a lot of great and cheap shops ;) so look after your wife and your wallet ;) I m sure it will be empty at the end ....
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