Players needed for CMPzC Operations over at the BFC forums!




I asked bootie for permission for advertising here since the BFC forumites just don't seem to want to step up to the plate in any great numbers. I need players to play PBEMs in soon to be ready CMPzC operations. Are you interested? I hope you are!

I have one in progress using CMBN MG and the teams are nicely filled and battles in progress....

I have 2 gearing up, one for CMFI and one for CMRT, and would like to flesh out the sides. I need "PBEM foot soldiers" for sure. Just play some battles and report the results! I could also use some CO staff types to guide their side and make decisions.
Note: We can probably work using FGM and you don't have to even join the BFC forum.
Here are the BFC forum threads if you want to read about the 2 projects:

I hope to hear from you guys! Thanks. :D
By all means sign me up as a PBEM footsoldier - most interested in thee CMFI flavour, but happy to play any, either side.
I'm interested in the CMRT campaign, on the Axis side if possible. Do we need to grab a copy of Panzer Campaign?
Great! Thanks, I appreciate your interest.
It is not mandatory to own the Panzer Campaign game to be a PBEM foot soldier. It really is not mandatory to own it if you are the CO of a team, but it can help you understand that side of the fence. I am experimenting with "umpire and 2 teams" but want to try "umpire versus 1 team" in the style of Rico I believe you might say. A Panzer Campaign demo is available if anybody wanted to mess around with it. It is a convenient vehicle to have our operational cake I guess you could say. Like anything it has advantages and disadvantages. One big advantage is it is editable and varied. I own Bulge '44, Market Garden'44, Salerno '43 and now Budapest '45.
I can highly recommend kohlenklau's campaigns. They're creative and he's great to work with!
Count me in Kohlenklau. Doesn`t matter if CMFI or CMRT. Got both. Love both :)
This is really great guys! Thanks for the support. I think it will be a memorable event.

I will keep you posted on the status using this thread.
Kohlenklau, are any of these going to be run in house here at FGM? To be honest I have a hard time following any of the threads at BFC they are so mixed up and scattered.
No, I will not run them here. Maybe someday. :D

Threads can be hard to find:
I understand the hassle and there are some ways to lessen it!
1. You can "follow this topic" (a grey button toward the upper right) when in a BFC thread you like.
2. I am trying to have the AAR links in my BFC sig so it is handy for folks.
3. We are trying to corral the threads in a smart manner and set a format for the thread titles.

Nothing is perfect. A good AAR thread can go several pages when people go off topic. I am guilty as charged. :D. On a positive note, millions of years from now, an alien race will visit our burnt out husk of a planet and be thoroughly impressed by our simultaneous fascination with war and girls in bikinis!
LOL about the war & bikinis.

This is really great guys! Thanks for the support. I think it will be a memorable event.

I will keep you posted on the status using this thread.

I will keep an eye on this thread for any further updates.

I am working toward a 15 April 2015 kick-off party! A special e-booklet will then be distributed to the players with orders, Org Chart, map hex key, CM OOB, intel report and key rules/tips. Then things can get cracking and there will be a range of positions from a rifle company with platoon of tanks down to a very small recon patrol for someone who wants to play but has less time...
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You can count on me as PBEM commander.I have CMRT and can play at any side.
Hey, I would love to take part in this as a foot soldier. Did I miss the boat?
I have CMBN and CMRT.
Hi Pallebahtep and Snols,

I have you on the list for the CMRT Operation. No date yet when we will start but we are in progress.
This is the current roster subject to change...maybe some folks just were interested in the idea but will end up not being available to play. I hope someone volunteers to be the CO for each side. I can update as feedback flows in.

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