Players needed for CMPzC Operations over at the BFC forums!

CMPzC Bloody Christmas (Canadians at Ortona CMFI)

New Start Date: 07 May 2015. VE Day.

We're going to slide the start to the right as I have found a Canadian CO but he is not available until early May.

ChappyCanuck is a retired Canadian Army officer and is probably bringing a buddy with him..a retired Canadian Army tank officer!

I think it is well worth the wait and I will expand the turns to 4 or 5 which gives everybody an extra battle probably...

If you are on the roster and are still interested and ok with the delay, just check in here or at the BFC thread and say hello. It is gonna be a great time I promise!
OK, as promised CMPzC Ortona Bloody Christmas kicks in soon.
Here is the Battle Booklet Version 1.0

CMPzC Battle Booklet

(The PBEM Foot Soldier’s Guide)

CMPzC is an operational combination of Battlefront’s Combat Mission (CM) and John Tiller’s Panzer Campaigns (PzC).

Here is a link to download the Panzer Campaigns demo if you are curious and want to see what it is like.

1. In CMPzC you get to fight some CM H2H battles as part of a greater context. Your victory or defeat down at the platoon or company level will impact the greater overall mission up at the brigade or division level. Additionally, your unit’s casualties in one battle can leave you in a tough spot for later battles. The operation is created by the Game Manager from a PzC game scenario. Nothing is ever perfect and compromises must be accepted in certain areas to allow the Operation to press forward. Thanks for joining us and we hope you enjoy it. :D

2. The Operation starts with a PzC turn with certain phases (movement, offensive fire and defensive fire) and if any assaults are declared then there will be 1 or more CM PBEM battles. Your chance to shine! As background, PzC hexes are 1kmx1km and a PzC turn is 2 hours. The in house policy is to restrict the Operation to a max PzC turns of say 3, 5 or 6, but always 10 or less. So, think of it as a day of operational battle. The overall PzC Map is likewise restricted to a nominal 10kmx10km area. PzC units are typically company size units for infantry, troop/platoon size for tanks. I try to have no more than 10 units per side including artillery and HQ’s. All these limits are to keep things manageable and provide the best chance that we will see it through to the end.

3. Rules: Here is the basic set of rules first created by noob…

4. As a PBEM foot soldier, you will be assigned a unit for a battle. Your team will get a chance to download the map beforehand with no enemy units on it. Just the proposed battle map with your own unit in their set-up zone (SUZ). Study it carefully. If you see any issues, bring them up immediately, BEFORE the PBEM starts. Don’t waste your time with set up yet. You must wait for the actual PBEM battle turn to commence your deployment.

5. Battle Start LOS: Be warned that some of these PBEMs CAN start off with units in LOS of each other. Take cover as needed or as best you can right from the start.

6. Exit Zones: Most often you will have an exit zone strip of Action Square (AS) tiles along some edge of your map. Stay away from them unless it is time for a designated retreat or withdrawal ordered or permitted by your CO.

7. Battle Objectives: Hit Alt-J to see what objectives are designated. Ask your CO for any clarification on your goals for the battle beyond normal SOP of protecting your own forces and destroying the enemy.

8. Artillery and mortars: Please follow the rules for our policy of restricting artillery and mortars from overtaking the game. Defender cannot preplan any fire. Both sides have a max diameter for area fire per “tube”. 20m per EACH mortar and 35m for EACH “tube” of regular artillery. Plus up to 10% wiggle room since it can be hard to exactly adjust it with your mouse. The exact diameter you have requested can be double-checked in the artillery mission dialog box under the spotter for the mission. Example: 2 mortars would be an area target of 2x20=40x1.1= 44m max diameter. 4 x105mm artillery guns = 4x35=140x1.1 =154m max diameter. Got it?

9. PBEM turn rate: Well, we don’t expect you to play 5 turns a day but also if you will be gone for several days due to RL, please let someone know. Perhaps if the absence is significant then we should assign a substitute to assume control of the battle. Or perhaps we can wait for your return but at least raise the issue so we can figure it out together. Thanks.

10.Fog of War (FOW): Please maintain FOW and have a fair battle so don’t go looking in the other side’s thread or browse around where you shouldn’t.

11.AAR’s: It is not required but it is greatly appreciated to do an AAR in the BFC forums with screenshots and some cool commentary. :D
damn sorry I missed this one @kohlenklau . Put me on the PBEM list if you need any more players. I'd be happy to post a jpeg or two of my encounters.

Bootie and I have just finished our PzC-CM campaign and I think it's a great method working campaigns into CM
Hi Odin,

Do you have any AAR for your project? I'd like to see any notes of how you did stuff. :D
I know you did some great work with those visual style "how to's".

I might get you in as an axis force PBEM foot soldier for Ortona but allied team looks full.
I will send you a conversation...
I'm putting together a PBEM video which I'm going to load up to my Youtube channel, and I'll also try to do a 'how-to' video for the methods I used. It might be a couple of weeks though until something goes up, so I'll keep you posted.

Re your campaign - that's great, I'd love to be a PBEM foot soldier.
OK, we have a full roster for CMPzC Ortona.

Allied CO is ChappyCanuck
These are his Allied PBEM foot soldiers:

IanL (requests to not play until later in the operation)

grunt_GI (also requests to not play until later in the operation)







Bud_B (prefers a smaller/shorter PBEM)

Stonecutter (requests to not play until later in the operation)

I am the umpire/axis commander and have 4 axis PBEM foot soldiers.
Current status:

I have an operation going on in each of the 3 WW2 CM families. :D
CMPzC Eindhoven (full roster)
CMPzC Ortona (full roster)
CMPzC Nyakleves (full roster)

DellieJonut is down as an alternate if anybody falls out.

Operations planned for the future:
CMPzC Malta (using CMFI GL)
CMPzC Alamo in the Ardennes (after CM Bulge is released!)
It does not appear directly in any PzC title. I will follow how I shopped for and successfully found a suitable Ortona map by using the Crete map in PzC Salerno 43. I bet PzC Sicily 43 would also provide a good shopping area for a Malta map but I haven't purchased it.

And when I say Malta map, I only really mean a smaller 10x10 hex submap to fight the Operation on.

Edit: I just now read that PzC El Alamein 42 has a Malta map.

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I plan on getting BotB at release, so if I don't get in on CMBN set me up for that. Until it's released I'll be refering to it as Battle of the Trouser Bulge (BotTB) :D
Status on all of the CMPzC operations:

CMPzC "The Road to Eindhoven": (CMBN) Turn 2B is almost to a close as the Irish Guards assault into the southern suburbs of Valkenswaard has about 12:00 left on the clock. They may end the battle with a small toe-hold and await further reinforcements. It has been bloody and losses on the allied side have been significant among the infantry.

CMPzC "Bloody Ortona": (CMFI GL) Turn 2A is almost to a close and it looks like the Canadians have successfully gained a bridgehead over the Moro! As to be expected a vicious German counterattack is most likely soon underway.
Note: Bloody Ortona is umpire team vs allies so we don't have a thread to watch the axis side of things. Sorry.

CMPzC "Nyakleves": (CMRT) Maps are being made by several talented folks and we have the OOB's and backstory ready to roll. Roster looks full and we will kick off on 1 July.

CMPzC "The Bloody Bucket" (CMFI GL): I am just an impatient kid and cannot wait for the new Bulge title. We will put together a small operation around Hosingen, Luxembourg. Still looking for players...

I sincerely appreciate everyone's support and encouragement and participation.
It is not a perfect system and we will hit stumbles and bumps along the way. :D
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