PzC-CMFI Ortona Campaign (Axis) thread

Koh post (24 Jue 2015):

OK, so I am preparing the big map for the "San Leonardo slugfest"

It is 3km x 3km and the battle will be a multiplayer multipart battle with some odd stuff.

Initially it will just be Hauptmann Odin leading a counterattack against the bridgehead at hex 3,6. He has his 6 panzer IV's arriving on the map at T=0 as well as 2 platoons of lorry-borne panzer grenadiers. His objective is not a terrain obj but to punch an armored fist into the bridge head. Cause as much damage as possible and preserve his force as best as possible for future use and evacuate at "Exit Zone Wilhelm" from T=30-40. His mission will gain time for the forces falling back from 3,6 and 3,7 to get organized in San Leonardo. Then the battle shifts to defend S.L. against Canadian attack. It will be very tough. From around T=40-50 you will have some reinforcements and then about 30-40 more minutes of fighting. So, until clock time of T=1h20-1h30m, some variable time ending there at the end.

We'll have some exit zones to escape to if you can't hold the town. Then no matter what, Force Richtig will be headed to visit San Leonardo in a follow on battle....

Give me a few days to get it all squared away. More details will be provided and you'll have a chance to ask questions and offer any advice or suggestions to the plan.

We are under pressure from higher command to preserve our forces as we pull slowly up the boot.
Koh posts (27 & 29 June):

I sincerely appreciate your participation and wonderful flexibility in the bumps and grinds of this operation! :D

This is the general picture +/-. They have infantry across for sure at 2 locations and we can expect them to push some ATG's across even if pulled by "2-legged horses". They had armor in the rear before and will be looking to get that armor across the Moro soon to support a further advance on S.L. and of course Ortona.

Axis Fire Support Plan:

A. On map at start: 2x81mm (approx 30 rounds each). Konkord
B. Off-map at start: 2 x81mm (approx 65 rounds). Odin
Off-map assets arrive as reinforcements:
C. @ T=10-15, 4 x105mm (approx100rnds). Odin/Konkord
D. @ T=20-25, 6 werfer (approx65rounds). Odin
E. @ T=40, 6 werfer (approx65rounds). Konkord

No TRP's are available. Unable to be registered due to the fluid nature of the fighting.

There were reports of enemy armor on the far side of the Moro in both of their assaults.
None are yet across at the start of the battle but already some tracked vehicles were seen to be able to get across the swampy, muddy terrain so it should not be long til they have tanks on the axis side of the Moro possibly with some engineers improving a crossing. By the time you must detach at T=40-50 you should expect to see Shermans on your side. I would recommend to reverse out backwards, front hull towards the enemy!

My final advice as axis CO is to get in very quickly near the hex 3,6 bridging site and hit it as hard as you can and then very quickly back away. Near being defined by within range to apply your weapons with destructive force. No actual boots on the ground is required at all! Indeed if your Panzer Grenadiers never leave their trucks and just depart that is fully acceptable but like my old dad used to say: "Better to have them and not need them than need them and not have them!"

Reports say that some light tracked vehicles have gotten across the Moro at hex 3,7 area so use Concord's ATG assets to give them a bloody nose if they press towards San Leonardo.
The following is a chain of DAR posts made by Odin (over the course of a number of moths) for the battle of San Leonardo. Relevant responses are copied pasted:

Odin (4 July 2015):

Two turns in and it looks like the Shermies have made it to the battlefield :eek:



Koh response:

<<The intact platoon HQ from Hex (3,5) reports to you that this tank has been in that exact same spot since the end of the last battle. They have seen several allied personnel messing about on the engine compartment...>>

Odin's response:

Now I've identified the Sherman (I presume there are more), my plan is to move the PzIVs into hull down positions on the ridge a couple of hundred metres in front of their starting point and engage the Canadian tanks at a range of 800m-900m (if my memory serves me correctly on the likely distance).

Not sure about others' past experiences, but I've found the higher velocity of the Mark IV's gun allows it to zero in much quicker at medium-to-long range than the Sherman's 75mm. Hopefully this will give me the edge and allow my panzers to take out the Shermies before the Canadians can zero in.

I'm a little nervous about moving large numbers of grenadiers over the ridge and assaulting the town, If they're just going to be withdrawn before the end of the battle. Is it just asking for trouble to move them over open countryside to assault something we're not planning on holding? If you have any thoughts on the situation I'd love to hear them.

Concords response:

Yeah, that was my feeling as well.

From memory, some units are ordered to leave...is that optional?
If so, the infantry from 'your' contingent I would be thinking in terms of simply
security for your tanks, and get them out on their transport, mostly intact.

When I was looking at 'my' contingent only, there wasn't many of them.
I was thinking of pulling back the stragglers except maybe for some outposts,
garrisoning the town and providing some local protection for the guns.

Koh's response:

They must exit by 1040 but ask me again later and maybe we can delay the time by 5 minutes. No requirement to walk anybody down there to the bridge. I think i said before it is your call. They are needed later to possibly counterattack and retake San Leonardo if we lose it later in the battle.
Odin's San Leonardo DAR update (13 July):

A quick update. The action is starting to pick up, and it looks like the Canadians are attacking my right flank, with infantry moving slowly towards the stragglers' new positions in a fambuilding. Mortar fire has been called in to drop just in front of the farm.


On the left flank, the Sherman spotted earlier is firing at one of the PzIVs. It has penetrated the panzer twice, but caused no damage. Annoyingly a number of the Panzers have LOS on the Sherman's position, but only the Panzer which has been struck has spotted it. The other panzers need to spot the Sherman next turn or things could get messy.


A bren gun carrier has advanced at full speed to the patch of trees in my centre. A scout team have mown the bren crew down. I'm debating whther to pull these men back, as I think this position will become a target now their presence is known.


I thought I had taken an overhead shot, but it seems not. So I'll post a birds-eye view of the battlefield soon.

Koh's response:

Thanks Owen. I am glad it is getting a little more exciting..I was worried you'd fall asleep behind a tree. You can keep the infantry guns on map if you want.

Can the 88 get some area fire shots to those advancing Canadian infantry?
Maybe they'll go to ground right there at your mortar area fire arc? Pure evil! :D
Odin's San Leonardo DAR update (21 July):

A quick update regarding the units' current positions and my plans.


I haven't seen any other armour except the KOed Sherman, which put up a good fight disabling one of the Mark IV's 75mm.


The Panzers are currently positioned on a ridge to the left of the map, but I'm going to advance them forward 70-100m so they have a better view of the buildings our side of Fraser's Bridge, where enemy infantry sound contacts have been made along with a visual contact on a Dingo armoured car.


Afterwards, I would be tempted to move the Panzers across to the right so they can fire on the Canadian infantry which is advancing at pace on my right flank. But I'm worried about exposing the tanks' flanks to AT guns, so I will withdraw them either to woods to the right of the mounted grenadier reserve, or San Leonardo so the tanks to fire on the enemy's advancing infantry.
Odin's San Leonardo DAR update (7 August):

A quick update from the front. I am 27 minutes into the battle, and overall things are going well. The overhead shows the main action points since my last post.


I have advanced two panzers, supported by a couple of infantry units, into the Canadian's Western crossing point at Frasers Bridge. The panzers ran amock inflicting heavy casualties on the Canadian infantry, as well as knocking out an AT gun and a few vehicles. Unforuntatly, at the end of the last turn an undiscovered 6pounder AT gun destroyed one of the MkIVs. I should be able to get the gun next turn with the other tank which has moved behind its position.


The panzers push through the Canadian positions at Fraser's Bridge, wrecking carnage


A few of the Canadian casualties


An AT gun is taken out


But a few turns later another gun takes out a MkIV

To the East Canadian infantry have continued to try to advance forward. I seems to have halted their advance by pinning the Canadian infantry down with long range MG from two HMG teams (almost 2km away) and the MkIV I moved over to the right flank.


On the right surving German units are pulled back, while Canadian infantry is pinned down by long range MG fire

I have also used a MkIV in the centre to destroy Canadian scout units which up until that point advanced unopposed.


Smoke rises from a universal carrier destroyed by a MkIV

The loss of the panzer is disappointing, but I still expect to crush the Canadian bridgehead at Fraser's Bridge before Allied reinforcements arrive.
Koh's post re San Leonard (4 Nov 2015):

This big battle is almost over. Herr Odin has performed an admirable job against the overwhelming material superiority of the Commonwealth forces.

Up next will be Herr Richtig's counter-attack with elements of the 26th Panzer Division to include a mixed platoon of MkIII and MkIV tanks with several platoons of panzer grenadiers in half-tracks supported by 2x120mm heavy mortars off-map plus the forces that Odin was able to extract off the carnage of his battlefield. 2 MkIV's, a couple half-tracks with guns and an 8-wheeled armored car.

I am preparing the battle still but will keep you advised.

Thanks for your participation fellas!
Odin's final San Leonardo AAR post (14 Nov):

It's been some time since my last update, and as you've seen the Canadians were victorious in my San Leonardo slugfest. So this is going to be a compressed final AAR post highlighting some of the significant points in the battle during its last 50-60 minutes or so...

As I left things last time, my assault on the Canadian bridgehead to the German left flank was in full flow.


Here's an overhead of the battle. The tank icons in the upper-left hand corner assaulting the Canadian infantry positions around the bridgehead


And quite a few Canuck infantrymen met there pixel truppen maker in the sky (aka Phil) during the attack.


It's from here on in that things become 'tricky'. First off, two MkIVs are lost to a 6pdr AT gun positioned in the Canadian bridgehead. The loss of the first tank was a surprise, as I didn't realise that there was a surviving AT gun. The loss of the second panzer was just annoying as I knew the AT gun was there, and ordered the panzer to area fire at it, but the panzer could not spot the gun and was distracted by bren gun carriers. A fatal mistake which led to its destruction - as the 6pdr swivelled round to to dispatch it at almost point blank range...


The first MkIV assaulting the bridgehead meets its maker


Shortly followed by the second

With the bridgehead attack brought to a halt, the surviving panzers were ordered by the general that be (Phil) to withdraw to in counterattack elsewhere. Unfortunately, One MkIV was lost to another AT gun, while another got bogged. Meaning only two MkIV's exited the battle.


Bang goes another panzer

With the tank support gone, the AT defence was left to a 88mm Flak , two 50mm AT guns, and two 75mm AT guns. A small group of armoured cars were also on their way.

Unfortunately, the Canadian observers got a sighting of my 88mm, positioned on the outskirts of San Leonardo, and called in an incessant mortar barrage on its position, until it felt like they couldn't have many mortar rounds left,and having created a moon scape around the gun, the Canucks final scored a direct hit.


With the panzers and 88mm gone, here's how the battlefield looked from my perspective.


My right wing has been opened up with the demise of the 88. Only a few HMG teams are left defending San Leanoardo - which combined with two more positioned on the edge of the woods to my left - try to pin down the advancing infantry with long range HMG fire.

At this point the Canadians seemed sure they had the upper hand and with with the Flak dispatched, my right flank is open and the Canadian infantry intensify their attacks down there. I continue to try to suppress the enemy's infantry movement with long range HMG fire. Which does enough to pin down the Canadians until I can call in a 105mm artillery strike on one of their advancing columns.


Death from above, If you look closely, you can see a couple of mushroom plumes from the 105 Arty fire dropping to the far right on the map. It seemed to inflict quite a few casualties and I saw Canadian infantrymen breaking to run for the rear.

Sadly, the assault down my right wing was too strong for my 105s to repel and the advance continued. At the same time the Arty began to drop, a squadron of Shermans arrived (by battle's conclusion, I'd estimate there were 10+ Shermans on the field).


The Shermans were evenly distributed, as the Canadians adopted a broad frontal assault, supported by further infantry (possibly a battalion+ worth of infantrymen distributed across the battlefield?).

In hindsight the wise thing to do at this point, would have been for me to withdraw all of my grenadiers, under the protection of the AT guns and few HMG guns. I made the mistake though of just withdrawing one motorised grenadier platoon. Which was to cost me later on in the battle.

With the lone grenadier platoon exiting the battlefield, the remaining men dug in, looked to the sky and prayed for savation in the form of a few Paks. The AT guns were set up 700m+ behind the infantry's front lines with armour target arcs set, laying in wait for the Shermans

With the Canadian infantry of my right bogged down under artillery and HMG fire the Canadian commanders dispatched a platoon of Shermans to kicjstart their advance. With a platoon of Shermans trundling across the the map with their flanks exposed, I decided to role the dice, and removed one of the 75mm's target armour arcs. It took aim at one of the Sherman's flank from at just under the 2km mark. After a few range finding shots, the AT crew pulled off the shot of my CM playing career and took out the Sherman at about the 1800m mark. WHAT A HIT BOYS!


Fire at will men


Take a bow son!

Just after this takes place, a combination of 75mm and 50mm fire pepper a couple od Shermans supporting an infantry advance through the centre. My 50mm guns manage to force one crew to abandon their tank; but the lack of punch fails to KO the tank. In the meantime, the other Sherman knocks out both 50mms, before its self being KOed by one of my 75mms, positioned further back.


That's a nice piece of emmental

With both 50mms taken out, I'm up against it, and the Canadian infantry positioned in the centre proceed to push forward. With my defence in the centre weak, I have little to repulse them, except for my two remaing 75mm PAKs. So I give the order to open up on the exposed Canuck grunts, 800m of so in front of AT guns' positions.

Over the course of the next two turns I see at 15-20 red crosses flutter up in amongst the exposed Canadian infantry. But I know it can't be long until the enemy turn the mortars against my AT guns. Sure enough the two lone Paks come under incessant mortar fire, effectively nullifying my AT defences.

The only glimmer of hope is the arrival of a three armoured vehicles to my far right. But in the face of a tidalwave of tanks and infantry, they are not the bulwark I require to dam the onslaught.


The reinforcements consist of a 37mm and 75mm halftrack and a 20mm armoured car... oh dear

The 37mm is promptly dispatched by an AT gun, which is within LOS on its arrival on the battlefield. During the next turn an HMG team in San Leonardo is ordered to fire on the 6 pdr's positon (from almost 2km away). It manages to suppress the AT gun, allowing the short-barrelled 75, halftrack to sneak up to the ledge of a rise overlooking the the Canadians advancing on my right flank. The halftrack spots two Shermans supporting the Canadian attack and fires at both using shoot and scoot tactics over the course of 3-4 turns. It manages to penetrate both tanks, forcing both crews to bail. But much to my frustration it cannot deliver a knock out blow to either, due to the low velocity of its gun, and limited HEAT ammo.



Damn that's annoying!

Unable to stem the Canadian tide, I decide to make for the hills, and set my men on quick march orders for the nearest exit zones. Unfortunately, as I mentioned earlier, it was a mistake on my part not to withdraw my infantrymen earlier - as realistically pre-panzerschreck era - what could they hope to achieve against a well organised tank supported assault?


A few turns later my men are fleeing as the enemy catch a scent and relaise there be easy prey to be had

I had hoped to withdraw under the cover of my two surviving Paks. But they are forced to eat dirt under continuous mortar fire, amazingly both hold out for 10 minutes+ until they are eventually knocked out.


One Pak crew manages to get their heads up long enough to fire a round off at the lead tank of Sherman column. Sadly the crew miss and are in turn KOed a turn later.

I should have taken account of the huge distance between the my frontline grenadiers' positions and the rear exit zone, which is 1.5km+ away. As the Canadians unleashed a avalanche of APCs and tanks they manage to catch 30-40 men, mercilessly cutting down those that don't surrender.


That said most of my men just about make it to the exit zones.


And they even manage to inflict the odd casualty on the way (although no where near in the same proportions as they suffered losses during the closing stages of the battle).


With that the battle brought to a close, and we can survey the AAR screen.


Upon relection, if I had withdrawn my infantry much earlier in the battle, I could have ended up with a much improved kill ratio, but as was is I learnt a lesson about multiplayer campaigns and the benefit of exit zones - If facing overwhelming odds better to shy a battle and live to fight another day.

On another note if I had been given the MarkIVs for the duration of the battle, I would have grouped them together, parked them just behind a rise of a hill, and laid in wait for advancing Shermans, popped them over the crest at an opportune moment and let the Shermies have it.

It's possible use of the panzers for the duration of the battle could have turned the tide in the my favour. Ultimately, with the encounter taking place over such exposed ground, it was always going to be decided by tanks.

But, despite ending in defeat, I really enjoyed the battle, and my thanks goes out to @kohlenklau for organising it! Cheers Phil!

Odin post (16 Nov):

kohlenklau I forgot to update you about some of the units I managed to extract from San Leonardo.

The 150mm infantry gun made it out (all other artillery pieces and AT guns lost). One mounted grenadier platoon was withdrawn intact almost immediately. The other two made it out probably at half strength. I think the biggest casualties suffered were amongst the stragglers (the platoon on the right flank was completely eliminated, while the platoon on the left probably made it out at about two thirds strength). These are just my estimates, and I realise you'll have to tot things up headcount wise, but I just thought I'd inform you of this information in case you want to incorporate the distribution of the casualties when you come to converting the the battle's results into PzC.
Koh's Campaign map update (18 Nov):

Koh's briefing for San Leonardo counterattack. (The counterattack was orignianly to be carried out by Richtg, but due to RL he couldn't participate so command handed over to Odin):

Well I am almost done with the battle creation! But I decided to change back to the regular towed 150mm gun. I couldn't seem to get the FO to "see" the SP 150. Adds continuity to have it back in the story anyway I suppose....

Dropbox Folder invite sent to Herr Richtig.

I will send you the set up file and please take several days to examine it and see if it has any issues. No hurry at all. Ask any questions and I can make tweaks if you have any concerns. Password is: HAM

Here is the briefing and your orders:
Conditions: Overcast, cold, muddy, light wind from the west.
Local time is 1200. Battle ends at about 1400-1405.

Order 1: Conduct a counterattack with your mobile armored forces and supported by the FO in radio comms with a towed 150mm gun (all ammo is allotted to this counterattack).
Attack down towards the southwestern area "To San Leonardo". Cause mischief and mayhem and cease the attack and exit all attacking units to the north edge by 1300.
You can examine and choose from several rollbanhs for movement. Some are covered and better roads than others.

Order 2: At about 1300 we expect the Commonwealth forces to kick off an assault north from San Leonardo so conduct a stubborn defense of initially the Casa Berardi area but primarily the Cider Crossroads area. Keep an eye on the "Possible Ford" area. You have some reserves in a waiting area. As 1400 approaches, exit off towards Ortona what you feel is valuable or continue to hold the Cider Crossroads area if possible at your discretion. The allied forces will be numerically superior.

You have 1 Focke-Wulf enroute! You have various fire support report in by radio.
1205: 4x105mm.
1230: 4x105mm.
1300: Nebelwerfers.
1330: Nebelwerfers.

5 TRP's should be positioned to support the defense of Cider Crossroads for likely approach routes. Position mines, etc. as you desire.
Odin's repose to new counterattack battle (referred to a Cider Crossroads (21 Nov 2015):

Holy Shit Phil, another biggie it is then. The survivors (especially the tanks will be useful for defending Casa Berardi). I've photoshoped an overhead view of the map. Could you just please confirm that the notes I've made on the map are correct?


Koh's response:

Looks like you have it covered! The only thing is the best roads to exit are probably more to the left in the screenshot versus crossing muddy fields. I recall Rollbahn Blau has best surfaced road to even reverse all the way out or drop smoke and turn around and fast off...
Please do NOT put your TRP's down there at San Leonardo. It would be a bit embarrassing if you totally destroy them before their counterattack starts. :D
Compared to my other Operations which are true team against team....this one is team against the umpire and his helpers so we have some artificiality unfortunately
Odin's pre-battle plans for Cider (3 December 2015):

Hi chaps,

As I posted a week or so ago, the image below summarises my understanding of the sequence of events which will unfold in the battle.


Which brings me to Koh's orders:

Order 1: Conduct a counterattack with your mobile armored forces towards the southwestern area "To San Leonardo"... Cease the attack and exit all attacking units to the north edge by 1300.
Order 2: At about 1300 we expect the Commonwealth forces to kick off an assault north from San Leonardo, so conduct a stubborn defense of initially the Casa Berardi area but primarily the Cider Crossroads area. Keep an eye on the "Possible Ford" area. You have some reserves in a waiting area. As 1400 approaches, exit off towards Ortona what you feel is valuable or continue to hold the Cider Crossroads area if possible at your discretion. The allied forces will be numerically superior.
In the screengrab below I've circled the three areas Phil has highlighted for defence in order 2.


From my understanding the Allies will be attacking from the North East, but Koh's reference to the 'Possible Ford' area suggests they may also recieve reinforcements in that area, or seek to manoeuvre units across the map to mount an assault from there.

Due to the scale of the map it is difficult to capture the undulating nature of its terrain through a screengrab. The terrain though is likely to have a significant impact on my defensive setup. This shot below highlights a gorge, surrounded by woods, which I believe is impassable to vehicles, and the biggest natural barrier facing an Allied assault.


This is why I've drawn a bloody great pincer, with a Sherman sitting on top, moving around the rear of the German positions. This channel is wide open and makes the most plausible avenue of advance for the Allies' tanks. Use of it could also allow them to cut off my retreat.

In addition to a tank assault sweeping the around rear of the town, I believe they may also try to assault the Crossroads with another infantry led pincer movement, pushing men through the gorge area. However, The main problem with the 'gorge' avenue of approach for the Allies, being that unless they receive some sneaky reinforcements to the East (which I'm not aware they have units positioned in the PzC Campaign map to supply), they will have to cross an exposed hillside to get there.


Hope this is making sense so far. To counter the Allied armoured threat sweeping around the back of the Cross Roads I'd like to ask @kohlenklau, are you sure the panzers need to be whisked away:rolleyes: at 1300?

Rather than launching an attack against the initial Allied bridgehead, and then withdrawing the tanks, I think they could be better used by fainting a withdrawal and then using them in combination with AT guns to protect this exposed 'rear' area which I think is almost certain to be subject to an Allied armoured attack. If my 'faint' option was chosen, I believe it could deliver a decisive strategic blow by destroying the Allied armoured thrust encountered in the last battle. Once the enemy armour was KOed I would use the panzers to sweep up the infantry which will no doubt be in support of the Shermans.

At the same time, adoption of this strategy would allow me to concentrate my grenadiers in positions so they can hold off an enemy infantry led attack through the gorge and Casa Berardi area in the safe knowldege that they aren't going to be cut off by an armoured pincer movement.

Which leads me to the other order:

Order 1: Conduct a counterattack with your mobile armored forces towards the southwestern area "To San Leonardo"... Cease the attack and exit all attacking units to the north edge by 1300.

Having carried out a similar bridgehead assault in the previous San Leonardo battle, I'm wary of losing our precious few panzers in a similar kind of attack.

It's about 1.5km to Allies' starting point from where my mobile units would begin their attack from. No doubt the Canadians will have AT guns positioned there, and to my horror in the last battle, I lost a MkIV to a 6pdr AT gun positioned around 1km away. Having to withdraw after an assault on the bridgehead could also get messy with boggings etc. My alternative suggestion is to advance some infantry towards their bridgehead to identify the Canadian positions and then fire on them range with the panzers and arty.

I'll end the suggestions and questions there, as I need to go to bed. They're just suggestions so don't worry about telling me to shut up and get on with it!
Koh's response:

the green box allied forces represent forces which might try to sneak through that possible ford in the south-east corner of your big battle map. I honestly have left it a mystery to the allies. But you as the defender insider have been given a small platoon to try and toy with them and throw a spanner in the works as any good German commander would do. :D

The 1200 to 1300 phase is the axis movement and assault phase so we conduct our counter attack as historically the axis seems to always have done as reflexive action. You DO have some tanks remaining over there by Casa Berardi. Remnants of KG Odin. But the forces designated for the 1200 counterattack must be exited off for other duties by 1300 and not be lost in the Cider battle. If you want to lay back and have long range tank sniper fire and NOT charge down the hill, I approve that. Send just the infantry and try to take a house area or whatever. I approve that. Or some mixture. As 1300 approaches and you start to exit, please ask again and I may allow an extra tank to stay behind for fun. OK? I want heavy fire and death and destruction and I want them sweating their hockey pucks off in worry!

If you wanted to move some of your ATG's to the "Open fields, suited to armoured attack" to cover that flank on your right and then exit them by 1400, battle's end. That might cover that flank?

Another thing. Take your time I would advise. At 1200, keep the panzers under cover and move your FOO and CO groups to observe from high buildings to see if you can spot ATG's and then selectively eliminate them using indirect fire and maybe some tank direct fire. ...and maybe at some point a tank charge might seem less insane but still it is your call.
Koh post re ongoing battle at San Donato (3 Dec):

NEWS ALERT: San Donato has fallen to the allied forces.
The Fallschirmjager platoon courageously holding them back has been called to Valhalla.
The following are DAR posts for Odin's Cider battle. Relevant reponses also posted (6 Dec):

After a lot of deliberation here's the battle plan:

Although there is more cross-over than the circles suggest, this birds-eye view roughly breaks my setup into five groups

1. KG Odin: an armoured Kampfgruppe consisting of a five MkIV, four MkIII panzers, and an armoured grenadier company. These will fire on the Canadian units in the north east, before being withdrawn from the battlefield when the Allied reinforcements arrive.



2. The right flank defence: Once KG Odin has exited the battlefield, I suspect the Allies will push armoured units along the right (where KG Odin is currently positioned), before wheeling their attack round behind the Crossroads. To counter this potential move, my right flank defence group consists of two 75mm PAKs, and HMG and mortar platoons reserves and elements from the centre defence group can also be used to repulse such an attack.



3. Centre defence: This consists of three 50mm PAKs and one 75mm PAK, as well as depleted company of grenadiers who survived the last battle, and a platoon of fallschirmjager pioneers. two thirds of my mines have been laid along the right of the centre's positions.


An overhead shot of showing the left, centre, and reserve groups

4. Left flank defence: is protecting the gorges and wood areas and are likel to face enemy infantry trying to infiltrate under the cover the gorges and woods. The German defence consists of a company of fallschirmjager, HMG teams, and anti-personnel mines.


5. The reserve consists of a company of fallschirmjager and two MkIVs.


The fallschirmjager look to be good units, made up by vets and lots of HMGs and 81mm mortars.

Let battle commence!

Koh's reponse:

It all sounds great. The only thing I need to emphasize is that you need to have KG Odin exited off with green arrows, gone, disappeared, vanished! BEFORE 1300. Before the Allied reinforcements arrive.
Not exactly like you said... :D
"These will fire on the Canadian units in the north east, before being withdrawn from the battlefield when the Allied reinforcements arrive."

If they materialized in a Turkey shoot, it would be kinda ugly to put it mildly
Odin's Cider DAR update (8 Dec):

A brief update. Battle has got underway, and I am now 6 minutes in. What action has taken place, as so far been confined to the far right hand corner of the map, where the Allies are located. I am slowly inching my panzers forward, which are clumped together. The aim being for them to gain visual contacts on enemy vehicles as they slowly advance, whereupon they can bring the weight of the two platoons' firepower to bear on their targets .


Two panzers remained at the platoons' starting positions, where they fired at, and KOed, a 6 pdr AT gun which was over 2km away!

At the same time my 150mm howitzer is directly firing at a group of buildings which make for good locations for enemy spotters. I did see a plume of black smoke rise from behind one of the buildings, meaning the howitzer scored a lucky hit on a an enemy vehicle. :cheers:.

The Canadians appear to be pushing off their bridgehead, down a road leading them towards the bulk of my positions around the Crossroads. Around the Crossroads I am sending a few scout parties forward, to give me advance warning when the enemy turns up.
Odin's Cider DAR update (8 Dec):

Update from the Front:

I'm +14 minutes into the battle, and so far things have gone as smoothly as I could have hoped for. I've shelled buildings in the Canadian bridgehead with direct fire from my 150mm howitzer. My Panzer IVs have also dominated the battlefield, firing at Allied armour and AT guns at ranges of 1.3km -1.6km. In the process, I have one confirmed AT gun kill, one Sherman KO, and another Sherman which looks like a piece of Swiss cheese but is somehow still operational. In return I'm yet to suffer any casualties, although I'm sure that will change shortly!


As you've seen from Koh's orders, it looks like my MkIVs have been too effective (as they are outside the Shermans' effective AT range), so I have been ordered to remove them from contact with the enemy, until the Allies' reinforcements arrive in 45 minutes time, or so.

With Koh's order in mind, three of the five MkIVs have been withdrawn. While the other two will remain in position for a couple more minutes to overwatch an advance which I am making to the left of the Allies bridgehead with my platoon of four MkIIIs and an armoured grenadier platoon.

I'm not sure how many Canadian AT guns are still operational, but it could prove to be a dangerous manoeuvre... but only time will tell!


Here's KG Odin's plan of attack

Elsewhere, not much is happening, over to the far left I'm pushing a couple of platoons of the Fallschirmjager forward to ambush the Allies. Koh's indicated Canadian infantry will arrive at the upper left of the battlefield, and to me it makes sense that they are likely to try to take the village in front of the gorge, before taking part in an assault on the Crossroads.

Panzers vor!
Odin's Cider DAR update (6 Jan 2016):

A quick update from the front. 30 minutes have now passed (1/4 of the battle), and the battle is still confined to a small area of the map around the Allies's starting positions.


The battle has so far been confined to the top right of the map.

I fear my assault on the Canadian bridgehead - which I'm making with my PzIIIs and an armoured grenadier platoon - may get bogged down. I've currently only suffered three infantry casualties during the course the game. I'd estimate the enemy has suffered 20+ casualties, as I've managed drop a number of mortar strikes on his positions since my last post, as well as inflict the odd casualty through tank HE and small arms fire. He has also one Sherman(and another has been crippled), one 7pdr AT gun, and 4-5 armoured vehicles.


One of the German 120mm mortar bombardments takes out an AC as KG Odin begins its attack

I believe all the Shermans that the Allies started the battle with are now out of action, as none have tried to repulse my attack. However, the Allies's defence is still resolute, and so far I've spotted four AT guns (including one 17 pdr :eek:) - only one of which I've managed to knock out. With a ring of at least three AT guns between my panzers and the bridgehead, my advance towards the Canadian starting positions has been slow and cautious. I will continue to try to push into the Canadian starting positions and inflict what casualties I can. However, in order to preserve my men this is going to be a cautious prod, rather than an all or nothing assault. As well as inflicting casualties on the enemy, my other aim is to prevent him moving off his bridgehead until I withdraw the PzIII platoon from the battlefield at the hour mark.



The two PzIIIs that protect KG Odin's left flank will have LOS on anything which may try to move off the bridgehead.


The other two PzIIIs are advancing towards the Canadian starting positions, supported by a couple of grenadier squads and two halftracks

Meanwhile, in other news, my PzIVs have been withdrawn to a position concealed by a small patch of woods. The platoon is now 2km+ away from the Allied bridgehead and is laying in wait for the Canadian reinforcements to arrive.

Concords reply:

Enjoying the DAR again Odin. Good tactic of restricting their expansion (with very few forces too!) and using artillery.
Those PzIII's are an interesting vehicle design eh? Like a bridge between early and late war models.

Are you worried that you might be suddenly confronted with a large mass of reinforcements?
I suppose the damage you are inflicting is worth the risk of the small blocking force.
A huge gap to the next Cider DAR update, which brings us to where we are now (5 May 2015):

+30 to +100 minutes of battle (20 minutes still remaining)

Hello team Axis,

I realise it has been some months since my last update! The battle of Cider is still raging, although it has now just entering its final stages. A lot has happened since my last update, so given the size of the battle I won't go into detail over every encounter, but instead try to give you an overview of the five main events.

1. Attacking the Canadian bridgehead

As I left it last time I was attacking the Allied bridgehead with a platoon of MkIIIs and a platoon of armoured grenadiers. Overall, I was satisfied, but not elated, with how how the attack went. I managed to achieve my objective and pin down the bridgehead to prevent the enemy reconnoitring my defensive positions. However, it didn't all go our way, largely due to the large amounts of Canadian AT guns. To minimise the potential damage they could inflict on my panzers I pushed my grenadiers ahead of the tanks and called in numerous mortar strikes on the enemy’s positions – knocking out a number of AT guns along the way – before cautiously pushing the panzers up. Using these tactics I managed to KO 4-6 AT guns (memory is a little fuzzy, and I couldn't make out the success of a couple of the mortar strikes). Between the panzers and mortars, I also managed to KO a number of armoured cars and inflict casualties on the Canadian infantry.


My panzers attacking the enemy bridgehead

In exchange, I lost two MkIIIs, two halftracks, and a couple of grenadier casualties. As I was under orders to withdraw the MkIIIs from the battliefield on the hour mark, I started withdrawing my attacking units at +55 minutes, satisfied with their efforts.

2. Arrival of Canadian reinforcements

As my MkIIIs were withdrawing from the battlefield I used my FO team to call in an airstrike which was designed to arrive at about the same time the enemy's reinforcements did. And oh my, there were a lot of reinforcements, which arrived from two directions. The main body came from the bridgehead area I had attacked in the south west, with two relatively strong waves of Canadian reinforcements also appearing in the SE. I would estimate a squadron of Shermans attacked from the SW and a couple of platoons of Shermans (so far) from the SE. There are also probably a couple of battalions of infantry arriving between the two entry points.


The Canadians' two entry points

The number of Shermans entering the battlefield has in particular been an intimidating factor. To try to halt their advance I was left with seven MkIV panzers, three 75mm PAKs and three 50mm PAKs. To help deal a quick blow to the fresh Allied troops I ordered an artillery strike and an air strike to target areas I thought the enemy were likely to move through. These proved to be successful, as I could see between them they KOed a Sherman and a number of other enemy vehicles inc one towing an ATG (there could have been more losses, as well as infantry casualties, which I couldn't see for lack of LOS).


As Canuck tanks move forward a 105mm round scores a direct hit, destroying a Sherman


A close up of the victim

3. Tank duel

Prior to the Allied reinforcement's arrival, I had set up a platoon of 5 MkIVs and a platoon of grenadiers in a coppice of woods which overlooked a likely avenue of advance for the Allies. Unfortunately, one of my MkIVs became immobilised in the undergrowth, in position which has poor lines of sight. However, despite the immobilised tank, I felt I could use the other four panzers to take up positions in the tree line and fire on Allied armour moving down the highroad to my main defensive positions.


A platoon of my MkIVs, positioned around a copice of woods in the centre of the map, await the enemy's arrival


The line up

After waiting with baited breath, I sprung my trap but frustratingly came off second best in the ensuing exchange. It seems as though the Allies must have had an inkling that I had some tanks in the woods. As a result they called in air support which arrived as the Shermans started to roll down the highroad. Between the enemy aircraft and the Shermans, I lost one MkIV while three other tanks lost their commanders and optics through the Allies’ strafing runs and long range fire. In return, I KOed two infantry laden Bren gun carriers and I think I managed to take out a Sherman’s main gun. Worried about the arrival of more enemy tanks overwhelming my panzers I promptly withdrew my MkIVs to positions in and behind the coppice, hidden from the enemy’s LOS. By hiding my panzers, my intention was to remove the Canadians' advantage of being able to engage my panzers at range with overwhelming numbers of Shermans, and instead force him to engage me at close range where it would be more of an even match and he would run the risk of moving Shermans within LOS of some of my PAKs. My PzIVs (four in total positioned in or just behind the woods - including the immobilised one) have now been parked there for over 20 minutes, and managed to pick off a Sherman for no loss. As far as I can work out, their new defensive positions seem to be causing the enemy a few concerns as they are yet to try to attack them, and their advance has slowed to a cautious crawl. With the pace of the Canadian slowed in the centre of the map, I have been dropping mortars on their infantry (or at least trying to) and knocking out the odd APC with a well hidden AT gun.


As the enemy pushes down the mainroad towards my positions, a couple of bren carriers and a halftrack are destroyed


But as the MkIVs start to engage the enemy units a fighter plan strafes two of my tanks. Combined with the weight of the attacking force, I thought it prudent to withdraw the panzers back into the coppice. One MkIV is lost in the encounter and three more damaged, but still operational.

I should also say I am surprised at the little use the Canadians have made of off-map artillery. I am yet to come under anything more substantial than a mortar strike, and I would have thought that they would have used some heavier ordinance by now. That said, maybe they are just saving it all up to drop on me in the final 20 minutes of the battle!

4. Battle on the left flank

Given the size of the battle, it could be almost be split into two parts, with one section of the map having little effect on the other. Over in the South East I managed to make out the arrival of the other Allied body of reinforcements, which seemed to be more infantry heavy. This section of reinforcements our attacking my left flank, and I felt this would be a harder fight for the Allies as a number of gorges make large sections of this part of the battlefield impassable for vehicles, while big areas of woodland provide ideal concealment for my veteran battalion of paratroopers who are defending this sector. They are supported by two ATGs, a 20mm quad flak halftrack, and two MkIVs who are positioned some 1000m behind the para's frontline in and around the village hilltop which has less than ideal LOS.


Contact is made with the enemy units approaching my left flank

Seeing the Allies enter the map, I called in various mortar and artillery strikes to drop on a TRP that I felt confident that the Allies would have to pass through on their way to trying claim a smaller village in front of my main defensive positions on this side of the map. It would just be a matter of timing the strikes correctly to inflict maximum damage.

This, I think, I managed to do, with a heavy barrage dropping just as the enemy was moving into the village (which I left deserted). I can't be certain about the strikes' exact level of success, as most the shells dropped on a reverse slope which I don't have LOS on. However, I saw the barrage take out a number of enemy vehicles and I'm hoping the Canadian infantry was lying in wait on the reverse slope. The lack of infantry to push forward into the village after the barrage ended suggests that I managed to kill off a few Canucks!


Various artillery is called in on the Canadaians's South East push


As the shells drop a MKIV knockouts a Sherman

At the same time as my barrage hit home, I advanced the couple of MkIVs I had in reserve on this part of the map over a ridge which overlooks the enemies SE point of attack. Due the high density and height of trees in front of the two panzers, my MkIVs only had intermittent LOS at best. However, between them, a 50mm PAK, and the 37mm Flak, and a company of the paratroopers, I’ve managed to take out a three Shermans, a number of armoured cars, and a truck carrying a platoon of infantry. The panzers and flak also fired on buildings which I saw enemy units move into and were supported by some of the para mortar crews which dropped 81mm bombs in and around the village. In return, I've lost one Panzer, but my other MkIV is in a good position at the moment overlooking much of the Canadian positions. With the Canadians unable to move vehicles throw the gorge, they are trying to push a small battlegroup over to centre to join p with the other attacking forces. Whilst doing this my panzer has managed to pick off one of their Shermans, and I’m hoping the convoy will soon move into the sights of a hidden 75mm PAK.


As the Canadian attack on my left stalls they attempt to move a small armoured group to link up with their forces in the centre. A Sherman is picked off in the process and hopefully more will follow.

As for the paras that I have positioned in this area, two of the companies are held further back, and are yet to get involved. The third para company is further forward and has suffered around a 40% casualty rate. However, in return, they have KOed a Sherman and a couple of armoured cars and APCs, as well as inflicted a few infantry casualties. Unfortunately, with it being late 1943, my paras don't have panzerschrecks which has affected their ability to take on the enemy's tanks. As a result I have pulled back two platoons from the forward para company. Together with the other two para companies they are now awaiting a possible Canadian infantry assault which, if it does take place, will have to do so without armoured support due to the impassable terrain.


My forward fallschirmjager company is pushed back into the gorge as the enemy advances into the village infront of the paras' positions. A few turns later I withdrew most of the surviving paras further back


A birdseye view of the battlefield as the three quarter mark approach

5. Allied flanking manoeuvre on right

Switching back over to the other side of the map, as I mentioned in 3., the PzIVs I have hunkered down behind the coppice in the middle of the map have caused the Canadian attack to stall as the enemy tries to figure out a way to move around this defensive position. One manoeuvre they did attempt was to sweep around my open and flat right flank, which for the most part offers little cover. From +80 minutes a number of Shermans and halftracks pushed into the open area to the right of my defensive positions. Little did they know I had two 75mm PAKs and a 150mm infantry gun covering this approach. I ordered the guns to hold fire until some Shermans in an overwatch position some 2200+ metres away moved to join the attack.


The top of this screenshot shows the Allied units gathering to begin their attempted push around my right flank

Meanwhile, three Shermans were sitting in my AT guns' sights while I hoped and waited for the overwatch Shermans to leave their positions. Fortunately, the Allies moved their overwatch Shermans forward (at 2200m they could have chucked HE on my PAKS, while my PAKs wouldn't have been able KO the Shermans with their AP rounds), and with more Shermans waiting in a valley below moved up with the enemy's flanking manoeuvre to take part in the attack I decided to open up on the closest tanks at ranges which varied between 1200-1900m. Over the course of 5-6 turns the PAKS have knocked out two Shermans, a halftrack and lorry bth full of infantry, and knocked out the guns of two other Shermans (with one AP shell going straight through the Sherman’s barrel at a range of 1900m).


The 75mm PAKs ready themselves to open fire


Over the course of the next 5-6 minutes the AT guns set a number of Shermans, a truck and a halftrack alight



One of the PAKs is now taking aim at a Sherman sitting on a ridgeline 1400 away. The AT guns are yet to come under any sort of return fire – whether it be from Shermans, mortars or artillery – and I wonder if the enemy are even yet to spot the guns. The enemy taking part in the attempted the attempted flanking manoeuvre have fled for now, so I am happy with how the right wing is holding up. My biggest worry is that the AT guns will run out of ammo due to the ranges they are engaging the enemy’s armour at.

6. Last few minutes

With the Canadian flanking manourvre meeting a bloody end (for now), the Allies seem to be concentrating on pushing the bulk of their force down the central highroad. This is currently is mid progress, and has been costly for them so far as I've knocked out a Sherman, numerous bren gun carriers, and mortared their exposed troops. In return I've lost a MkIV positioned on the leftof my positions, a 50mm PAK, and probably a squad's worth of infantry.


The enemy's central push creeps forward. Shermans gather around the coppice, They'll have to engage my panzers at close quarters to dislodge my positions in the woods, which are supported by infantry with the odd panzerfaust. In this shot my immobilised MkIV spots a Sherman and knocks it out.


A fallschirmjaeger mortar crew hidden in a vine yard mortars Canadian infantry and bren carriers pushing down the highroad.


One of my two pnazers positioned on the left had LOS on the highroad and proceed to shell the enemy's infantry. Unfortunately it was quickly knocked out.


Over on the far right a scout team ambushes an infantry squad.

6. Conclusion

Overall, with the exception the damage caused to my MkIV platoon in the coppice and company of paras on the left flank, I am satisfied with how the battle has gone. I can't be certain due to the range of the engagements which has limited LOS, but I feel I have dropped some successful artillery barrages on the enemy, and with no heavy ordinance yet to hit my infantry positions I think it was worth me trying to hold for the remainder of the battle to grind the Canadians down. However, should the enemy destroy my panzers positioned in the coppice, which are pinning down his centre, I will quickly have to reconsider my plans and probably pull my infantry out.

Until next time, Odin over and out!
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