Question regarding a large meeting engagement that is actually an attack for me…

The Great White North

FGM Colour Sergeant
Feb 2, 2022
Reaction score
Winnipeg, Canada
Playing a 7000 point ME where my opponent will reach the contested middle objective first if he chooses… There are 5 OB’s total, the major contested one is semi urban. Curious if anyone has any experience with this situation as it feels like to me I’ll be attacking an equal force. Loading a flank is not particularly attractive due to the terrain…

My initial observations are to let him set up and cut him down one position at a time and have a rocket battery on standby to smoke the crap out of my closing advance and assult point with arty to soften him up. My initial armour ranges for engagements are 2,300 meters of which I will use Nashorns…

I’m playing the Germans and him the Russians so house to house doesn’t match up but I will bring strum platoons for the full auto town fun…

I’m not generally a big arty guy but some trp’s and some 120mm 105mm might just blast my way in…

Reckless? Crazy? Please feel free to chime in. And yes my opponent is more skilled tactically than I…

Would appreciate any tips….

Thank you in advance to any and all replies…

I'll wait to see the file when you upload it tonight, but I'm confused. You say you're attacking from the North but the lines on your screenshot are all running east\west. The North side of the map is on the left in that screenshot.
You didn't upload the actual map file and the screenshots don't show the setup zones, but if you are starting on the North side of the map that means the stream running east\west is between you and 4 of the 5 objectives. You're definitely at a disadvantage there.

I think you had the right idea of using TRPs and artillery to level one of the objectives. 120mm mortars or 150mm guns would work. You might want to plan a smoke screen too.
I think you had the right idea of using TRPs and artillery to level one of the objectives. 120mm mortars or 150mm guns would work. You might want to plan a smoke screen too.

Good point.
@The Great White North you're going to have to dominate the objectives with firepower.
If you can't get to them be sure to have something that can reach out and touch your opponent while he is enroute to them.
Sorry about the map file… The one I sent is probably the master file and he added the objectives… I play tested crack Nashorns at 2,300 meters and they were very effective at range against the IS-2’s also 120mm mortars do penetrate the top hull on 1 hit if he leaves them hanging around… My opponent doesn’t need to rush into the center town OB and I think he will push something from both flanks while having Overwatch. So I think I should focus initially on observing his Overwatch positions and pick them out and create an Overwatch for my advance. The German rocket battery smoke gives me almost 12 minutes of cover… If I TRP my route of advance I can soften him up as I advance. I’m not going to spend much on fancy tanks here. With zero rarity my crack Nashorns are 200 points…

Feels like I need to deny him my closest 2 objectives and at the very least contest one of the remaining 3 objectives… A draw against M.Herm I would be ecstatic. He won’t hit the surrender button with even 1 body left on the map.

Putting a trp on his small OB’s and bombing it for the last 7 turns although gamey could also deny him the spot unless the armour holds it intact….

In general this match feels like a reach out and touch someone… Infantry will be spotting and moving well spaced to provoke a response. I’m thinking Halftracks with their mounted MG’s will force him to open up and they are great for longer range mg suppression against his infantry.

For me rushing into the town with other than a provoking screen I think he will just key hole my approach and hold me up while pushing my flanks to split my force up which I don’t mind as my 2 closest OB’s can be defended if I keyhole the defence and minimize my exposure to early spotting.

In short I don’t usually spend a lot of points on arty / smoke but for this battle I think it’s an interesting approach with a good trp web for my route aka into the center town and his likely overwatch positions.

I like using AA half tracks against infantry pushes beyond their range and a few Whirlybirds to level buildings.

Stummels are cheap as well and have lots of HE rounds…

Off map 81 mm mortars won’t have the range to go anywhere I want them so the 120mm version will do the trick.

If I leave enough time left after my rocket smoke dump I can also use the remaining 100 rounds of rockets and do a strip barrage deeper into his urban defence.

Off map 75mm inf guns also give me 5min of smoke on the map and are cheap.

I think I need to see what his intentions are his force concentration and main avenue of approach of which I think he will take the next closest OB (the center town) and push for contesting one of my closest OB’s…

I can just let him set up his overwatch then smoke it position my counter direct fire then long range direct and indirect fire on it…

He is a very aggressive player so using a lot of smoke will give me the opportunity to maneuver accordingly and freedom of movement….

Me bum rushing into town with a large force will only make it easy for him to counter arty me into the dirt… I’m thinking I need to be very flexible and take my time. I believe there is a concept from Jason C from the battlefront forums about attrition vs maneuver. I feel I need both obviously but more attrition to be able to maneuver in favourable engagement match ups…

My right flank has water obstacles and a raised rail line so driving armour over it will be a death trap for exposure.

Left flank is bad for key holed armour in the center town. So my attack phase is for the town from the center….

Bit of a novel I apologize but great full for the comments….

Putting a trp on his small OB’s and bombing it for the last 7 turns although gamey could also deny him the spot unless the armour holds it intact….

Not gamey at all within the context. Meeting engagements like this are inherently gamey anyways.

It sounds to me like you have the right idea. It's like Nathangun said, firepower is the key. I'd spend as little on infantry as you can get away with. If you manage a very favorable exchange rate you may be able to pull out a win or draw even with only 2 objectives.
Not gamey at all within the context. Meeting engagements like this are inherently gamey anyways.

It sounds to me like you have the right idea. It's like Nathangun said, firepower is the key. I'd spend as little on infantry as you can get away with. If you manage a very favorable exchange rate you may be able to pull out a win or draw even with only 2 objectives.
Thank you… Feels like most of the meaningful engagements will not be with infantry….
Not gamey at all within the context. Meeting engagements like this are inherently gamey anyways.

It sounds to me like you have the right idea. It's like Nathangun said, firepower is the key. I'd spend as little on infantry as you can get away with. If you manage a very favorable exchange rate you may be able to pull out a win or draw even with only 2 objectives.
M. Herm isn't going to hit the surrender button nor the ceasefire button lol... I've watched all his Red Thunder matches...

His default purchase is roughly as follows..

2 Companies of reg Infantry
1 Company of smg's
15 - 17 tanks he will bring probably 6-8 IS-2's
2 - 120mm AT guns
On map mortars
Off map Arty
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