Is this Mad Max game? Silly question I know.On behalf of the Straya Wasteland Travel Commission, we welcome you to our little slice of paradise! We have exotic locales and many activities that will satisfy even the most demanding tourist. Here are some things you can expect to see and do during your stay here. It's fun the whole family can enjoy!
Meet roving war bands on The Great White! While they may appear fearsome and threaten to peel the flesh from your body faster than you can say wallaby, they're quite likeable blokes once you get to know them. Pictured below is one of their many stylish war chariots you will encounter.
Our most popular activity is camp visits. Hone your hand to hand combat skills in a myriad of challenging situations! Satisfy your inner pyromaniac by using jerry cans full of fuel to blow things up! Find all sorts of curious items you can acquire to your heart's content!
If that doesn't interest you, take your rental car* on leisurely drives through the barren wastes! Who knows what interesting things you might find or people you may encounter!
*A friendly hunchback tour guide is supplied with every rental. No extra fee required.
Experience one of our fierce sandstorms! If one surprises you while you're out and about, there are plenty of rotting ship hulks on the wastes to take cover in and avoid flying debris. If caught in the open, don't expect to survive for long!
We also offer many scenic landmarks that afford those perfect photographic moments you and your family will cherish forever!
Do you spend the majority of your commute to work fed up with your fellow drivers and raging behind the wheel? Take heart! In the Straya Wasteland, you are free to release your anger and eliminate any crazy driver you may run across! One satisfied tourist repeatedly rammed his car into another until it blew up with the occupant inside! His visit feedback to us included the picture below with the following note, "I've never felt more relaxed in my life! Now, when I'm stuck in traffic, all I have to do is remember my time here and I can feel the tension in me ease. Keep up the good work!"
Finally, what travel brochure is complete without a section on how to say "hello" to the Strayan Wastelanders you will meet? Here is a little pictorial guide to get you acquainted with our friendly ways!
1. Everyone likes a kiss. Wastelanders are no different! Don't be bashful when given the opportunity to give us a a little greeting smack! Here's one method we recommend:
And another common method:
2. By far, the best way to make friends here is with a good pooning!
What are you waiting for? Book your flight and accommodations today and experience the vacation of a lifetime!
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