Rambler's Gallery

Looks chill, one of my buddies used to play it to just unwind - I suppose it's a lot like getting into a Cesna or something in a flight simulator.
I think it's about time for another "What's Rambler Been Playing?" Well, all of my gaming time the past month has been sunk into one of the best games I have ever played, Subnautica. I bought the game on a whim during this past Steam sale without knowing anything about it other than it was an underwater type survival game that was supposedly good. Tbh, I really don't care for survival games, as they usually seem more like a chore than fun. I can't really say what prompted me to buy it, other than I love water and the ocean, the price was low risk and I was looking for something fresh and completely different than the bang bang shooty shoot stuff I usually play. I've been totally blown away and can easily sink 4-6 hours into Subnautica without realizing it. This is a bar setting title in game and environment design imo. Resource gathering and surviving is hardly a chore. It's actually fun because it's tied in closely with exploration, which is what the whole game is about. There is a base building component, which is easy and quite fun. The game also has a mysterious story line that is given to you in a non-linear fashion. I like to call it a "puzzle mystery." You piece it together as you find things while exploring.

The world you are surviving in is both amazingly beautiful and terrifying at the same time. I don't get scared playing games. I don't get scared watching horror movies. However, I admit to being genuinely scared at times while playing this game, and it's not just dumb jump scare stuff either. It's completely unnerving when you're ~1200m below the surface and a sea monster roaring like a demon viciously attacks the submersible you've worked so hard to build. There I was, a ruptured hull, fire breaking out in the engine room and me wondering if I'd ever see the surface again. I made it out alive by the skin of my teeth.

That's not to say Subnautica is perfect. There are some minor glitches here and there and a close draw distance resulting in noticeable pop-in. The game also does not hold your hand. There's no manual or anything. You have to figure out everything on your own which is both good and bad imo. I understand why the devs did it this way, but it really would have been nice to have a basic manual explaining what does what. There is an unofficial wiki available that serves this purpose, though. Just be careful reading it as there are usually spoilers on anything you're looking up. However, these issues are overshadowed by the excellent gameplay and environment. 11/10 is my score so far.

Edited to add: If this sounds like a game that interests you, I would refrain from watching the cinematic trailer as it reveals a major plot point that was a true "wtf" moment for me when I discovered it in game. Thankfully I watched trailer after I got to the plot point.

Now on to some screens.

Creepvine Forests


Grassy Plateaus

Crag Fields - This is a dangerous area.

Wreck exploring and salvaging.

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@Hub6actual You're more than welcome to join Kanium for some SB action, no need to miss it. All scenarios are open to anyone regardless if you're an actual member or not. Check out www.kanium.org join the discord and hit up Nike-Ajax in the #steelbeasts channel for more info. It's a good group of guys to run with.
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