Round #5 reposted

With the site having issues, it has not helped with the kicking off of the final round

Theses players still need to get round 5 started
Horza, Bleskaceq, Spoogle, Esoteric, Jheinrichk, Guardsman, Jtimo, Kgpanther, Cargo andf Laurent
Not been able to get on the site for 2wks or more so wasnt aware Rnd5 had started. Unfortunately i am away for the rest of the month from next weds onwards. We can start the battle if my opponent @jheinrichk gets to it but will be a 2wk delay after tuesday, apologies.
Is this bracket correct? I believe I played against Esoteric in the previous round
Is this bracket correct? I believe I played against Esoteric in the previous round

Its kinda late now to fix it, but Jheinrichk and guardman has not started yet . so we could switch match ups there if you four are ok with it.

So Spoogles, you will play Jheinrichk. (send a dropbox for that)

Esoteric you will play Guardsman (I know you have played each other also, but at least it was not last round)
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Cargol and I, we are using the same Dbox as last time. Do we need to create a new Dropbox ?
I received the turn n°2, and I just sent turn n°3 in our old DB.
Game over! Large victory for my opponent Cargol, on the German side!
A good scenario on a beautiful map, just a little short timing !
If you did like most players are doing, trying to attack up the left through the woods. No way you will do it in 30 minutes.

The thing was designed for you to move that armor right out there in the open and overwelm the defences in a swift manor.

But I have yet to see one player try that.
If you did like most players are doing, trying to attack up the left through the woods. No way you will do it in 30 minutes.

The thing was designed for you to move that armor right out there in the open and overwelm the defences in a swift manor.

But I have yet to see one player try that.

i could only shake my head after reading this... @The Jackal knows why...
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