I think I got this at that sale mentioned in this thread. Had a punt at it and it was too confusing for me. Decided to give it another look recently. At the detail level this is a good looking game - if only it had a turn based/WEGO option!
Anyway, as HOA said, the manual needs a rewrite. I might have a punt at learning it and if I come to grips with it I'll put together my version of the manual and how to play the tutorials. Obviously the manual was written by someone with English as a second language - maybe American
or Russian - hard to tell.
It really has some interesting tools and could be great. But cannot imagine playing multiplayer in real time. My thoughts at this stage are that the AI would do better without the players interference! At the moment focusing on one unit, eg anti-tank gun, and seeing how I can change events. Think you have to start small to get a grip with what is going on. Maybe multiplayer with an agreed pause - every minute. Do not get a replay though which I think would make large maps problematic. Then again these games might not be a micro-management style game and there is a playing concept I am missing.
Obviously very powerful game, the detail that the player can get involved with seems deeper than CM, but how to use this in real time?