@Rico I had a similar but reversed situation a few months back in a game against
@WinOrLose, he had a Panzer IV hunkered down behind a large building and I had worked two shermans in on each side at a distance to try to pinch him out, one way or the other, turns out that wasn't going to be the case. His PzIV moved forward, the commander was taken out by one of my infantry squads or a sniper, can't recall which, and the PzIV panic reversed right into the sights of one of the pinching shermans, this guy was dead. Stone cold dead, panicked crew, no vision, side on to my sherman at less than 300 meters.
My sherman spotted, lined the shot up, fired..... and hit the tree a few meters in front of him, PzIV stops, sherman fires again, again tree, PzIV spots the sherman, lines up, straight through the turret, sherman crew bails out and the next shot finishes the job.
Many bad words were said that day, mostly directed at BFs indestructible trees.
I'm spewing now I didn't make a video of that incident, and I literally cleaned out my CMFI incoming email folder yesterday.