Some more thoughts over coffee about the rules for this campaign...
I am picturing it as a turn-based campaign -- that is: one side moves & attacks - we build and resolve CM battles, the other side moves and attacks - we build and resolve CM battles and so forth.
Here a suggested TURN sequence:
(some of these will be handled by the GM)
1. SUPPLY CHECK -- units are checked if they they are cut off and out of supply
2. REINFORCEMENT PHASE -- damaged units receive replacement men and vehicles (if available) -- cannot attack this turn
3. AIR COMBAT PHASE -- both sides assign aircraft to one of 3 missions: a) Air Superiority b) Close Air Support c) Interdiction (attacks on moving columns and artillery) -- (this is done in secret in messages to GM)
3a. AIR BATTLE is played out by GM using dice and combat results tables.
3b. CAS missions are assigned to Ground Unit Battalion HQ's
3c. Interdiction missions are assigned to hexes to attack
4. MOVEMENT PHASE -- attacking player moves all eligible units he choses and also assigns attack helicopter units to Battalion HQ's
4a. Attacking player also may assign RESERVE status to any COMPANY-size unit battlegroups that do not move that turn.
5. GROUND INTERDICTION air attack missions are played out in COMBAT MISSION -- if a moving column or artilery unit moves into or adjacent to a hex with an assigned to an enemy interdiction air unit it comes under air attack.
6. ATTACK PHASE -- attacking player announces attacks
6a. Attacking player assigns artillery, air and attack helicopter support to attacking units (in secret to GM)
6b. Defending player assigns artillery, air and attack helicopter support to defending units (in secret to GM)
7. COMBAT MISSION BATTLE RESOLUTION -- battles are set up by GM and played out.
8. POST-BATTLE retreats and advances
9. EXPLOITATION & RESERVE MOVEMENT PHASE -- any units assigned RESERVE status may now move to HALF their movement allowance. ATTACKER may exploit through a captured hex and the DEFENDER may move up any available reserve units to plug a gap - also at HALF movement rate. (these orders are given to the GM in secret and played out simultaneously on the map by the GM)
10. RESERVE PHASE COMBAT -- if any moving reserve units collide in a hex, they have to fight a MEETING ENGAGEMENT battle (no supporting arty or air units will be involved) -- uncommitted attack helicopters available at the reserve unit's Battalion HQ can be assigned in support.
11. POST-RESERVE-BATTLE retreats and advances
12. NEW UNIT BUILD PHASE -- newly mobilised or constructed units arrive at a designated town/city and are available for the next TURN.
13. ALL AIR UNITS return to base.
14. ATTACKER's remaining RESERVE units that did not perform EXPLOITATION movement are available for DEFENSIVE RESERVE movement during the next TURN.
Rinse and repeat for other side.
Comments welcome.