The Crazy Eight Tournament

I'd think you buggered his main gun, judging from the lack of shooting he's doing :D That's probably the only Panther you have to worry about though ;)
@DellieJonut That was my little joke at the end of my clip. The next turn he was taken out with vengeance!

Oh if I know @Shorker he wouldn't come to an open map knife fight with only one Panther up his sleeve. :) Especially with no armour rules. he he......I'm expecting more.
@Hedgehog Just press spacebar when you're in the Force Selection screen... the info will change to show you what module different formations are from. You can purchase a formation, press spacebar, and delete any units which are from the offending packs
With apologies to Bootie. This is a turn from the Bootie Yanks Vs MG German mirror match. Bootie seems to have gotten several M10s and at least two Greyhounds all bunched up on one side of the map, facing three spread out Panthers. Got a couple of double penetrations. :)

EDIT: No offense to Eniced, there's been plenty of back and forth in both our matches.

I'm having a great time playing Eniced, but this moment stood out to me as special.

So in my Allied game vs Eniced I wanted to bring something that could definitely penetrate the toughest Axis armor, given the chance. Those 76mm TDs don't really cut it.

I went a little overboard and got myself a M12 GMC :D

Eniced sent his Tiger over the crest and fired a shot at my M12, which was intercepted by the leaves! The M12 fired a 155mm AP right back at him...


...And nearly flipped the Tiger on its back. :2charge:
Ugggh! One of my pet peeves about this game....leaves and bushes acting like force-fields. I was yelling for my crew to get off a second shot but they were not nearly fast enough. Balls of steel, your men possess to be able to steady and fire that gun after an 88 round exploded inches from their heads. If I would have got that kill, I had plenty of HE left to start a massive barrage on your men in those woods. Doubt if I would have been able to drive them all out but at least would have caused some casualties.

Both games have been really fun. Loads of casualties. I am pretty certain you will be the victory here.
@eniced73 and I completed our first round. I've posted the results in the Bracket conversation. Good games Eniced, it was a bloody mess :D
@Floki nator, are you there or did you go for a short christmas holiday maybe? Would like to finish our matches too. ;)
@Floki nator, are you there or did you go for a short christmas holiday maybe? Would like to finish our matches too. ;)

Not a holiday just busy Christmas time....just sat down for a morning coffee and will get back to the front. Expect my return files soon my friend.
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