I have tried a few OCR libraries to parse the end screen shot without success.
There are to much "noice" for me to get out anything meaningful.
And the further down the well with OCR processing we go, the more cpu every run takes..
I guess, if it works at the end there is no way that an little vps can handle the burst loads when uploading the screenshots
Way back when I did the CMAKdb and CMDBdb pages I asked bfc if there could be some way to get an export of the result at the end, so that was easy to parse and import into an db.. But something went sideways at the end om CMx1 era, and nothing more happend with it.
The data is already there, and if it could eject an json with the same data in an game directory.. unicorns and rainbows

But hey, who am I to complain. I really like the game(s) and if this is the only thing that isn't there.. I can live with that
Sry, for my OT post. This is not me saying that I dislike the Ladder system
Regards OldGoat