Hey Dutch,
I found that scripting is a whole process that is best started when one is picking the OOB. Since all the units need to be assigned into groups (A1-A16) from the purchase unit screen, it is far easier for the designer to build these Groups at that point. Thus when you deploy the troops on the map they are in some semblance as how they will move during the battle. another words units that need to be in C2 should be kept together or in Groups that are located together on the map and have the same objectives.
That being said then one can use these Groups in the AI editor and apply up to 16 orders for each one during the battle. These can include Start and End Times for performing an array of orders. With Version 3.0 Engine one can apply up to 32 triggers (minus the Victory Objectives which are used the same way) to have Groups react when something happens.
The key is to make your Groups up front when designing the battle and thinking how you want those units responding during the battle, otherwise one must go in and out of the deployment mode to ascertain where units are located and how they should be grouped. I can tell you that doing so is time consuming and tidiest.
Hope this helps....