The Forgotten Battle for Overloon

  • Thread starter Dutch Grenadier
  • Start date
I know how it works but that is the problem... I don't see any ammo truck units in editor. I again wonder if I'm upgraded to v3.0
Asked around on the BF forum and although it says the upgrade includes ammodumps they don't :(
The good news is that the scenario is progressing nicely. In october it is 70 years after the battle for Overloon. I hope to have it released by then... :D
Hmmm... I'll have to check after dinner then. Because on the BF forum they say no ammo dumps and I tried to do select trucks and have them dismount but I can't choose any type of ammodump like in RT.
Yep. I see what you mean now that I looked at CMRT. You cannot pick and choose the type of ammo that you receive in CMBN. Basically you are just telling the trucks in your company to 'dump' their ammo on the ground. It looks like you get what ever the specific company is carrying. Could you dump the ammo from your trucks before the update? I do not remember being able to do that.
I'll check after dinner once the kids are in bed. And no the option was not there before RT and v3.0
Eureka!!! It works indeed. If you set jeeps, trucks and halftracks on dismount they become ammodumps. The only problem is you can not create ammodumps for anti tank and AA guns. Only small arms and mortars (dedicated transports only)
Eureka!!! It works indeed. If you set jeeps, trucks and halftracks on dismount they become ammodumps. The only problem is you can not create ammodumps for anti tank and AA guns. Only small arms and mortars (dedicated transports only)
Recheck that DG. I am almost certain I had ammo dumps with AT rounds. Take an ATG company and set them to dismount. The trucks that tow should turn into dumps.
I did set an AT gun company on dismount aswell as a heavy infantrygun platoon but all the trucks give are small arms ammo
Awesome! Then it only leaves AA guns without ammodumps?
Making good progress. Almost done with the German setup. Then I need to work on the British setup.
Scenario is ready for scripting. I can't remember who was willing to script for me so I'll ask again...

Who is willing to script this scenario for me?
@Dutch Grenadier Don't think it was me mate - I haven't done any ai scripting - even tho I some point I will have to get my head around it...
Hey Dutch,

I found that scripting is a whole process that is best started when one is picking the OOB. Since all the units need to be assigned into groups (A1-A16) from the purchase unit screen, it is far easier for the designer to build these Groups at that point. Thus when you deploy the troops on the map they are in some semblance as how they will move during the battle. another words units that need to be in C2 should be kept together or in Groups that are located together on the map and have the same objectives.

That being said then one can use these Groups in the AI editor and apply up to 16 orders for each one during the battle. These can include Start and End Times for performing an array of orders. With Version 3.0 Engine one can apply up to 32 triggers (minus the Victory Objectives which are used the same way) to have Groups react when something happens.

The key is to make your Groups up front when designing the battle and thinking how you want those units responding during the battle, otherwise one must go in and out of the deployment mode to ascertain where units are located and how they should be grouped. I can tell you that doing so is time consuming and tidiest.

Hope this helps....

Hey Rick,

I already made the OOB's and placed the units on the map. All that needs to be done now is to script them but I don't know how to :(
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