thanks for this. The reason I put it up here was for peer review like this so that my findings can be challenged and I can look deeper into things I maybe missing.
To give some answers on my current findings relative to your questions;
1. After mixed results using infantry squads, I used 2 crack sniper teams as part of my accuracy testing. One was unfit and kept in a Fatigued and Exhausted state whilst the other was kept Rested to Ready. Accuracy appeared to be unaffected. I have recently noticed something with the Rattled state however, and I think it affects spotting but I need to do further testing. Fatigue definitely showed no affects on Morale states or suppression recovery time.
EDIT - just retested accuracy with a sniper firing at an enemy squad (same setup each time);
2. I'll check deeper to see what impact Leadership has on C2 communication, initial tests showed no benefit/penalty.
EDIT - no I still am unable to verify any benefit from +2 Ldrshp or penalty from -2 Ldrshp for all units concerned over C2.
3. The Leadership modifier of a Plt HQ definitely does not pass any Morale modifier benefit/penalty down to subordinate units . I have added a new subject to the OP called 'HQ Leadership Modifier Example' which explains how poor Leadership affects a Platoon. I intend to back this up with a video as its a contentious issue but I can prove these points.
4. Leadership does 2 things (as it currently stands) - it provides resistance to the persistent Morale effects of casualty build up, and it speeds up recovery from suppression. Motivation does 3 things - it provides resistance to the persistent Morale effects of casualty build up, provides resistance top the temporary Morale effects of suppression (different from recovery speed) and reduces the likelihood of Panic and Broken Morale states. I see your point so I'll dig deeper to see if Leadership can do more.
5. Yes haven't got to vehicles yet. The more I play around the more sophisticated the systems reveal themselves to be so still ironing out the basic infantry stuff.
thanks for this. The reason I put it up here was for peer review like this so that my findings can be challenged and I can look deeper into things I maybe missing.
To give some answers on my current findings relative to your questions;
1. After mixed results using infantry squads, I used 2 crack sniper teams as part of my accuracy testing. One was unfit and kept in a Fatigued and Exhausted state whilst the other was kept Rested to Ready. Accuracy appeared to be unaffected. I have recently noticed something with the Rattled state however, and I think it affects spotting but I need to do further testing. Fatigue definitely showed no affects on Morale states or suppression recovery time.
EDIT - just retested accuracy with a sniper firing at an enemy squad (same setup each time);
Fit Regular sniper kept Rested, 20 shots fired - 5 casualties caused
Unfit Regular sniper kept Fatigued, 20 shots fired - 8 casualties caused
Conclusion - Fatigue state has no effect on accuracy
Unfit Regular sniper kept Fatigued, 20 shots fired - 8 casualties caused
Conclusion - Fatigue state has no effect on accuracy
2. I'll check deeper to see what impact Leadership has on C2 communication, initial tests showed no benefit/penalty.
EDIT - no I still am unable to verify any benefit from +2 Ldrshp or penalty from -2 Ldrshp for all units concerned over C2.
3. The Leadership modifier of a Plt HQ definitely does not pass any Morale modifier benefit/penalty down to subordinate units . I have added a new subject to the OP called 'HQ Leadership Modifier Example' which explains how poor Leadership affects a Platoon. I intend to back this up with a video as its a contentious issue but I can prove these points.
4. Leadership does 2 things (as it currently stands) - it provides resistance to the persistent Morale effects of casualty build up, and it speeds up recovery from suppression. Motivation does 3 things - it provides resistance to the persistent Morale effects of casualty build up, provides resistance top the temporary Morale effects of suppression (different from recovery speed) and reduces the likelihood of Panic and Broken Morale states. I see your point so I'll dig deeper to see if Leadership can do more.
5. Yes haven't got to vehicles yet. The more I play around the more sophisticated the systems reveal themselves to be so still ironing out the basic infantry stuff.
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