Terrain: roll: 20!
I’ll have to go look up what that is.Terrain: roll: 20!
Neither do we half the time.Why am I following this? I have no idea what's going on.
Challenge accepted -- will pick it up in the morning. Dreading to see what the map is going to be like.Marshy battlefield hahahaha. I love my dice rolls, they are driving me crazy.
Battle set up. Let's go!
It doesn't have to be tedious, just march at me and get stuck in. There are plenty of turns left.
A tactic is a tactic, told ya he fights like Robinhood.
I don't know what to say really. I was trying for a draw , rather than pull back. If that's a tactic that goes against the spirit of the game, I apologise.
Maybe a rule change: whoever holds the field at the end stays and the other player withdraws. That'd make it less tempting for a player to go for a draw.
Note: I tried this tactic twice already and was defeated both times pretty heavily.
This time I got a more suitable terrain by chance so I played it the best I could. That is, inflict the most casualties without losing.
I guess so, I know it's annoying and I kick myself , a lot! I like being able to play the defensive tactic in a campaign, in a normal game, well it's ok to just get on with it. It can be boring though, I know, and I don't usually hide right off in a corner. Got to admit though, this fight has been brutal anyway.Hey, it's a legit tactic, can't fault it on that -- just kicking myself that I went along with it.
I should have just hung back and shot your skirmishers to bits and left it at that.... and run out the clock.