THREE KINGDOMS - FOG Medieval Campaign - TURN 4

I have worked up a FOUR player version on this campaign using essentially the same campaign map.

FOUR player campaign -- moved the factions around, renamed them and new armies ... a couple new cities -- we'd all get a new faction to play.

Rules are pretty solid -- I have a few additons/changes I'd like to suggest -- like some simple Naval/Fleet options ... and adjust the GOLD income parameters a bit -- and formalising disbanding the armies.

Was also thinking of expanding the campaign year to 12 operations?

New army selections:

Kingdom of Catania: Castilian (1476-1497) (or Aragonese (1450 -1479))

Duchy of Agrigento: Burgundian (1471-1477)

Republic of Syracuse: Venetian (140-1500) ... or Milanese, Florentine, Milanese or Neapolitan of same period

County of Rezuttano: Hungarian (1441-1500) -- pretty interesting army list there.


We would need to entice a 4th player to join us -- maybe @Mad Mike or @kronenblatt

FOUR KINGDOMS 001 sample.jpg
@Lascar would be interested, I think.
I suggest too that we mention any rules tweaks we think might be worth considering, although I'm confident in @Rico on that score.
I did think maybe an attrition roll if you retreat from contact but I'm not so sure it's necessary...
I'd be happy to join a campaign like this, if in a historical setting. And also depending on the rule tweaks: not much of fan of these battles with highly unbalanced FPs.
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