THREE KINGDOMS - FOG Medieval Campaign - TURN 4

AGRIGENTO plays Siege on Alva -- successful, Alva switches to Agrigento control (no attrition)

SYRACUSA plays Siege on Calogera -- die roll: 4 -- no effect (attrition roll: 5 -- no effect)


This wraps up Campaign Year 2 ... and still everything finely balanced -- @Nathangun came oh so close to capturing Raguza.

I'll prep the map for the start of the next turn this evening or tomorrow morning.

Turn 2 Camp 19.jpg
Ok, here we are ready for TURN 3.

Planning Season
No one has any Momentun, so there is no Bonus Diplomatic Actions

I did a random dice roll for the Turn Sequence as everybody was equal on Major Towns control, Momentum and only battle last Turn was a Draw.


Turn sequence for Turn 3:
1. @Rico
2. @Nathangun
3. @chiquichops

Everybody has 28 Gold income -- not sure if anyone is carrying over any from last turn?

Everybody has a SIEGE TRAIN in winter quarters that can be re-activated for 2 GOLD for use this turn.


Please send your Army purchases and placements, any Fortification repairs and your Operation Chit selections to @kronenblatt

3 Kingdoms Turn 3 Planning A.jpg
Army 1 marches to Reitano
Rolls 9 -2 siege train -1 unfriendly city +1 friendly
Successful march and stops
I reveal a 16 strength army
CATANIA plays March Operation: Army I marches to Calogera.

AGRIGENTO plays march Operation: Army I marches to Reitano.

SYRACUSA plays March Operation:
Army II marches to Gallea.
(Modifier: Friendly cities +2) Die roll: 6 + 2 = 8 -- march successful, operation continues.
Army II marches to Negreno.
(Modifier: Friendly cities +2) Die roll: 2 + 2 = 8 -- march successful, operation ends.


Back over to @Nathangun

Turn 3 Camp 02.jpg
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