THREE KINGDOMS - FOG Medieval Campaign - TURN 4

Can you retreat to an enemy territory?

Yes, unless there is an enemy army present.

If the defender instead wishes to retreat, he may freely retreat to an adjacent space (but not the space from which the enemy advanced). Such retreat now gives the attacker two options:
1. Take a free Diplomacy roll to influence the Minor or Major Town (the locals are sure to be impressed by this mighty display of force) and end movement here; or…
2. Continue movement, if the previous roll allowed it.
We could have stayed at home writing poetry, oh well.
Much fun was had and I think we might have a few ideas for tweaking the rules a little.
I'm down to stretch it out, whatever you guys prefer.

Final scoring would be:

The campaign ends in a decisive victory if one of the factions captures one of the enemy Capital Cities or ends the final Campaign Season besieging it.

If the Turn Track expires without a decisive victory, the war ends with a negotiated settlement. Compare the value of all controlled cities:
Capital City = 5VP,
Major Town Port = 2VP
Major Town = 1VP.
The side with the highest total claims a Marginal Victory.


Capital: 5 pts
Ports: (4) 8 pts
Major Towns (1) 1 pts

TOTAL: 14 points

Capital: 5 pts
Ports: (2) 4 pts
Major Towns (2) 2 pts

TOTAL: 11 points

Capital: 5 pts
Ports: (3) 6 pts
Major Towns (2) 2 pts

TOTAL: 13 points

So, @Nathangun wins a Minor Victory by a very close margin -- those sneaky amphibious operations paid off :cool:
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