Ok found out that this has to do with shaders. Does anyone know which mods do work?
I'm having no problems with the Aris vehicle mods.
Ok found out that this has to do with shaders. Does anyone know which mods do work?
Anyone know which mods do work?
A bit how long is a piece of string but are there certain categories that do or don't?
I got it Nort...Why not?Why me?
That's Good News sooner the better on that onereading on the BF forums there are a few bugs and a lot of people are having problems so we will hope for fix in the new year
I'm having huge issues with weapon crews deciding to run back to their original deployment position at random points of the game, including during deployment!
I understand this is a know bug, but it never happened to me before 2.0....
I'm having huge issues with weapon crews deciding to run back to their original deployment position at random points of the game, including during deployment!
I understand this is a know bug, but it never happened to me before 2.0....
scenario also have there problems.......tried a large scenario with Johnsy and it kept freezing, also doing a smaller one with Bidermann and some of my forces just disappear on some moves......Not GoodI have that 5% loading bug too, BF will deliver a fix they say. Patiance chaps.
Scenario battles for this solider until it's fixed.