Yes, I think it's close to reality in that way, even though I've never even been inside a real tank. The thing that surprised me, even though it shouldn't have, is that - as the gunner - I was only able to see a little bit through the scope.
Combined with the very slow turret traverse speed, it meant that I could not respond to targets off to the side in any expedient manner. If I turned the turret to the right, I would then be powerless for a long time to defend against any threat that popped up on our left. So deciding which way to turn the turret is a big 'investment' in time and I had to plan ahead and decide whether it was worth turning the turret in any given situation.
In some cases, I got a target marker on my screen, placed by Lethaface when he spotted some target. I could then hose down bushes and hedges with the MG or fire the main gun 'blind' against targets I had not spotted, myself. This was really helpful. Also, messages from the TC such as "enemy armour expected just up ahead" went a long way to help me prepare for where to face the turret and which ammunition to load.