World of Tanks Roll Call

If you haven't visited WoT recently you may wish to reconsider. The graphics are gorgeous and keep getting better. The in game sound has been improved so much that I no longer bother using sound mods.

And perhaps more importantly they've improved the way new gamers are introduced into the combat system. Not so much "seal clubbing" anymore by experienced players. I don't have the details on that handy because, well, I'm not a new player, but you should find it much more friendly to get into the game while you get used to the interface.

Lastly, Nort and I (and to a lesser extent HOA) can probably answer any question you have about the game. The game has a huge information data base, but sometimes it's too huge. We will gladly help anyone who needs/wants it and we can get you answers to details that may be a bit difficult to locate in their FAQ section.

Put us in your contacts list: River_Card, Nort1 and BlitzBear. See you on the battlefield.

Oh, if you like to get together let me know. I can be reached on Skype @ mtk1california.
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in game name and on here is TopDawg, can confirm graphics and sounds are a lot better now
Just a screen capture to show they eye candy.

I am a little surprised that FGM hasn't embraced WoT more than just the 3 of us. I mean it's tanks. You get a lot of tanks to chose from and you get to shoot at other tanks. When you kill them there is a spectacular (and satisfying explosion). What's not to like?

See you're running that Panther without its commander having the 6th Sense skill. Brave.
Well, 6th Sense is a bit of a misnomer, but they have to call it something. It is not some magical, silly or completely unrealistic skill. It just allows for your tank commander to be a bit more on the alert to possible danger. He realizes sooner rather than later if an enemy tank may have spotted him. Unlikely this ability keeps "...many others..." from playing the game though. Understand if you are not a fan of shooter games. That alone is more than enough to turn you away.

However, you do touch upon a point that is a problem and why many might well find the game off-putting. They WoT community is the most toxic I've ever experienced. Because of its shear size it generates a LOT of idiots and fools. I guess many players have so little going in their lives (or may well just be immature) they need playing WoT to bolster their self esteem. The way to do that is to be critical of the play skills of others or just simply misbehave in general. This, of course, is self defeating since to win a battle the team, consisting of 15 players, must win the battle together. I've found the best way to neuter this problem is to delete bad language and in some instances just delete the chat box all together. A thick skin is really the best remedy.
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Unlikely this ability keeps "...many others..." from playing the game though.
Well, that is just one example of the un-realism of WoT.

Understand if you are not a fan of shooter games. That alone is more than enough to turn you away.
That is very true. And you are probably correct - disinterest in shooter games is probably the real reason most people here who don't play WoT, don't play WoT.
WoT has never purported itself as a simulation. I think the 6th sense could be considered realistic. I mean some tank commanders are better than others.
Crew members increase their skill level based on accrued experience. Not all that unrealistic, just a touch of RPG in the game is all.
You are correct. If this was an FPS club there would be more interest.
I simply think that WarThunder is the better game (more sim like) for Tank'ing then WoT.
Well, I may have over done the toxic community issue a tad. I just wanted potential new players to not be surprised by it. It exists, but I mentioned several ways to let it be less of a bother and even eliminating it altogether. The "team killing" issue does exist, but to be fair it is a very rare occurrence. Nowhere near the "constant fragging" to which you allude. It's merely notable because it is so strange and universally despised.
Oh, boy! I finally could not resist adding this bad boy to my garage since it is discounted 30% atm. It's got 1/3 more frontal armor than the ISU-152. Not that it makes much difference when dealing with those Tier X guns. However, at Tier IX it gets a better MM break and top tier 1/2 the time. The alpha damage with the HE rounds is 712-1188. With a pen factor of 90 it can leave a mark on pretty much anything.

Off to take her on her maiden voyage. Full steam ahead!

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