World of Tanks Roll Call

I played arty at the start when I was still a newb to the game. Until the long wait time to reload bored me to tears and that was then end of that.
I love me the auto(re)-loaders atm. They are just such great alpha dealers in under 3 seconds.
Currently grinding, via free XP, for that Tier IX Italian auto-loader, the Standard B. What a beast.
Had to laugh. I got killed early last night and so started a battle with a Medium. I was immediately frustrated to no end when I could not get 3 shots off in 5 seconds.
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I played arty at the start when I was still a newb to the game. Until the long wait time to reload bored me to tears and that ws then end of that.
I love me the auto(re)-loaders atm. They are just such great alpha dealers in under 3 seconds.
Currently grinding, via free XP, for that Tier IX French auto-loader, the Standard B. What a beast.
Had to laugh. I got killed early last night and so started a battle with a Medium. I was immediately frustrated to no end when I could not get 3 shots off in 5 seconds.
Well I like the autoloaders too. But I think me and WoT are going to be seeing less of one another.
I am bored with it. The lack of maps I find to be frustrating. I know they try to produce balanced battlefields, but I would argue that a lot of the games are kind of unbalanced already by gold spamming and the wheeled vehicles, so I think every map they’ve ever produced should be in the mix and in play.
Yeah, I know. I actually took almost 6 months off not that long ago.
My problem was I didn't have much of a reason at the time to play. No goals. Not even small ones. Plus losing a lot wasn't helping.
Then, as you know, recently I learned the joy of shooting the red tank drivers in the face with auto-loaders. LOL
My damage dealt per game is up. My win % is better. Morale is improved and there are some tanks to work for along with some other minor goals I'm working on.
The game is unrecognizable from when I/we started so there's that.
We haven't platooned in a while so let me know if/when interested.
This is the "Standard B" I currently covet. It's only got 240 Alpha and a 3 round clip, but it makes up for it with a 2 second reload time and uses the auto-reloader feature.
To be honest out of 15k(ish?) games played in WoT, there are probably 2k or so played in artillery, mostly from my early 'career', while relaxing to play I found it frustrating that one could never carry a battle if the situation arose.

Also the changes to artillery have made them even more obnoxious to play against, especially when there is more than one. Restrict arty to one per side, I'd be ok with that.

In saying all that, arty didn't drive me away from the game the way that wheeled lights did, a section of vehicles so overpowered, so physics breakingly agile, that obsoleted 90% of tracked lights at a stroke, yep nice going there WG.
Agree the "vheeled wehicles" is the single biggest mistake WG has ever made. Just completely changed the game meta in a single stroke.
As usual, I adapted. Frankly it now gives me great pleasure when I manage to kill one of the little cockroaches!
I've never been a speed freak so don't play them, but it must give light tank players fits. Lights seem completely obsolete to me now. Maybe I'm wrong.
What I'm also seeing in the pipeline is a complete nerf of HE rounds. As described the new HE mechanics will eliminate any reason to play the big HE Derp tanks, making them instantly useless. WG just continues to spent time and resources on stuff that doesn't need fixing and continues to ignore long-standing issues.
Have you considered coming over to my "Church of the Auto-Loader"?
My bitch with vheeled wehicles is that they bounce rounds from large-caliber guns-actually any gun. Their armor is so paltry they might bounce .50 cal rounds. I have had rounds from my Skorpion G bounce on a flank shot. That's unmitigated bullshit there. That Skorpion tears the shit out of heavys, mediums and most everything else, but bounces a thin-skinned armored car? Not buying it. Totally effed up the games.

And so much for the real physics models. No crew would survive un-injured some of the crashes I see, most of the suspensions would be broken on landing, etc. Basically they satirize the game.
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Agree the "vheeled wehicles" is the single biggest mistake WG has ever made. Just completely changed the game meta in a single stroke.
As usual, I adapted. Frankly it now gives me great pleasure when I manage to kill one of the little cockroaches!
I've never been a speed freak so don't play them, but it must give light tank players fits. Lights seem completely obsolete to me now. Maybe I'm wrong.
What I'm also seeing in the pipeline is a complete nerf of HE rounds. As described the new HE mechanics will eliminate any reason to play the big HE Derp tanks, making them instantly useless. WG just continues to spent time and resources on stuff that doesn't need fixing and continues to ignore long-standing issues.
Have you considered coming over to my "Church of the Auto-Loader"?
Like these...?


Oh, yeah baby! Oh, yeah! My two favorites.
But tiers 9 and 10 are so expensive to play in. Had a 2500+ and 2 kills placing me 4 or 5 in team standings in the T54E1 but got killed. Credits earned, 17340, repair cost 18600 not including replacing expended ammo ( no gold used).
True. I spend an indefensible about of money on this game so, for me, credits are not an issue.
Easily justified since health issue restrict my travel quite a bit so my entertainment budget allows for WoT purchases.
The Progetto 46 and the Lorraine 40t are both premiums though and so are much better then average credit earners, I would think. I haven't been paying attention to credits all that much as my focus is earning experience for research purposes.
The French Tier IX AMX 120 Auto Loader is a true monster! It's alpha is a little low at only 300, BUT it has a SIX round clip with a 2 second reload. I rarely manage a 4000+ point damage game. Last night, in this beastie, I had two. Back-to-back!! :love:
I just upgraded the gun to a Tier X. Only a 4-round clip, but 400 alpha although a 3.3 reload time. Haven't tried it yet so no opinion.
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They also have several skills not listed in the garage.
Yea! Holiday loot boxes!! Let's gamble!
Not a bit interested this year in the new premiums being offered (have most of 'em anyway) in the boxes. I bet my T-57 could crush that double-barreled Russian heavy. :cool:
However, it does seem to be a pretty fair source for a deal for gold & credits. I'll undoubtedly play a little bit because, well, it is fun isn't it? Need to keep WG solvent (FYI, WarGaming is the parent company for World of Tanks, among other).
One can spend a lot of money on WoT and in the end it is all only used to make playing the game easier and try to reduce the time/pain of grinding for tanks and upward mobility. Sure, you can pay a lot of in game credits for superior ammo that increases your chances to cause damage, but that's another topic.
What you still cannot do (and crew directives are not real experience) is buy "experience." That is what we all use to research tank modules and the next tank up the tech tree. That is only earned by game play and it puts all the players in the same boat. Although some players have faster boats (skill).
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Isn't that interesting? Well, not in the least if you don't play, but bear with me.
After a day of everyone buying loot boxes all of a sudden the battles are filled with multiple double barrel Obj 703-2's, Progettos and SU-130 PM's.
Last battle I played had 3 of each in both line ups. Hmm.
That completely, temporarily, changes the battle's gaming meta. Unfortunately, I've been rolling a LOT of Tier X games. :(
Think maybe I'll play my Tier IX Hvy Tank auto-loader, the Emil II. Gives me more armor and a bit better survival chance. Maybe. TBD.
Yes. This should do the job quite nicely.
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Isn't that interesting? Well, not in the least if you don't play, but bear with me.
After a day of everyone buying loot boxes all of a sudden the battles are filled with multiple double barrel Obj 703-2's, Progettos and SU-130 PM's.
Last battle I played had 3 of each in both line ups. Hmm.
That completely, temporarily, changes the battle's gaming meta. Unfortunately, I've been rolling a LOT of Tier X games. :(
Think maybe I'll play my Tier IX Hvy Tank auto-loader, the Emil II. Gives me more armor and a bit better survival chance. Maybe. TBD.
Yes. This should do the job quite nicely.
Are they giving away wheelies in the loot boxes? I took that “free” French AMR35 tier 3 out for a spin and there were 6 wheeled AM?178 (3 in a side) in a tier 3 match. I was like WTF? Someone pointed out it was going to be a miserable experience for the new players. Can’t stand the damn things at all. If they are going to hVe wheeled AFV’s they need to have Brit Daimler’s and the German and Russian wheeled AFV’s, and while we are at it HT’s that operated as TD’s.
I really don't understand WG's adding vheeled wehicles to the game. Well, of course I do. It's just a blatant money grab. Duh!
However, it was such a massive change in gaming meta it showed me how far WG was willing to go for the extra ruble.
Only time I've really been very disappointed in their game development.
On the good news front they've backed off on their plans to massively derp HE shells, at least temporarily.
That would have been my 2nd biggest disappointment.
I really don't understand WG's adding vheeled wehicles to the game. Well, of course I do. It's just a blatant money grab. Duh!
However, it was such a massive change in gaming meta it showed me how far WG was willing to go for the extra ruble.
Only time I've really been very disappointed in their game development.
On the good news front they've backed off on their plans to massively derp HE shells, at least temporarily.
That would have been my 2nd biggest disappointment.
Yeah the whole wheeled vehicle thing is so aggravating. I would be more accepting if there was more damage dealt to them when you hit them and no bounce. Just the kinetic energy transfer from a hit to a wheeled vehicle should always inflict damage and should never bounce, IMO.
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