I'm starting over.
I just went on the toughest (and longest) mission in a TB tactical war game I've ever experienced.
It was "Operation Last Gift" where I'm supposed to bring "Spark" back to the ship.
The game should never have let me go out on such a mission given I've just started the game, it was only the 6th mission!
I did remarkably well and thought I was going to get it done, as I reached the roof and started prepping for evac only to have one of the biggest bosses in the game (IIRC) show up. One of those huge Sec'toid thingies! Oh, yeah, and a never ending stream of armed robots just in case he wasn't enough. Ridiculous.
I did discover I was playing on veteran difficulty as I'd forgotten when setting the level how (apparently) crap I am.
Well, it's not like I don't have the time...
My two simple starter tips:

1/. Unless you have absolutely no choice, keep your Rookies in full cover at all times. No half cover, and absolutely never ever no cover.

2/. Only ever activate one enemy 'pod' (usually 3 aliens) at a time. No more. Failure to do this will result in a body count on your side.

3/. You first soldier move in a turn is your designated 'point' man. EVERY other soldier moves within this soldier's revealed sight range, and behind this soldier. This then feeds into point 2 above, to ensure you don't accidentally activate more than 1 pod (= death)....

Oh, that's three. Tough Titties!!! ;D

And some completely unsolicited XCOM infomercials....


I came this >< close to uninstalling the game after my previously reported "issues."
What a difference a day makes. There are (at least) two reasons.
1. Upon restart I recognized I was much better at it given my previous experience. Wasn't making noob mistakes and was able to set things into proper priorities.
2. Difficulty level reset to <easy> from <veteran>. Don't misunderstand. This level is not literally easy. It remains highly competitive. If you do well on one mission, start thinking you've got the game mastered and get overly aggressive and careless on the next one...you will die. The AI will not allow for mistakes.
So, as a result I am back in the groove and having a lot of fun with this again.
I really love the ability to customize practically everything to do with your soldiers appearance. Do you spend a lot of time trying to decide what kind of camo to apply to your weapons? :unsure: Until I get tired of it I have each class of soldier camo color coded for instant recognition on the battle map. . For instance my grenadiers are all red & black.
My single biggest complaint is the wonky camera. Trying to use it in an urban environment is frustrating.
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I came this >< close to uninstalling the game after my previously reported "issues."
What a difference a day makes. There are (at least) two reasons.
1. Upon restart I recognized I was much better at it given my previous experience. Wasn't making noob mistakes and was able to set things into proper priorities.
2. Difficulty level reset to <easy> from <veteran>. Don't misunderstand. This level is not literally easy. It remains highly competitive. If you do well on one mission, start thinking you've got the game mastered and get overly aggressive and careless on the one...you will die. The AI will not allow for mistakes.
So, as a result I am back in the groove and having a lot of fun with this again.
I really love the ability to customize practically everything to do with your soldiers appearance. Do you spend a lot of time trying to decide what kind of camo to apply to your weapons? :unsure: Until I get tired of it I have each class of soldier camo color coded for instant recognition on the battle map. . For instance my grenadiers are all red & black.
My single biggest complaint is the wonky camera. Trying to use it in an urban environment is frustrating.

Yep, I had my Support guys in white, Assault in red, Heavy Weapon guys in olive/tan, and the snipers in black.
I just ran into the Viper King at the end of my "Triangulation" mission.
Decided before I tried to kill him multiple times and got everyone hopelessly killed I'd go try to research how to do it.
I learned the #1 thing to do first is DO NOT TRY it at my current level.
Yes. Pretty sure that is very good advice. The mission will always be there when I am ready.
Now to try to find a pre-mission save.
Until you build a laboratory, you can't. And I believe the Laboratory is one of the least useful 'bang-for-your-buck' projects in the early-mid game.

I only built it late, and only because i'd run out of things to build at that point.

I can't recall exactly, but your number of scientists all incrementally increase your research speeds, and the Laboratory simply adds further bonus's for the number of assigned Scientists. Or something.
Until you build a laboratory, you can't. And I believe the Laboratory is one of the least useful 'bang-for-your-buck' projects in the early-mid game.

I only built it late, and only because i'd run out of things to build at that point.

I can't recall exactly, but your number of scientists all incrementally increase your research speeds, and the Laboratory simply adds further bonus's for the number of assigned Scientists. Or something.

I do not recall exactly either, but I immediately bought laboratories, because research speed is everything in this game. At least as I remember it.
Things are going well.
I think my experience with those two over powered UBG's (Ultimate Bad Guy) early on was a result of my loading up the DLC's I purchased with the vanilla game.
Anyway, most of you may recall I love mods. My problem with them has always been to get them installed and working properly. It is always problematic and frequently will just crash my game as most of the people that make them shouldn't be.
Imagine my surprise when I discovered the 100's of mods now available from https://www.nexusmods.com/xcom2 ! The best part is that they are soo easy to install. Just make a [mod] folder in the game directory and DL the mod to it. Unzip it and presto! That's all there is to it. There is a probl;em with many of them dating back to 2016-17 and no loger game compatible, but a little reading and you can figure that out.
I was surprised again to find out that the Steam Workshop https://steamcommunity.com/app/268500/workshop/ also has bunches and bunches. The ones from Steam don't even need to be DL'd and installed! Just click on them and Steam does all the grunt work. Not sure if you had to have purchased the game from Steam for that to work. Likely.
Then, once you've got the mods you want just load the game and they will all show up on your <Start> screen. Check the boxes for the ones you want to use and you're off and running. Nice.
I never get any that have any affect on game play ( well, I did get some superior bows for Skyrim once, but that was a loong time ago). I do enjoy ones that improve the AI or just make the game nicer to look at. There is bound to be something you like.
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