Don't touch the Long Was mod till you've done both base and the Chosen. It's LOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooonnggggggg, but excellent
Any of you remember playing the original X-Com, UFO defense from 1994? Amazing game. I spent many an hour playing it. Very hard. Of course, it's hopelessly dated now, unless you just want the nostalgia.

Hell yeah. I loved those waypoint missiles. Did you play the next one, where the fighting was underwater?
Any of you remember playing the original X-Com, UFO defense from 1994? Amazing game. I spent many an hour playing it. Very hard. Of course, it's hopelessly dated now, unless you just want the nostalgia.
I have it and I play it about once a year, dated or not, greatness is greatness...
Yeah, except for a slight aiming penalty Overwatch seems to work very well indeed!
The problem one runs into is the timed missions.
Can't just go half speed so as to have Overwatch capability available or you will be watching the Skyranger fly away without you.
That happened to me once when I ended up ONE MP short of evac. :eek:
Yeah, except for a slight aiming penalty Overwatch seems to work very well indeed!
The problem one runs into is the timed missions.
Can't just go half speed so as to have Overwatch capability available or you will be watching the Skyranger fly away without you.
That happened to me once when I ended up ONE MP short of evac. :eek:

Well we were talking about the original X-Com from 1994, but I bet you can find a mod that eliminates the timer for the timed missions in the current game. That was definitely my major beef with the game.
Think I've still got them all somewhere. I know I repurchased all the originals on Steam, but strangely never replayed them.... ;D
Any of you guys played the battle wherein the Advent takes down the Avenger? I had to go run out and destroy some item that was killing the ship's power. Then run back to the ship, board and take off. Sounds fairly straight forward, right?
One of the most intense run-and-gun tactical battles I've ever experienced. It doesn't take long for me to realize that there is no limit to Advent reinforcements. NO LIMIT! So, killing them is only useful to keep your guys from dying on the round trip. I was soo lucky because just before this fight I had managed to upgrade my organization to add another soldier to my squad, giving me six. Had I not managed to do that, "Game over man! Game over!"
As it was I only managed to get my last soldier on board (me as it turns out) on the last turn and only two soldiers with action points left to order the Advent to take off! Hard to get anymore desperate then that.
Surprisingly, my injuries were relatively low end with two soldiers incapacitated for 5 days and one for 7. No deaths (and only 1 scum save). That does not reflect how frantic that battle was as I killed 35 aliens and 10 were still left on the battlefield with more scheduled to arrive.
Just crazy.
That is one of the best battle scenarios in the game. I played a vip rescue where the vip is guarding a downed trooper. I went in with 5 troops by the time I got to the vip I had 1 man and the vip unencumbered the others were carrying wounded. So it was a run the hell away. By the end I had 1 dead, 2 being carried with only the vip not carrying a body or wounded trooper. Nerve racking even on easy since I play in iron man mode. 2 missions later I lost a whole squad....... but still love it.
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My first OMG moment in the original xcom I finally built up a large squad, disembarked from the skyranger spread out around the exit ramp when a new nasty alien lobbed a nasty grenade in the middle of my exit team and wiped all but one guy out!!!!! Emergency extraction followed
Any of you guys played the battle wherein the Advent takes down the Avenger? I had to go run out and destroy some item that was killing the ship's power. Then run back to the ship, board and take off. Sounds fairly straight forward, right?
One of the most intense run-and-gun tactical battles I've ever experienced. It doesn't take long for me to realize that there is no limit to Advent reinforcements. NO LIMIT! So, killing them is only useful to keep your guys from dying on the round trip. I was soo lucky because just before this fight I had managed to upgrade my organization to add another soldier to my squad, giving me six. Had I not managed to do that, "Game over man! Game over!"
As it was I only managed to get my last soldier on board (me as it turns out) on the last turn and only two soldiers with action points left to order the Advent to take off! Hard to get anymore desperate then that.
Surprisingly, my injuries were relatively low end with two soldiers incapacitated for 5 days and one for 7. No deaths (and only 1 scum save). That does not reflect how frantic that battle was as I killed 35 aliens and 10 were still left on the battlefield with more scheduled to arrive.
Just crazy.
Whoa, nice job.
I've reached a point where most of my troops are Captains to Colonels. What fun!
Unfortunately, I took the advice of a You Tuber about not worrying to much early on about the Advent's operation Avatar. "You can always deal with it later" they said. "You need to do other stuff" they said. Hmm. I apparently got used to not dealing with it as all of a sudden they had almost completed it! Along the way they had gotten some boosts to their troops while I ignored their progress.
I was soo negligent that I looked up and they were only ONE box away in their red line of boxes to completing the project. Given the amount of alarms, dire warnings and flashing red thingies I was receiving I'm pretty sure it would have been vehwee, vehwee bad had I allowed them to succeed. I just managed to reach one of their facilities on the global map in time and destroyed it. Another similar attack set the box-clock back by four. It's now just three away from completion again, but I have located another facility and am preparing to neutralize it. Frantic strategic times.
I now have a sufficient amount of scientists and engineers that a lot of progress is being made with their doing the things they do. My options as to what to build or research next are almost over whelming. In a good sort of way, of course.
Once I reduce the Avatar Project time table one more time Imma going looking for that S.O.B. that originally just completely destroyed me on the "Last Gift" mission. I figure adding the increased health of my troopers and their skills I am probably 5-6 times stronger than our first meeting. "How do you like me now Julian?"
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